Tregolls School,
Chellew Road, Truro, Cornwall,
England TR1 1LH
Thursday 8th September 2016
Truro Class Autumn Term Letter
Welcome to Truro class. It has been wonderful to meet the children. They have already settled in and we are really looking forward to an exciting year ahead.
Our big question this term is “Could you survive on chocolate?” Pupils will be learning about the history of chocolate; finding out about the Aztecs and the Mayans; studying how cacao is grown and made into chocolate; fairtrade; making stretchy chocolate; designing and making chocolate and much much more! Project learning will be closely linked with English and Maths where possible.
Science: Children will learn about healthy eating (linking to project learning) food groups, muscles and the skeleton
RE: We will be learning about Judaism, customs and beliefs.
Music: Pupils will learn about composition and building beat.
PE: This term Truro class will be learning dance linked to our project “Chocolate” as well as football skills. Please provide your child with a named PE kit to keep in school. PE will be on Thursdays.
MFL This term pupils will be learning about days of the week, names of food and greetings in French.
Homelearning We believe that enjoyable, organised home learning helps children acquire the skills and self-motivation that helps them to become life-long, independent learners. This learning is directly linked to class work. We hope that pupils will be happy to share, discuss and complete homelearning activities with parents and carers. In English, maths and project work, the suggested time for homelearning is 20 minutes (or more for extended projects) as well as reading for at least 15 mins per day. Multiplication this term is x 3 (please practice at home when you can) Homelearning will be given out on Thursdays to be handed in on Mondays. For home-reading, we will endeavour to check that diaries are signed so that children can work towards reading rewards.
Open door policy
At Tregolls we operate an open door policy. We would like to hear about any issues or concerns you may have with your child’s education as soon as possible. So please do not hesitate to talk to me or to another member of the team. If we cannot speak to you for any reason on the day, we will phone you in the evening.
Our ultimate aim in Truro Class is for your child to enjoy coming to school and to learn as much as possible while they are here.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Heather Hatch and the Year 3 team.
Telephone: 01872 274020 •
Email: •
Headteacher - Mr Matt Middlemore • Companies House No. 8180623