
School Direct PGCE

Interview Day

Guidance for Candidates

2012 /2013

Please bring this booklet with you on the day

Mission Statement

"EdgeHillUniversity is a higher education institution seeking to provide an innovative, high quality and inclusive learning experience underpinned by a commitment to the advancement, dissemination and application of knowledge. EdgeHillUniversity is dedicated to developing individuals as skilled and autonomous learners in challenging and supportive environments."

Equal Opportunities

EdgeHillUniversity aims to provide an institutional environment which is welcoming; and which values and affirms the positive contributions of all its members.

EdgeHillUniversity seeks to identify and to eradicate any practices which promote racism, sexism or homophobia or which discriminate against people with disabilities, or from particular socio-economic backgrounds, or because of their age.

We ask everyone to be aware of their behaviour at all times so that we can continue to develop an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome”.

Learning Support Needs

Students with disabilities or specific learning difficulties, please refer to the relevant section in this guidance booklet.



1.1Introduction and Arrival

1.2What to bring with you

1.3The structure of the day

1.4Preparation for your Interview

1.5Applicants with Disabilities or Specific Learning Difficulties

1.6Selection Guidance

1.7Interview Outcomes




2.3Professional Placements


Appendix: Subject specialism information


1.1 IntroductionAnd Arrival

We are delighted that you have decided to apply through Schools Direct to Edge Hill University for a place on our Secondary PGCE programme. This document contains general information about the programme. Its purpose is to give you an outline of the interview process that you will experience.. We hope that these materials will enable you to prepare thoroughly and to present yourself well at your interview.

Your interview has three main purposes:

  1. to enable you to present yourself well in a supportive and open, but challenging context
  1. to establish whether you have the knowledge, skills, experience and aptitude necessary to cope with the professional and academic demands of an intensive course, to achieve recommendation for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and to become a teacher with outstanding potential
  1. to inform you about the programme so that if you are offered a place, you can make appropriate decisions and plans.

School Based Interview Settings

It is likely that part or the whole of your interview could take place within one of our partnership settings. In this instance you will be informed of the venue and arrangements for arrival, usually through admissions. Please see accompanying information from each school.

1.2What To Bring With You On The Day

Photo Identification

You will be required to bring photographic identification to your interview. Please note: Any candidate not able to show photographic identification on their interview day will not be able to proceed to interview. Forms of accepted ID include a passport or photo-card driving licence.


Please bring with you original and photocopies of certificates, if already achieved:

  1. your degree, or degree equivalent qualification to include a transcript of modules achieved;
  2. GCSE English Language and Mathematics at grade C or above, or equivalent qualifications
  3. Confirmation that you have passed the national Professional Skills Tests in numeracy and literacy if already attained. Please see page15 for further information regarding the tests
  4. any portfolios, samples of work and other materials that can demonstrate your suitability for the programme

Staff will check your copied certificates against your originals and sign them as a true copy to be kept on your file. You will be able to take your original certificates home with you on the day. Please note, we will not have photocopying facilities available on the day, so it is important that you bring copies as well as your original certificates.

Please note:

  • If you have changed your name since the certificates were issued, please advise us of this when you hand in your photocopies and provide a copy of your marriage certificate or change of name deed
  • If you do not bring photocopies of your certificates on the day and the decision of the panel is to offer you a place, we will withhold the offer until we have verification of your original certificates

For applicants who do not have the GCSE’s Grade C or above (or equivalent) in English Language and Mathematics and you are not currently studying towards these, Edge Hill University offers appropriate equivalency tests. If you require further details, please ensure you ask about these tests at your interview or the Equivalency Test team. Full details are available on ourwebsite.

Please bring with you a pen. If you use any normal aid to help you write correctly, such as a dictionary or spell-checker, please bring this with you.

You may wish to bring additional supporting evidence with you. Some subjects require additional evidence (such as a portfolio) and such requirements are outlined in the individual subject sections.

1.3The Structure Of The Day

Your invitation will indicatethelocation and time for your arrival. It is important that you make every effort to meet this requirement.

All subjects follow a similar format but you need to be aware that the process can differ according to the number of applicants attending and the time of year. Please check your letter carefully for any alterations/amendments..

Your interview experience will vary depending upon your chosen subject specialism. However outlined below are activities which are typical of our rigorous interview process. You will receive an outline of the day in your School Direct invitation to interview.

Typical Interview Activities:

  • Identification check and submission ofyour photocopies of qualifications
  • Welcome and outline of the School Direct PGCE Programme
  • An outline of the subject course
  • Completion of a short piece of writing, details of which can be found in the Appendix. In addition to this, there will be a reading task. This may be a passage from a newspaper or a journal article. It will complement the written task and will focus on an educational matter pertinent to your chosen curriculum area.
  • In line with new government requirements you may be required to sit an online psychometric aptitude test.
  • Many subject areas ask candidates to give a short presentation. As appropriate, candidates may also be asked to be involved in a practical activity (for example, in Physical Education and Music).


