May 3, 2016
The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners was held on Tuesday, May 3, 2016, at 12:00 p.m. in the BB&T Board Room in Walker Hall on the SCSDB campus, Spartanburg, South Carolina. Chairman Dobson called the meeting to order and stated that proper notification of the meeting had been made according to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act. He welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked the members of the board, SCSDB staff, and guests in attendance to introduce themselves.
MEMBERS PRESENTRobert A. Dobson III, Chairman
Phyllis H. Alexander
Edward B. Bible
W. Scott Brawley, Vice Chairman
Cynthia A. Downs
David J. Gundling
Cynthia S. Holland
Robert H. Morrow
John Payne, Ex-officio
Tara P. Carroll, Ex-officio
Dr. Page McCraw, President
Ann Akerman
Monique Callaham
Linda Coon
Scott Falcone
Darlene Gathers
Mary Hayes
Sara Kollock
John Reynolds
Katie Rice
Ben Riddle
Trad Robinson
Phyllis Petty
Julie Bible
Kristin Barber
Hailey Gundling
Following Chairman Dobson’s request for comments regarding the minutes of the February 24, 2016 Board Meeting (see attachment #1 to the May 3, 2016 agenda), Mr. Brawley made a recommendation that the wording of the last sentence under the Fiscal Update heading on Page 2 be amended to read, “Mr. Riddle agreed to provide this information in future packets.” Additionally, Mrs. Barber recommended that on Page 2 under the 2016 Hearts and Hands heading that “the” be changed to “three” in the 2nd sentence. A motion was made by Mr. Brawley, seconded by Mr. Gundling and unanimously passed that the minutes of the February 24, 2016 Board Meeting be approved as submitted with the recommended edits.
Mr. Riddle reviewed the financial information that had been mailed to the Board prior to the meeting (see attachment #2 to the May 3, 2016 agenda). He elaborated specifically on the Statement of Net Assets, Statement of Revenue and Expenses, and Medicaid and Outreach Reports, as well as answered multiple questions from the Board. Mr. Riddle assured the Board that the finance team and Dr. McCraw were working to create new fiscal documents that would better explain to the Board the current financial outlook of the agency each quarter.
PROPOSED BUDGET for 2016-2017
Mr. Riddle presented the proposed budget for the 2016-2017 year to the Board (see attachment #3 to the May 3, 2016 agenda). He shared that the total anticipated revenue was roughly $32.5 million that included state, federal and Education Improvement Act funds. He explained that the budget documents included the estimated departmental breakdowns which totaled nearly $32.5 million which are dependent upon funding availability and the authority to spend as afforded by the South Carolina Legislature. He explained this included the anticipated cost of living increase for employees as well as the step increases for teacher salaries. He elaborated on other budget priorities that included an increase in athletic expenses for chartered trips and the expansion of Outreach Services. Mr. Riddle reminded the Board that SCSDB would only be able to implement the aforementioned program expansions to those particular areas if the funding authority becomes available.
In Mr. Ramsey’s absence, Dr. McCraw updated the Board on the status of the 2016-2017 State Budget requests. Additionally, Dr. McCraw presented the President’s Report to the Board. Dr. McCraw spoke about the House Legislative Oversight Committee and the Senate Legislative Oversight Committee and how each process is continuing to unfold. She also informed the Board of SCSDB’s recognition as a Palmetto Gold School and status received from the South Carolina Department of Education for AdvancEd Accreditation.
Dr. McCraw presented the proposed 2015-2022 Strategic Plan (see attachment #4 to the May 3, 2016 agenda). She reminded the Board that this long range plan for the agency will serve as a framework for continuous improvement, be used for State Agency Accountability, and AdvancED Accreditation. Dr. McCraw explained in detail that the three main areas of focus would be the Profile of the High School Graduate, SCSDB’s Business Continuity Plan, and the SCSDB Division of Outreach Services. Mr. Brawley requested that an acronym list be provided to the Board, and Mr. Payne offered to share one that was created by the South Carolina Department of Education. A motion was made by Mr. Brawley, seconded by Ms. Holland and unanimously passed to approve the 2015-2022 Strategic Plan, as submitted.
Ms. Kollock reviewed the proposed changes to the 2016-2017 Student Code of Conduct (see attachment #5 to the May 3, 2016 agenda) with the board. Mr. Gundling asked that the term “Administration” be used in any place that an individual or a list of individual titles were shown to manage violations. He referenced the 1st sentence of the 1st paragraph on page 11 of the SCSDB Code of Conduct. Mr. Brawley asked that acronyms be spelled out when displayed for the first time in a document. Additionally, Dr. Downs referenced a paragraph on page 11 and 12, and requested this either be italicized or non-italicized for consistency purposes. Mr. Gundling asked Ms. Kollock if the student had the right to appeal, and she assured him that a thorough investigation is conducted after an incident and parents/guardians are given a letter with the right to appeal. Ms. Kollock lastly told the Board that the Student Code of Conduct is included in the Handbook that is made accessible to students and parents at the opening of school. A motion was made by Mr. Gundling, seconded by Mr. Brawley and unanimously passed to approve the proposed 2015-2016 Student Code of Conduct as requested with the addition of the recommended edits.
The following proposed revised SCSDB policies (see attachment #6, (a) to the May 3, 2016 agenda) were reviewed with the Board by President McCraw in Mr. Ramsey’s absence:
Section G Personnel
A motion was made by Dr. Downs, seconded by Mr. Morrow and unanimously passed that the above policies as a whole be accepted as amended with the proposed revisions.
