BCM at VT Spring Break 2016Missions Application
This form and CBC forms* (see bottom of pg. 2) are due are Feb. 2 for #3 - #7.
Please prayerfully look over these andanswer the questions below and on the 2nd page
- London (team full)
- Florida Beach Reach (team full)
- Journey 2015 (Senior High Weekend) March 11-13. Work mostly with leading recreation or small groups, and connecting with youth and youth ministers from around the state at Eagle Eyrie. (No cost, so no deposit needed. See Darrell with ?s)
- Louisiana. March 5-12. Cost is $200 plus meals in transit ($100 deposit). Serve the BCM and the campus of Nicholls State in Thibodaux, LA, where Suzie’s bro-in-law is Conan is Director! Projects to improve décor of their BCM center and outreach to the campus. Led by Adam White () and Rachel Cook ().
- Southwest Virginia. March 5-12. Cost is $110($50 deposit) plus meals in transit. This team will be continuing the work started bypast teams, doing home repair, building ramps, and working withlow income people. Based out of Nickelsville and Wise. Led by Tori Wood ().
- Atlanta, Georgia. March 4-12. Cost is $200($100 deposit) plus meals in transit. This team will be serving the people of Atlanta working with a variety of inner-city ministries, building on the work of our 2011- 2015 teams. Team is led by Catherine Christian () and Savannah Nichols ().
- Richmond, Virginia. March 6-12. Cost is $120 ($50 deposit) plus meals in transit. This team will be serving with Church Hill Activities and Tutoring, building on the work of our past Atlanta teams. Team is led byKrista Winston ()
Name ______Phone ______Email ______
Name of one of your parents (for our trip insurance paperwork) ______
Your Birthdate ______
Please describe how you came to know Christ and when.
Please tell how your relationship to Christ has grown and changed since becoming a Christian with emphasis on what has happened since you have come to college.
Which trip(s) is/are you most interested in?
Please tell any experience or background you have in mission involvement.
Please tell what your involvement in BCM has been.
Please tell what you would like to gain & offer by going and serving on this team.
What are you parents feelings about your going and do you have their approval?
Signature ______Date ______
Please list a church involvement reference (pastor, Sunday school teacher, etc.) Can be either home church or church in Blacksburg.
Name of Church & Name of Reference______
Phone ______email ______
*With this application submit CBC (Criminal Background Check) forms which are available on our website or from Suzie Schmitt (). If you have gone through this process for a team this year or past two school years, your already processed CBC will suffice.