1.4Preparation For Your Interview

Before the interview, it is essential that you:

  • have read this booklet and made a note of the items that you need to bring with you to the interview and any questions that you want to ask
  • have read the appendix containing details relating to your subject specialism
  • have thought about, and can explain, why you want to teach children and young adults from the secondary age range, and in particular why you wish to teach your particular subject(s)
  • have spent time observing in one or more schools (for subjects such as PE, this is an essential requirement – you should look at the subject specific guidance contained in the Appendix)
  • have read educational publications to familiarise yourself with current educational issues. The Times Educational Supplement is published on a Friday. Other useful publications are the Education supplements in the Guardian (Tuesday), and the Independent (Thursday). The BBC Education Website: is a useful online publication
  • have visited appropriate websites – DfE, Training and Development Agency for Schools, Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency, National Curriculum and examination boards to further supplement general preparatory reading and research

It is very important that you notify the School and Admissions Office at EdgeHillUniversity/and the school you have applied to, if you willnot be attending the interview.

If you wish to ask for a different date, it is important that you contact Admissions or the designated contact at the Partnership School as soon as you receive an invitation to attend an interview (telephone 01695 650952 or 01695 657671)

The interview has been structured in such a way as to enable you to demonstrate your commitment to becoming a teacher and your enthusiasm for your subject and education more generally. You need to be able to show that you are able to engage in discussion, contributing both as a speaker and as a listener. You are also given opportunities to demonstrate the contribution that you, personally, could make to the School Direct PGCE programme and, ultimately to the education of children and young adults.

1.5Students With Disabilities Or Learning Difficulties

Applicants with disabilities or learning difficulties should note that the decision to offer a place on a course of Initial Teacher Training is made only on the selection criteria outlined in this booklet. However, you should note the following:

  • If you normally have additional time for examinations or tests, or large font type, or any other specific arrangements, please inform the Admissions Office by completing the online form. Please provide a copy of your LA ‘statement’ or a letter from your school, college or employer to confirm that additional time for tests is a requirement. If you require a BSL interpreter, it is important that you tell us about this and that you allow at least 5 working days for us to locate one for you. Unfortunately, there is a very limited supply of suitably qualified BSL interpreters and, therefore, the demand for these is high.
  • Given the need for all trainee teachers to communicate clearly in spoken and written Standard English and to have excellent presentational skills, you should ensure that you have fully explored for yourself any issues in relation to teaching arising from your disability or learning difficulty, and have thought through any coping strategies and/or adjustments which will need to be made in the workplace to assist you. Please note that discussions about adaptations to the workplace would normally take place after an offer has been made to assist us in placing you in a school/setting, but you should begin your thinking about this as soon as possible.
  • If you would like any confidential advice or information on EdgeHillUniversity’s student support services for students with disabilities or learning difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact the following staff:
  • Please contact the individual School Direct school for further advice:

Inclusion Team / Telephone: 01695 584190
01695 584746

1.6Selection Guidance

Throughout your interview panel members make judgements against the following selection criteria:

  1. Intellectual ability and personal and presentational qualities

Prepared for interview

  1. Subject knowledge and curriculum relevance
  1. Educational and professional awareness

Previous experience of working with children and young people

Commitment to Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and a future career in teaching

  1. Knowledge and understanding of professional role of a teacher
  1. Use of written and spoken English

The purpose of the interview is to judge see whether you:

  • possess the intellectual and academic qualities needed to meet the required QTS standards
  • possess the appropriate qualities, attitudes and values expected of a teacher
  • can read effectively and are able to communicate clearly and accurately in standard English

Therefore, you can expect that the interview will cover all of the following areas:-

Intellectual ability and personal and presentational qualities

You will be given the opportunity to demonstrate that you have an enthusiasm for teaching and would be likely to adopt a positive approach to your work.

Particular qualities we will be looking for include:

  • confidence
  • clear speech
  • positive demeanour
  • the capacity to be an effective member of a team
  • good communication skills
  • enthusiasm
  • ability to get on with people
  • a genuine liking for and understanding of children
  • the ability to manage your own learning
  • the ability to be an independent and autonomous learner

Subject knowledge and curriculum relevance

You will be expected to demonstrate to the interview panel that you have a good understanding of the knowledge, concepts and skills of your curriculum area and that you have the capacity to articulate your understanding of the same. The panel will expect you to demonstrate an enthusiasm and interest for your subject(s) and, if possible, experience and understanding of how your subject is taught in the Secondary classroom.

