Martha R. Treadwell, late of the town of Stamford, in the County of Delaware, died on the 23rd day of December 1901, leaving a last Will and Testament, dated the 27th day of March 1901.

In the Name of God, Amen. I, Martha Reiff Treadwell, of the Village of Stamford, New York, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make, publish and declare this instrument to be my last will and testament, hereby revoking any and all other and former wills which may at any time have heretofore been made by me.

First. I direct my executor herein after named, to pay my just debts and funeral expenses out of any funds which may be at the time of my death in the National Bank of Stamford, New York, the Nassau National Bank of Brooklyn, New York, the Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn, New York, or out of any moneys due me on my Equitable Life Insurance Company annuity policies, and all of said funds remaining as a surplus after my just debts and funeral expenses are paid. I give and bequeath to my nephew, Roland Coffin Treadwell of Plainfield, New Jersey, or to his next of kin, absolutely and forever.

Second. I give and bequeath to Miss Frances Maynard, of Stamford, New York, all of my fancy work, silks and embroideries, and all materials and articles of that nature, to be used by her according to her judgment for the use and benefit of Grace Chapel in Stamford.

Third. I give and bequeath all my furniture, silver-ware, pictures, books and papers, jewelry, wearing apparel and all personal effects of the same general nature and wheresoever located or situated, to my aforesaid nephew, Roland Coffin Treadwell.

Fourth. I give and bequeath to my said nephew, Roland Coffin Treadwell, and to his heirs and next of kin forever, one-half of that portion of my estate which is now invested in the stock of the American Sugar Refining Company.

Fifth. I give and bequeath to S. E. Churchill, of Stamford, one-fourth of that portion of my estate which is now invested in the stock of the American Sugar Refining Company, upon the trust to expend the same or at his discretion to invest the same and expend the interest thereof for the sole use, benefit and behalf of the Stamford Seminary and Union Free School, in such manner and for such purposes as he deems best for the interest of said school. And in the event that said principal sum or any portion thereof remain un-expended at the time of the decease of said S. E. Churchill, I give and bequeath the same to the Trustees of the said Stamford Seminary and Union Free School, and their successors in office, for the use and benefit of said school. Provided nevertheless, that no part of said gift and bequest shall ever be employed or used in connection with the game of foot-ball in said school.

Sixth. I give and bequeath to the Trustees of the Diocese of Albany and their successors in office, for the use and benefit of the mission church, Grace Chapel, of Stamford, New York, the remaining one-fourth of that portion of my estate which is now invested in the stock of the American Sugar Refining Company. And it is my wish and desire, that said Trustees consult and act upon the advice of Mr. James McLean of New York City as long as he shall live, as to the investment and use of said gift for the benefit of said Grace Chapel.

Seventh. In case either or both of the gifts and bequests mentioned in the fifth and sixth clauses of this will for the use and benefit of Stamford Seminary and Union Free School, and the use and benefit of Grace Chapel respectively, shall for any cause fail to take effect in law, I give and bequeath the one or both portion or portions of my estate so given and bequeathed as aforesaid, to my said nephew, Roland Coffin Treadwell and to his heirs and next of kin forever.

Eighth. All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, whatsoever, and wheresoever situate, I give, devise and bequeath to my said nephew, Roland Coffin Treadwell, and to his heirs and next of kin forever.

Ninth. I nominate, constitute and appoint Dr. Francis Hustace of 413 Madison Avenue, New York City the sole executor of this, my last will and testament.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this 27th day of March, nineteen hundred and one.

Martha Reiff Treadwell