WestchesterElementary School (WES)


Westchester . . . School of the Stars!

School Year: 2012– 2013

Welcome to the Wonderful Community of

WestchesterElementary School (WES)!

DearWestchesterElementary School Families:

Elementary school is our children’s introduction to the world outside their homes and parent involvement is a cornerstone of our children’s success. As you refer to this handbook, over time imagine how you can be involved in what’s happening at Westchester Elementary School (WES).Students, staff, parents, and community members are active in making WES a great place to learn and teach. It is important that we work together as a team. This handbook provides useful information about many activities at the school. This handbook will help you take advantage of all opportunities WES provides while making an easy transition into our wonderful school.Information provided in this handbook will also help ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff. Parents are asked to read this handbook and keep it in an easily accessible place for reference.

Westchester encourages all parents to be involved in their child’s education. To get involved, go to and click on VolunteerOpportunities. Please contact us with questions, suggestions, and corrections.

Have a wonderful year!

Peggy DeCrispino


WestchesterElementary School


Position / Name / E-mail Address
Principal / Peggy DeCrispino /
Assistant Principal / Missy Thompson /
Administrative Secretary / Terry Liptrap /
Clerical Secretary / Jeri Baldwin /
Cafeteria Manager / Lisa Costa /
Custodial Manager / Deborah Long /
Nurse / Heather Denhard /
Counselor / Stephanie Walsh /

School Phone Number:410-887-1088

School Hours: Begins 9:00 a.m.

Dismissal 3:45 p.m.

Supervision for students begins at 9:00 a.m.Please do not drop your children off at school before this time unless they are scheduled for a school supervised activity (as the doors will be locked).

Morning Drop-Off Procedures – Car Riders

Pull into the parking lot and circle around to the right to the drop-off point, which is next to the school trailer. Please follow the one way arrows on the parking lot at all times. Do not drive to the front of the school building, as this area is closed to any and all car traffic to allow the buses to drop-off students. Please drive slowly and proceed with caution, as this is a very busy time. Please do not allow your children to get out of your car prior to your car reaching the front of the line, as this poses a danger to your child. Walkers and car riders enter through the gym doors located behind the front trailer classroom. If you have business inside the school, please park in a designated spot in the parking lot or along Old Frederick Road (please obey parking signs). Please note that during arrival parents may not accompany their child into the school via the gym doors. Parents must enter the school through the front entrance and stop in the office to sign in as a visitor or volunteer.

Morning Drop-Off Procedures – Walkers

If you are parking on Old Frederick Road, please use the sidewalks and crosswalks when walking your child to the school building rather than coming across the path and over the hill. Using the route over the hill in the front of the building causes a dangerous situation as you are then walking behind the buses. The staff supervising the lot cannot see around the buses to know someone is there as they give buses the OK to exit. There have also been some difficulties with traffic at dismissal. We ask that you please follow the traffic pattern and park only where designated. Please also be courteous to our neighbors and avoid blocking their driveways. The police monitor and will ticket. We thank you for putting safety first!

Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures

Notes from home are required for all departures from the normal routine (i.e. early pick-ups, permission to be picked-up by others, etc.). For normal 3:45 p.m. pick-up, please follow the same guidelines for the morning drop-off procedures for car riders and walkers.

Please do not ask either teachers or the front office to accommodate a change in routine in order to accommodate a play date.Please DONOT call the school or send in a request for your child to ride a different bus to accommodate play dates/childcare.Request for your child to ride a different bus MUST be received 48 hours ahead of time. Several buses are at capacity and cannot accommodate additional students not scheduled to ride the bus. Please be prepared with alternate plans, if the bus you are requesting your child ride is at capacity and unable to accommodate your request. A response to your request will be provided, if you have not received a response please contact the front office to check the status of your request.

Inclement Weather Procedures

During inclement weather and schools are delayed by 1 or 2 hours there is no childcare (Open Door) or supervision available for students at school. Children should not to be dropped off at school prior to 9:55 AM when delayed by 1 hour or 10:55 AM when delayed by 2 hours. On these days, the school cannot open the doors for the students until 10 AM on 1 hour delays and 11 AM on 2 hour delays. Please make appropriate arrangements for your children on these days. In circumstances where children are dropped off prior to these times, it places the school in the unfortunate position of having to contact the proper authorities.

