Language Arts
Day 1- 1 hour 15 minutes
Daily Language Practice Days 1 and 2 using transparency 2-5
Building Background and Vocabulary- Read the teacher read-aloud TM p. 155A-B
Introduce skill and strategy using think aloud; Read pp. 156-157 of anthology to introduce vocabulary. Complete a semantic map using vocabulary words. Complete vocabulary transparency 2-1.
Focus Skill- Sequence of Events
Strategy- Predict/Infer
Reading of Anthology Story: Title- Tomas and the Library Lady
1. Read Aloud- Strategy Focus: Predict/Infer
Read aloud pages301-305. Periodically stop to demonstrate using the Predict/Infer strategies as a think aloud. Demonstrate how to fill in strategy organizer sheet. (Whole group)
2. Shared reading- Read anthology pages 306-309 aloud. Periodically have students think-pair-share by summarizing and using the strategy to fill in the graphic organizer sheet.
Complete skill organizer on P.B. page 112. Discuss how to sequence events.
(Whole group for reading the story and discussion and heterogeneous pairs for completing the graphic organizer)
Phonics/ Spelling- 15 minutes
Administer a pretest using the 20 spelling words on the day 5 plan TM p. 181F. Send home the list on practice book p. 285
Introduce contractions using reading notes. Generate a list of contractions on the board. Work on P.B. p. 116
Grammar- 15 minutes
Transparency 2-5; TM p. 181I
Introduce proper nouns using reading notes. Practice using the transparency. Play proper or common?
Independent Reading- (if time allows)
Independent reading of instructional level text- journal response
Day 2- 1 hour
Daily Language Practice Days 3 and 4 using transparency 2-5
Review Comprehension Skill/Strategy- Review the vocabulary. Complete P.B. p. 111 Review the skill and strategy using transparency 2-2, practice book p. 112, and TM p. 181A.
Flex groups- Complete reading the Anthology story TM p. 172 to 175
Student led groups- students at instructional level or above
Divide students into trio groups. One student reads, another summarizes, and the last uses the strategy to fill in organizer handout. Once the group finishes, students should return to their seats to silently read the poems that follow the anthology story.
Teacher led groups- students at frustration level
Bring students to the reading table. Read the story aloud to students. At the end of each page or two page section, have students turn to a partner. One student summarizes what happened and the other uses the strategy to fill in the graphic organizer.
Whole group discussion- All students discuss the story with the teacher.
Discussion focus- Think about the Selection Questions
Skill focus (application)- Complete Sequencing p. 112
Phonics/Vocabulary/ Spelling (20 minutes
Skill- (whole group) Review antonyms using transparency 2-3.
Play the antonym game. Divide students into 2 teams. Each team has a white board and marker. Hold up an antonym card. The first student in each team’s line must write down the antonym. The first to successfully find the antonym wins a point. The team with the most points wins.
Grammar- 20 minutes
TM p. 323I
Review proper nouns versus common nouns using the common/proper cards used in yesterday’s lesson. Identify some proper nouns in Tomas and the Library Lady. Complete practice book p. 121.
Independent Reading- (if time allows)
Independent reading of instructional level text with journal response.
Day 3-
30 minutes
Daily Language Practice Days 5 and 6 using transparency 2-5
Comprehension/ Vocabulary Skills- (whole group)- In small groups, ask students to identify sequence words in a passage. (Quickly review antonyms, contractions, and proper nouns before assigning work.)
Small Group Instruction- Leveled Readers- 60 minutes
Core Skill Focus- Sequencing
Book Title: The Math BeeProcedure:
Introduce the vocabulary. Review the predict/infer strategy on the inside cover. Discuss Sequencing. Read one-third of the story. Listen to students whisper read to assess needs. Students should write one example of how they monitored and clarified in the story. Summarize the story.
Needs Based Focus- Practice fluency using echo reading. / Book Title: A Storm at Sea
Procedure: Introduce the vocabulary. Review the predict/infer strategy on the inside cover. Discuss Sequencing. Read one-third of the story. Listen to students whisper read to assess needs. Students should write one example of how they monitored and clarified in the story. Summarize the story.
Needs Based Focus- Practice fluency using partner reading. / Book Title: A Storm at Sea
Procedure: Introduce the vocabulary Review the predict/infer strategy on the inside cover. Discuss Sequencing. Read one-third of the story. Listen to students whisper read to assess needs. Students should write one example of how they monitored and clarified in the story. Summarize the story.
Needs Based Focus- Find examples of proper nouns in the story.
Independent Work- Journal entry based on Tomas and the Library Lady; Spelling P.B. p.117; Synonyms P.B. p. 120; Verbs P.B. p. 121; Test Practice Packet, Computer- Antonym game
Grammar- 15 minutes
TM p. 181 J
Play the Proper Noun Game as directed on Day 3 in the manual.
Fluency- 15 minutes
Practice poem for Day 5 performance.
Day 4
20 minutes
Daily Language Practice Numbers 7 and 8 using transparency 2-5
Comprehension/ Vocabulary Skills- (whole group)- Review the skill and strategy; Review compound verbs, synonyms, and action verbs using slates and markers.
Small Group Instruction- Leveled Readers- 50 minutes
Core Skill Focus- Sequencing
Book Title: Math BeeProcedure: Review vocabulary. Review the strategy, predict/infer. Discuss Sequencing. Read pp. 8 to 13. Listen to students whisper read to assess needs. Summarize the story. Discuss what was strange about the woman in the story. Fill in the graphic organizer.
