Kenai Peninsula Hockey Association

Board Meeting Agenda


I. Call To Order: 6:05PM

II. Roll Call

Clint HagelJulie TreeChris Kline January Yeager

Harry CotlerPaul TurinskyJoe Appelhans Ronette Stanton

Ted BartonCharlee PowellMike MortonJames Milburn

Geoff Beauparlant Kelly Modla

Quorum Established:YesNo

III. Approval of Minutes- 1st Harry, James 22nd AIF, Minutes Approved

IV. Approval of Agenda- Table

V. Member Presentations/Comments (3 minute limit per member)

Robert Begich, Marty Medcoff, Shanna Theiler, Toad Vann, Heidi Vann, Rosario Hughes

Robert Begich handed out a statement concerning his sons spinal injury from the 2015 Peewee tryout. His son incurred 2 spinal compression fractures and is in a back brace. Stated the code of conduct for peewees prohibits body checking.

KPHA Safesports committee is following up with an investigation.

VI. Officer Reports (no new reports)

President (Clint Hatgel)-

1st Vice President (Ted Barton)-

2nd Vice President (Harry Cotler)-

Secretary (Julie Tree)-

Treasurer (Charlee Powell)-

Registrar (Ronette Stanton)-

VII. Regular Report

Competition Team-(Doc Barton)

State Board Rep- (Doc Barton)

House Team- (Mike Morton)

Equipment Manager- (Paul Turinsky)

Coaching Director- (Chris Kline)

Enrollment Committee-

Rink Advisory- (James MIlburn)

Skills Development- (Geoff Beauparlant)

ADM Committee- (Geoff Beauparlant)

Lucky Puck Committee- (Clint Hagel)

Tournament Committee/Sponsorships-( Harry Cotler)

Safe Sports/Public Relations- (Joe Appelhans)

Web Administrator- (Ronette)

Volunteer Coordinator

VIII. Special Reports

IX. Unfinished Business

X. New Business

  1. Appeal for the reconsideration for Squirt B move Ups For Sawyer Vann and Boone Theiler
  2. Shanna Theiler stated she spoke with many people on this situation, she stated she felt the rules had changed, and was upset they were asked to leave during the previous board meeting.
  3. Toad Vann Feels the board has failed 8 year old kids and there is no reason not to move these kids up and is also upset the board asked them to leave during the last meeting.
  4. Heidi Vann stated the ADM doesn’t fit everyone

The board discussed the situation. James re-read the move up policy, believing it says the players just have to be competitive with the top 5 of the team. They were allowed to try out.

There was discussion that the board failed to support the coach.

James made a motion to Grant to allow the mites to move to squirts, Harry 2nd, James, Harry, Kelly, Charlee were in favor, Rhonette and January voted no, Julie Tree abstained . Motion Passed

  1. Girls U16 Move ups to for a team.

U14 Girls are needed to move up to form this team. Charlee made a motion to move all players up, Julie 2nd the motion, AIF motion passed

  1. Midget teams traveling out of state,
  2. The U16 Coed team asked to Richmond BC for a tournament and the U16G requested permission to attend a tourney in Hartford CT, Charlee made a motion to let both teams go to their desired tournaments, Julie 2nd the motion, AIF motion passed
  3. Bantam team traveling out of state and requesting to do a fundraiser for this.
  4. Marty Medcoff requested permission to attend a tourney in Boston MA, Rhonette made a motion to allow the team to travel to Boston, Chris 2nd the motion.
  5. Marty requested permission to do a steak feed dinner/ auction fundraiser to help offset cost of their trip. Chris made a motion to allow the fundraising,James 2nd the motion, AIF motion passed
  6. Midget U18 team Discussion.
  7. Corey Hanson addressed the board representing a possible U18 Team. there were 8 Players attending the meeting. He discussed that if they got enough players together and they were all committed they had a coach that would commit. They were reminded that if this team formed but failed to complete the season they would hurt the next 2 seasons U18 team as they would not be allowed in the following season's state tournaments as per ASHA’s guidelines.
  8. They were all asked if they were of birth year ‘97 ‘98 at which they all said they were.
  9. Clint made a motion to approve the team on conditions they had a coach and enough players to form a team, Julie 2nd the motion. AIF Motion Passed
  10. Towards the end of the meeting it was realized one of the players was not of the proper age group. And in the following week it was realized there wasn’t enough commitment and therefore the coach would not go on with this. Therefore the team was unable to form.
  11. Safe Sports Rep. Discussion to pass on to Joe a follow up of Begich's injury and to proceed with an investigation with his committee
  12. Skate Swap Discussion/Volunteers

Sept 19th, 10am-2pm Flyers were passed out at schools.

XI. Board Member Comments

XII. Setting of Next Board Meeting Time and Place

Next meeting 9/8/15