Mr. Gundling asked Dr. McCraw if any of policy recommendations for amendments were a result of Title IX and more specifically the recent ruling from court case, Grimm vs. Gloucester County School Board. The President assured Mr. Gundling that appropriate amendments would be made if necessary to Section G depending upon future legislation, as well as advice given by the South Carolina Office of Human Resources regarding this issue.
The following proposed revised SCSDB policy (see attachment #6, (b) to the May 3, 2016 agenda) were reviewed with the Board by Dr. McCraw:
JLF Student Welfare Policy
A motion was made by Mr. Brawley, seconded by Mrs. Holland and unanimously passed that the above policy be accepted as amended with the proposed revisions.
Dr. Downs took the opportunity to praise Dr. McCraw and her staff for undertaking the revisions of the Board Policy Manual. She stated that the project includes a massive amount of tedious work, and she commended the commitment to this work.
Ms. Akerman updated the Board on the fundraising events that occurred over the past couple of months and a few upcoming events that will take place during the summer. These events included a Spartanburg Ballet event that the students participated in to benefit The Walker Foundation, the Hornet Hoops Basketball invitational held at Wofford College benefitting the SCSDB Athletics Department, the Fluor Corporation Annual Golf Charity Event to be held in mid-May, and the opportunity for The Walker Foundation to be awarded $300,000 at the Great Charity Challenge that will take place in Tryon in July. Additionally, Ms. Akerman updated the Board on her mission to continue to find projects that maximize the impact for students at the school. It is her hope that by next year all three schools at SCSDB will have new playgrounds. Funds have been secured for a playground at Cedar Springs Academy, and the National Lion’s Club will be starting a fundraiser to work towards securing funds for the School for the Blind playground. Ms. Akerman also informed the Board that The Walker Foundation will present three scholarships at SCSDB Graduation this year, and the Ruth Millard Scholarship Award will be given at SCSDB Awards Day. Lastly, Ms. Akerman updated the Board on recent staff changes that had occurred within her office. Mr. Brawley and Chairman Dobson commended Ms. Akerman for her tenacity and continued endeavors that spread across the state of South Carolina to benefit the children of SCSDB.
Dr. McCraw informed the Board of a recommendation from the Naming Committee for two playgrounds on the School campus (see attachment #7 to the May 3, 2016 agenda). She reminded the Board that the recommendations were decided upon after a request sent by The Walker Foundation to name a playground at Cedar Springs Academy and one at the School for the Blind. Dr. McCraw explained that The Cedar Springs Academy playground will incorporate both the Flour Corporation and the Family of Dorothy and Charles Love in the naming. The School for the Blind playground will be named after the South Carolina Lions Club. Mr. Brawley made a motion to amend the naming committee’s recommendation to include that a piece of equipment at the Cedar Springs Academy playground be named after the twin grandchildren of the Love family, if requested. The Board voted unanimously to approve the submitted recommendation with the approved amendment.
Sara Kollock presented the 2016-2017 School Calendar (see attachment #8 to the May 3, 2016 agenda) to the Board of Commissioners. After reviewing the calendar, a motion was made by Mr. Gundling, seconded by Mr. Bible and unanimously passed to approve the proposed calendar as presented.
Ms. Kollock presented the school textbooks that are recommended for adoption the 2016-2017 School Year (see attachment #9 to the May 3, 2016 agenda).
*Social Studies, Grades: K, 1, 2, 4, 5
Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Scott Foresman
Pearson myWorld Social Studies
Pearson myWorld Social Studies, Grade 1, Making Our Way
Pearson myWorld Social Studies, Grade 2, We Are Connected
Pearson myWorld Social Studies, Grade 4, Building Our Country
Pearson myWorld Social Studies, Grade 5, The Growth of Our Country
*South Carolina Social Studies Grade 3
Gibbs Smith, Inc.
The South Carolina Story, Grade 3
Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall
Magruder's American Government
Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall
Biology (Miller Levine)
National Geographic Learning, Inc. publishing as Cengage Learning
Microsoft® Office 2013: Illustrated, First Course 07-09
Microsoft® Office 2013: Introductory 09-12
*Science, Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Scott Foresman
Pearson South Carolina Interactive Science, K
Pearson South Carolina Interactive Science, Grade 1
Pearson South Carolina Interactive Science, Grade 2
Pearson South Carolina Interactive Science, Grade 3
Pearson South Carolina Interactive Science, Grade 4
Pearson South Carolina Interactive Science, Grade 5
A motion was made by Mr. Morrow, seconded by Ms. Holland and unanimously passed to approve the request as submitted.
Ms. Rice reminded the Board that the Master Calendar that includes all special events is posted on the SCSDB website. She called attention to several upcoming events that may be of particular interest to the Board, including SCSDB Awards Day on May 6th, SCSDB Fine Arts Masterpiece Performance on May 17th, SCSDB Graduation to be held on May 26th, and SCSDB Summer Camp that will take place June 19th-25th.
Future meetings of the Board were scheduled as follows:
· September 13, 2016…………….SCSDB Campus
· December 6, 2016………………SCSDB Campus
· February 21, 2017………………Columbia
· May 2, 2017…………………….SCSDB Campus
A motion was made by Mr. Gundling, seconded by Mr. Brawley and unanimously passed to move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing student related matters.
A motion was made by Mr. Gundling, seconded by Mr. Brawley, and unanimously passed to move out of Executive Session.
Chairman Dobson stated that no action was necessary following the Executive Session.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert A. Dobson, III, Chairman
Phyllis H. Alexander, Secretary
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