Dayci Chivukula

WestWindsor-PlainsboroRegionalSchool District




TOA Title: Mi casa es mi castillo

Theme: What Makes My House A Home

Level: Intermediate-Low

TOA Overview:

You love Latin American music and you are fascinated by the lifestyles of the rich and famous. You follow news about your favorite performers online as well as on television. When you find an article about Ricky Martin’s house written in Spanish, you read it carefully for details about his daily life. You discuss the article with one of your Spanish-speaking friends comparing your lifestyle with Ricky Martin’s. In the next email to your epal who lives in Puerto Rico, you tell him/her about the article and describe how you will live when you are rich famous. You talk about the home you will have, the amenities you want (pool, tennis courts, sauna, etc.), and the great parties you will host.


Dayci Chivukula

WestWindsor-PlainsboroRegionalSchool District


Task Title: Mi casa es mi castillo

Theme: What Makes My House A Home

Level: Intermediate-Low Focus Age Group: 11-14

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures

Communicative Mode:Interpretive

Time Frame: 40 minutes

Description of Task:

While browsing through you find information about Ricky Martin homes. After reading the information in Spanish, you decide to check your comprehension by answering some questions. You are considering showing your work to one of your Spanish-speaking friends to make sure you understood everything!

Teacher Notes: As a pre-reading activity you may ask the students to imagine the life style of a famous entertainer. You might ask questions to spur interest. What does he/she do for fun? Where does he/she like to entertain? What kind of house he/she might


You may search for articles at:

Buscar: casas de famosos

Interpretive Task Comprehension

Mi casa es mi castillo

While browsing through you find information about Ricky Martin. After reading the information in Spanish, you decide to check your comprehension by answering some questions. You are considering showing your work to one of your Spanish-speaking friends to make sure you understood everything!

  1. What is this article about?


  1. After reading the article once, you write down some facts. However, after a second reading you realize that only some of them are true. Circle the ones that are true according to the article and on the space provided rewrite the false ones with the correct information.
  1. Only Ricky Martin is going to live in the house.


  1. People may see the gardens, the swimming pool and the tennis court from the balcony on the second floor.
  1. There is a fountain in the middle of the entrance.
  1. The house has 10 bathrooms.


  1. One may view the city and the sea from the dining room.


  1. You are so impressed that you want to describe some places in the house to your friend who only knows English.

The home office ______

The dining rooms ______

  1. Since you did not understand a few words, you guessed the meaning by the context.

1. conduce ______

2. paredes______

3. trasera ______

4. diseñado______

5. detalles______

Intermediate-Low Interpretive Rubric

Mi casa es mi castillo

Can I identify the main idea?
(Main Idea) / I identify the main ideas presented in text. / I identify the main ideas of the text. / I do not identify the main ideas of the text.
Can I understand supporting details?
(Comprehension) / I understand most supporting details of the text. / I understand some supporting details. / I understand few supporting details.
Can I infer meaning?
(Interpretation) / I infer the meaning of most cognates and word families.
I derive the meaning of a few new words from context.
I infer the author’s intent.
My answers demonstrate some cultural awareness. / I infer the meaning of some cognates and word families.
I do not derive the meaning of new words from context.
My answers demonstrate little cultural awareness. / I infer the meaning of few cognates and word families.
I do not derive the meaning of new words from context.
My answers do not demonstrate cultural awareness.

Task Title: Mi casa es mi castillo

Theme: What Makes My House A Home

Level: Intermediate-Low Focus Age Group: 11-14

National Standards Goals:Communication Comparison

Communicative Mode: Interpersonal

Time Frame: 40 minutes

Description of Task:

You discuss the article with one of your Spanish-speaking friends comparing your lifestyle with Ricky Martin’s. The two of you talk about your homes, the activities you enjoy, and the way you spend your free time.

Teachers Notes: You may want to adapt this assessment by posting on the board pictures of different houses, rooms, furniture and furnishings. You may suggest to students who need more visual clues that they should imagine that one of them is his/her house.

Intermediate-Low Interpersonal Rubric

Mi casa es mi castillo

How well do I communicate?
(Text Type) / I create with the language by using strings of sentences. / I create with language by using simple sentences and some strings of sentences. / I use simple sentences, isolated words, and memorized phrases.
How well am I understood?
(Comprehensibility) / I am generally understood. My accuracy helps me get my point across. / I am generally understood. There are some errors, but they do not distort my messages. / I am understood with occasional difficulty.
What kind of
vocabulary do I
(Language Use & Vocabulary) / I use many words and expressions from different topics in the appropriate context most of the time.
I provide some supporting details from my own life and from the article. / I use a combination of words from different topics. Occasionally I may use the wrong word or expression. / I use basic and repetitive vocabulary and I may resort to English when I am unable to make myself understood.
How well do I keep the conversation going?
(Communication Strategies) / I ask and answer questions to maintain the conversation and to clarify.
At times, I paraphrase to make myself understood. / I maintain a simple conversation by asking some questions and answering questions. / I respond to basic, direct questions and ask simple questions.

Task Title: Mi casa es mi castillo

Theme: What Makes My House A Home.

Level: Intermediate-Low Focus Age Group: 11-14

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures Connections Comparisons

Communicative Mode: Presentational

Time Frame: Two 40 minute periods

Description of Task:

In an email to your epal who lives in Puerto Rico, you tell him/her about the article on Ricky Martin and describe how you will live when you are rich famous. You talk about the home you will have, the amenities you want (pool, tennis courts, sauna, etc.), and the great parties you will host.


Dayci Chivukula

WestWindsor-PlainsboroRegionalSchool District


Intermediate-Low Presentational Rubric

Mi casa es mi castillo

How well do I communicate?
(Text Type & Language Control) / I create with language using strings of sentences. / I create with language using simple sentences. I use some strings of sentences. / I use mostly simple sentences and memorized phrases with some attempts to create personal meaning.
How well am I understood?
(Comprehensibility) / I am easily understood I express ideas clearly. / I am generally understood. I express most ideas clearly. /

My audience occasionally has trouble understanding me. I do not always express my ideas clearly.

What kind of vocabulary do I use?
(Language Use & Vocabulary) / I use a wide variety of vocabulary on several aspects of the topic with very little repetition. / I use some variety of vocabulary on a few aspects of the topic with some repetition. /

I use basic and/or repetitive vocabulary

most of the time.

How accurate is my language?
() / I am very accurate when speaking in simple sentences. My accuracy may decrease when I use more complex language. / I am generally accurate when producing simple sentences. I may be less accurate when adding details. / I am mostly accurate with memorized language. My accuracy may decrease a lot when trying to create with the language.
How well do I capture and maintain the attention of reader?
(Impact) / I make good choices of phrases, images and content to maintain the attention of the reader. / I make some good choices of phrases, images and content to maintain the attention of the reader. / I use some phrases, but my vocabulary conveys very basic information.
How organized is my email letter?
(Communication Strategies) / I organize my thoughts in a logical manner. I write with fluency. / I organize my thoughts in a logical manner. / I focus mostly on the completion of the task; I do not pay much attention to organization and flow of your presentation.