Theregular January Board of Education of Boone County School District 06-0075 a.k.a Riverside Public Schools was convened in open and public session on Wednesday, January 10, 2018, at 7:01 p.m. in the Riverside Public School staff workroom, Spalding, NE.
The meeting was duly called to order and the President announced that a current copy of the Open Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication and/or posting in accordance with the Board approved method for giving notice of meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. The Secretary of the Board maintains a list of the news media requesting notification of meetings and advance notification to the listed media of the time and place of the meeting and the subjects to be discussed at this meeting was provided. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the publicized notice and a current copy of the Agenda was maintained as stated in the publicized notice. All proceedings of the Board of Education, except as may be hereinafter noted, were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
- The President announced the Open Meetings Act was posted on the west wall in the meeting room.
- The Board retained the current Board officers for 2018.
- President Swerczek made the following committee appointments:
- Building/Grounds/Transportation. McPhillips, Molt, Slevin, and Swerczek with Penne as alternate.
- Finance/Budget. Kennedy, Molt, Slevin, and Swerczek with McPhillips as alternate.
- Negotiations/Personnel. Penne, Rankin, Schalk, and Swerczek.
- Curriculum/Technology. Kennedy, Penne, Molt, and Rankin.
- Safety/Wellness. Kennedy, McPhillips, Slevin, and Schalk.
- Sports Cooperative. Glesinger, Kennedy, McPhillips, Molt, Penne, Rankin, Schalk, Slevin, and Swerczek, committee of the whole.
- Americanism. Glesinger, McPhillips, and Rankin.
- The roll was called and the following Board members were present or absent:
Present: Glesinger,Kennedy, McPhillips Molt, Penne, Rankin, Schalk,Slevin, and Swerczek
- The Agenda was approved by the Board.
- The Boardapprovedthe minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Education of Riverside Public School held on December 13, 2017, as provided.
- The Board approved the financial reports, receipts, expenditures and payment of bills and payroll as submitted by the administration to the Board.
- The Board approved proposed 2018-19 Superintendent contract for Stephanie Kaczor.
- The Board reviewed Board Policy 2006 regarding complaint procedure.
- The Board revised Board Policy 2009 regarding public participation at meetings.
- The Board reviewed Board Policy 2011 regarding membership in organizations.
- The Board revised Board Policy 2012 regarding board code of ethics.
- The Board reviewed Board Policy 2013 regarding violation of board ethics.
- The Board revised Board Policy 2014 regarding relationship with school attorney.
- The Board deleted Board Policy 2015 regarding executive (closed) sessions.
- Items discussed at the meeting wereConference basketball tournament, FFA District Leadership Skills Events, end of first semester, teacher in-service and workshops, music and band events, college visits, winter DIBELS testing done with improvement at both sites, honor rolls for second quarter and first semester, Spalding Blood drive is January 31st with the eighth grade helping and all families donating to the meal, Boone county spelling bee is January 31st, math teachers attending math conference on January 24th, classroom happenings, People of Past donations, safety visit, NRCSA legislative forum February 20, NRCSA conference March 22-23, master calendar 2018-19, School Board Recognition Week January 22-28, and Board retreat February 12.
- Announcements from the Board:
- The Board retreat will be Monday, February 12, 2018 at 4:30 PM at the Cedar site with the regular February meeting 7:00 PM.
- Congratulations to Riverside Basketball teams at the Holiday Tournament
- Congratulations to second Quarter and First Semester Honor Roll Students
- Congratulations to the Outstanding Students: Nicholas Berger, Colton Bernt, Michael Bernt, Lilly Molt, and Myles Moseman
The meeting adjourned at7:33o’clock p.m. on Wednesday, January 10, 2018.