Parking in the Bus Boarding Area/Front of School

There is no parking allowed in the front area of the school. This space is blocked off after the busses have dropped off all students as an extra space for recess. If you have business or are volunteering at school during the day there is parking in the side lot or on Frederick road.

Bus Dismissal

Bus dismissal is a busy time at Westchester as close to 600 students are being dismissed. We encourage parents to use the parent car loop and not pick up students in the lobby. If students must be met in the lobby, please keep the center of the lobby clear so that students may move through this area.

General Dismissal Procedures

  1. Students shall be released according to the written instructions provided by the custodial parent/guardian.
  2. Instructions shall be requested at the time the student registers/enrolls for the school year and shall include:
  1. Students regular mode of transportation at the end of the day.
  2. A list of persons, in addition to the custodial parent/guardian, who are authorized to pick up the child.
  1. Any deviation from the authorized release process must be approved by the principal/designee prior to the student departing school in another manner.
  2. It shall be the responsibility of the custodial parent/guardian to notify the school in writing if release instructions are to be revised. If written instructions are not provided to the school the student shall only be released to ride home on the assigned bus or with the custodial parent/guardian.
  3. If the student is to be picked up early, the parent/guardian or designee shall report to the front office and sign for the students release.
  4. Each school is required to maintain a daily entry/exit log of students singing in late or signing out early. An adult is REQUIRED to sign a child arriving late (on or after 9:15 AM) into school. Also, the school shall require proof of identification from an adult (visual id by an employer, drivers license, picture id, etc.) to assure that they are authorized to pick up the student.

Exceptions: A student may be released to a person with lawful authority to take custody of the student, e.g., a police officer with a warrant. In such cases, the student’s parent/guardian shall be notified at the earliest opportunity. In addition, the Board authorizes emergency release of students for illness or other bona fide reasons, as determined by the Principal.


Westchester Elementary School (WES) opens at 9:00 a.m.Morning announcements will begin at 9:15 a.m.Students will be considered late at or after 9:15 a.m.Buses will begin unloading students at 9:00 a.m. and students will proceed into the front door of WES to their homeroom classes. Walkers and car riders will enter through the gym doors, located behind the front trailer classroom. Parents, please arrange your schedule to have your child arrive on time in order for them to take full advantage of his/her learning experience.

Also, for safety and inclement weather reasons, please do not drop your child off prior to 9:00 a.m.There is no staff available to supervise students prior to 9:00 a.m.Students are expected to arrive at school on time. Students who are late to school (at orafter 9:15 a.m.) are to report to the office for a late pass before going to class. We require parents/gaurdians to provide a written note for any/all late arrivals.


If your child is going to be absent, it is not necessary to call the school. However, immediately upon your child’s return to school we require (it is the parent’s responsibility to provide) a written note with the following information:

  • The date note is written
  • The date(s) of the absence(s)
  • The reason for the absence(s)
  • Name of the child

Students with a fever should not be sent to school until they have been fever-free for 24-hours. Students who develop a fever during the school day will be sent home.

If your child misses 20% of class time within a grading period they could be subject to a failing grade in the class or classes they have missed.

Official Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Attendance Rules

A student is counted present for a full day if the student is in attendance four hours or more of the school day. A student is counted present for ½ day if in attendance for at least 2 hours of the school day, but less than four hours. If a student is present less than 2 hours they will be recorded absent.

Baltimore County Public Schools Homework Guidelines

Grades 1-3 / An average of 30 minutes per day for all subjects combined 3-4 times per week. No weekends or holidays.
Grades 4-5 / An average of 60 minutes per day for all subjects combined 4-5 times per week. No homework assigned over holidays. Possible long-term assignments.

Absence Homework Policy

During the course of every year we have families who take vacations when school is in session. Frequently parents ask teachers to gather all the work students will miss during their absence so they can complete it while on vacation. This places a burden on teachers, as they have to find time in their already busy schedules to prepare and duplicate materials. County policy considers absences due to vacations as “illegal” absences, and students are not to receive credit for work missed. Therefore, teachers are not required to provide work for students absent due to vacation.