Educational and professional awareness

The interview panel will expect you to demonstrate their awareness of current educational issues. These might include, for example, the National Curriculum, the National Strategies, the place of your subject within the curriculum, the nature of your subject at 11-16 (14-19 for Business Education, Applied Art and Design) the testing of pupil attainment, changes to the post-sixteen curriculum and educational inclusion.You will have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of relevant experience of working with Secondary age children, if appropriate (all subjects would encourage you to spend time in a secondary school before your interview and it is an essential requirement for some subjects – for example, Physical Education).

The panel will expect you to be able to describe and analyse the range of experience gained in relation to working with children and young people. If you have planned further experiences in schools, you must ensure that that the interviewers are aware of this.

Knowledge and understanding of professional role of a teacher

You will be expected to have well thought out ideas on why you wish to enter teaching and, in addition, to show an awareness of the work of the contemporary Secondary school. You should look at the subject specific guidance carefully and, if you have any questions, you should contact the relevant Course Leader before your interview. Indicating that one of the attractions of teaching is the long summer holidays will definitely not impress the interview panel.

Use of written and spoken English

The ability to communicate clearly and grammatically in spoken and written Standard English will be explored throughout the interview process and the reading / written tasks completed on the day.

1.7Interview Outcomes

You will not be informed of the outcome of your interview. You will be informed of the decision by the Admissions Office as soon as the University and School Direct Partnership are in a position to commit to an offer of a place. Please note decisions will not be given over the telephone – you will be advised in writing only.

If You Are Successful

Edge Hill University, along with all providers of Initial Teacher Training, are not permitted to make any formal offers to applicants until we receive formal notification of our student number allocations from the Teaching Agency. We will commence interviewing applicants before the allocations are received, therefore you may find that you will have to wait a number of weeks or months to receive a decision.

If your interview is successful and you are made an offer, you will be notified in writing. If you have any queries regarding your offer conditions, you must contact the Admissions Officer immediately and certainly within 14 days of the date on the offer letter.

If You Are Unsuccessful

If you are unsuccessful, we will send you interview feedback with an indication of the selection criteria that most influenced the decision of the interview panel together with any other relevant comments and guidance. Admissions tutors and the School Direct Partnership cannot offer you further feedback on your interview. You are welcome to reapply next academic year. If you choose to do so, you should reflect upon the feedback provided in order to help you plan what to do so that you can improve your application.

Professional Skills Tests

As you have applied for an Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programme which starts after 1st July 2013, you will be required to have passed national Professional Skills Tests in numeracy and literacy as part of the admissions process.

Passing the tests will be a condition of entry and we will expect applicants who are successful in obtaining an offer of a place to have passed the tests by 30th June 2013 at the latest. Applicants who have passed their tests prior to attending an interview should bring confirmation of the pass to the interview.

Please note the tests do not replace the GCSE grade C equivalence entry requirement.

For more information on Professional Skills Tests, visit our website or the Department for Education website.


2.1 Introduction

The Secondary School Direct PGCE Secondary programme is an innovative, challenging and inspiring and has been specifically designed to provide you, as a trainee teacher, with opportunities to develop your knowledge, understanding and skills as a secondary teacher within your chosen curriculum area(s) as well as a professional within the whole school community. Successful completion of your course will lead to the award of a PGCE and a recommendation for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

EdgeHillUniversity enjoys a national reputation as one of the largest quality providers of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) in Englandand has been at the forefront of Teacher Education for more than 100 years. Indeed the Faculty is the largest provider of Secondary ITT in the country

As well as the high expectations Edge Hill has of you, there are also national standards and requirements for ITT which can be downloaded from the DfEwebsite:


You will demonstrate your achievement of these standards in a variety of ways:

  1. Through the Edge Hill based programme which is organised as follows:
  1. Reflective Professional Practice:This strand has two elements. The first focuses on teachers’ legal responsibilities, statutory requirements and on cross-curricular issues – particularly professional conduct and relationships with children, parents and other agencies. The second element addresses a range of generic education issues such as equal opportunities, special educational needs (SEN), secondary curriculum issues and the vocational curriculum. You will have further opportunities to consider these issues within your curriculum area as well as during your time on school placements, in order that you can develop your understanding of these important issues which exist within, and impact upon, the profession and the education system today
  1. Subject Study Application: This strand will be based on the elements of the national standards concerned with subject specialist teaching in secondary schools. These include: planning; teaching and learning; classroom management; inclusion; monitoring; assessment and target setting
  1. Professional practices are designed to provide you with a range of

experiences across the age range for which you are training. It is in your School Direct placements that you will be supported, guided and assessed by mentors, teachers and by EdgeHillUniversity tutors.