Needs Based Focus- Practice fluency by echo reading. / Book Title: A Storm at Sea
Procedure: Review vocabulary. Review the strategy, predict/infer. Discuss Sequencing. Read pp. 8 to 13. Listen to students whisper read to assess needs. Summarize the story. Discuss what was unusual about the story. Fill in the graphic organizer.
Needs Based Focus- Practice fluency by partner reading. / Book Title: A Storm at Sea
Procedure: Review vocabulary. Review the strategy, predict/infer. Discuss Sequencing. Read pp. 8 to 13. Listen to students whisper read to assess needs. Summarize the story. Discuss what was unusual about the story. Fill in the graphic organizer.
Needs Based Focus- Predict how the story will end.
Independent Work- Sequencing on P.B. pp. 114-115; Spelling P.B. p.118; Page 1-3 Test Practice Packet; Verbs P.B. p.222 (Go over answers)
Grammar- 10 minutes
TM p.181J- Use transparency 2-7 to explain that good writers use capital letters properly. Practice proofreading for capitalization.
Fluency- 15 minutes: Practice Reader’s Theater Play
Day 5
15 minutes
Daily Language Practice Days 9 and 10 using transparency 2-5
Comprehension/ Vocabulary Skills- (whole group)- Review the following skills: noting details, monitor/clarify strategy, synonyms, compound words, and action verbs.
Small Group Meetings- Leveled Readers- 45 minutes
Core Skill Focus- Noting Details
Book Title: One Day in MayRead the end of the story. Listen to students whisper read to assess needs. Discuss sequencing.
Needs Based Focus- Summarize, fluency / Book Title: Floating on Air
Procedure: Read the end of the story. Listen to students whisper read to assess needs. Discuss sequencing.
Needs Based Focus- Summarize / Book Title: Floating on Air
Procedure:. Read the end of the story. Listen to students whisper read to assess needs. Discuss sequencing.
Needs Based Focus- Summarize
Independent Work- P.B. p. 219; Verbs P.B. p. 223
Testing Procedures for Weekly/ Integrated Theme Test and Spelling Test.
1 hour
Administer Weekly Skills Test.
Administer Spelling Test.
Building Fluency- 20 minutes
After allowing students time to practice, have groups perform their play.
When I predict, I guess about what will happen next in the story. When I infer, I try to figure out what the author didn’t say directly. I make a guess about what an action or statement means or how someone feels.
Page 161- What do you predict will happen when Tomás and his family reach Iowa? ______
Page 163- Infer: Do you think Tomás has an easy life? Why or why not? ______
Page 165- Predict: What will Tomás do next? ______
Page 167- Infer: How do you think Tomás feels being in the huge library? How do you know? ______
Page 169- Predict what will happen in the second half of the story. ______
Page 171- Infer: How do you think Tomás feels about being able to read stories to his grandfather? Why? ______
Page 173- Infer: How do you think the library lady feels about Tomás returning to Texas? Why? ______
Page 175- Predict: What will happen during the next summer? ______
Choose the words that correctly stand for the underlined part of each sentence. Circle the best answer.
1. Mom says we shouldn’t forget to wear our coats.
A. should not B. would not
C. should have D. should
2. My brother and I won’t wear coats unless it’s freezing.
A. would not B. will not
C. would like D. do not
3. He’d like to wear shorts until December.
A. he did B. he should
C. he must D. he would
4. My dad says it’s time to dress warmly.
A. it was B. it must
C. it is D. it has
5. We’d like to pretend summer is still here.
A. we did B. we would
C. we should D. we had
Vocabulary: Antonyms
Choose the word that means the opposite or nearly the opposite of the underlined word in the sentence. Circle the best answer.
1. We live in a small neighborhood.
A. strange B. large
C. together D. same
2. Our neighbors are very strange.
A. boring B. weird
C. normal D. unusual
3. They seem to vanish into thin air seconds after I finish talking to them.
A. appear B. disappear
C. depart D. come back
4. I usually cannot figure out where they are hiding.
A. sometimes B. always
C. rarely D. often
5. I am eager about finding out where they end up after disappearing.
A. excited C. happy
B. bored D. sad
Grammar: Proper Nouns
Choose the sentence in which the underlined noun is written correctly. Circle the best answer.
1. A. My friend Vince is moving to africa.
B. He visited his uncle Joe who lives there.
C. Vince visited the pyramids in egypt.
D. Tomorrow Vince will leave from the philadelphia airport.
2. A. We go to school in the school district of riverside.
B. Our school is in the moosic borough.
C. Mayor Segilia thinks our school is great.
D. Mr. fialko, the principal, knows that he is right!
3. A. Mr. smith is our scout leader.
B. devin is our best boy scout.
C. We have our meetings at northern park.
D. Sometimes we visit people at Moses Taylor Hospital.
4. A. Nathan joined the drama club.
B. Mrs. hapstack is the leader.
C. She chose him to play toto in the Wizard of Oz.
D. His uncle michael will go to see him perform.
5. A. Enrique’s family came from mexico.
B. They moved to texas when he was young.
C. In the summer, they go to iowa to farm.
D. This year he would rather visit Chicago, Illinois.
yankee stadium
water bottle
george washington