Make-up Work for Prolonged Excused Absences

In the case of prolonged absence such as for illness, it is recommended make-up assignments be requested by the parent. Arrangements can be made by contracting the school office or by emailing the student’s teacher. Teachers will need adequate time to gather materials and information for these assignments. Assignments will be available for pick up in the office at the end of a school day. Students will have the same number of days they were absent to make up the work (e.g. 5 days absent, 5 days). If make-up work is not completed in the time given the student will not receive credit for the work.

Requests to LeaveSchool Early

A written request to have a student excused from class early should be sent with your child to school. The time and reason for leaving must be included. We encourage parents to make medical and dental appointments outside school hours whenever possible.

A student will be released only to the parent or legal guardian unless the school has been notified in writing that permission is granted for someone else to pick-up their child. The parent, guardian, or authorized person must come to the office and present identification when signing out a student.

For your child’s protection, the school will not take phone messages that change your child’s afternoon routine. If you need your child to change his/her regular routine, a request must be made to the office in writing. The school will reasonably accommodate necessary changes due to family emergency or medical appointments.

Change of Dismissal Plans

All change of dismissal plans require a written note (email and fax are fine) from the parent/guardian. The school cannot accept phone requests and no requests can be accepted after 3:00 p.m. for change in dismissal arrangements for the same day. Additionally, students cannot ride a bus other than their assigned bus without 48 hours written approval by an administrator. Each bus has a maximum capacity and additional students cannot be transported if a bus is at capacity. Please do not make plans for your child to go to a friend’s house, if it requires them to be transported by a bus they typically do not ride. Students without 48 hours prior school administrative approval to ride a bus they do not typically ride will be sent home following their normal routine.

Also, please keep in mind that when a middle school student volunteers at WES after school, they are NOT allowed to ride the bus home. Arrangements for their transportation home must be made prior to them volunteering at WES.

Withdrawl From School

If it is necessary to withdraw a child before the end of the school year, please inform the school several days in advance. It is necessary for the office and the teacher to prepare written information and records [in preparation] for the transfer of student data from one school to another. The school will need the following 3 pieces of information:

  • Your new address
  • The name and address of the new school
  • Your signed consent for release of records

School Records

At the beginning of the school year parents will fill out a Student Emergency Information Sheet. This information will be used to update your child(ren)s data in the school’s electronic enrollment program.It is extremely important that the office be informed when/if any of this information changes.

The information on this sheet is used to contact parents, for example when a child becomes ill or is injured; therefore the importance of up-to-date information is imperative.

If you have legal custody of your child, please make sure you have provided the school with copies of all appropriate documents. [an appointment early in the year to see the administration or guidance counselor to discuss this matter.] Custody papers and other related legal documents are required to be on file at school. It is suggested that you make a note regarding your custody status on your child’s emergency sheet.

Reporting Student Progress

Good communication between parents/guardians and teachers is very important to the educational process. There are four reporting periods during the school year. Additionally, interim reports are sent out the middle of each quarter.

First graders will only receive report cards during the second, third, and fourth reporting periods. Conferences will be held with the first grade parents during the first reporting period. Kindergarten parents may review the Kindergarten Section for information regarding Kindergarten Progress Reports and Conferences. Please see the Conferences Section for more information regarding Parent-Teacher Conferences.

Audience Behavior for Assemblies/Performances

Students are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior during all school assemblies and evening performances. Proper audience behavior includes sitting quietly and responding appropriately to the performance.

During evening performances, siblings must remain with parents at all times. Parents should accompany children who need to use the bathroom or to go out in the hallways. Should a child become disruptive, parents are asked to take the child from the performance immediately. Cell phones and all other electronic devices should be silenced. Following these guidelines will ensure the safety of all children and the enjoyment of the performance for all those attending.

Back-to-School Night

This is usually held during the third week in September. This event is for the parents only; childcare is not provided. Parents have the opportunity to meet the administration, tour the school, visit your child’s classroom, and meet your child’s teacher(s). Parents will also have the opportunity to sign-up to help with any of the PTA committees and activities.

Behavior Handbook

All students will receive a copy of the Student Behavior Handbook during the first weeks of school. A classroom teacher will show their class the BCPS Office of Student Support Services Student Handbook presentation which discusses the content of the handbook. The handbook is then to be taken home by the child and shared with a parent/guardian. Once you have reviewed this manual with your child it is required that you and your child sign and date the last page of the handbook and return it to his/her teacher. These will then be collected by the administration and kept on file throughout the year.