Criteria to Earn $1,000 Scholarship
➢Be active in extracurricular activities
➢Have academic promise, plans on attending college
➢Complete the scholarship application
Facts and Information about Mental Health
●Approximately 1 in 5 adults experience some type mental illness within a given year.
●About 1 in 5 youth in the age range of 13-18 years of age experience some type of mental illness in their lifetime.
●Approximately 16 million adults each year experience at least one major depressive episode.
●Suicide is 10th leading cause of death in America and over 44,000 Americans die each year due to suicide.
●Mental illness is a disease just like heart disease or cancer, an individual is unable to it make go away no matter how much they want it to.
○Ex: A person with major depression who feels worthless no matter how many loving people they have around them, can not just make this thought go away as people may tell them to do.
■The individual can get through this feeling with the help of medication, counseling, coping skills and other ways that help them fight through this feeling.
●Getting help does not make an individual weak as society makes it seem.
○Asking for help is a very important step and one of the most important steps for someone who is in a “dark place.”
○As an individual close to someone going through a hard time; it is important to show them they aren’t alone and it is okay to get help.
●Mental Health affects multiple people and may affect you indirectly.
○Ex: Your best friend sitting next to you may be going through a very difficult time without your knowledge.
■As individuals we have to be aware of the signs and patterns that we may notice about those close to us who may be in a dark place.
●Find a trusted adult if you feel you or someone else needs help!
○It is okay to ask for help!
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Please Include:Short Essay Questions with Scholarship Form!!!
Short Essay Questions
Directions: Please pick two of the three following questions, and in at least one paragraph per question, answer it to the best of your ability. Your responses should be typed on a separate document and should specify which question you are answering.
- What are some things you feel we could improve as a society to help spread awareness about mental health to friends, families, communities and the country as a whole?
- What does mental health mean to you as an individual?
- What would you do personally to help someone that you notice is struggling at that moment in their life, whether they are someone close in your life or simply an acquaintance?
Application Form
High School:
College Attending:
Three Pieces of Information Showing Academic Promise:
List of Extracurricular Activities: (Use additional paper if necessary)
●Volunteer Work:
●School Organizations:
●Other Activities:
**Include Responses to Short Essay Questions on Separate Page!!