SIUC Chapter Society of American Foresters

Second Meeting - Fall Semester

Meeting Minutes 05 September 2007

First Official Club Meeting:

The objective of this meeting was for the officers to introduce themselves to, and welcome new and past participants, and to provide them with information on current and upcoming programs that the chapter has planned. There was also the intent to discover interest in previously agreed upon subcommittees.

Members present:

Guy SchmaleChair

Justin DeweyVice-chair

Dave PiercySecretary

Matt PilzTreasurer

Dan O’hern

Brian VanWinkle

Jim Weimer

Sherri Wurtzel

Matt Voyda

John Fluckiger

Travis Kling

Call To Order: 1831


1st order: previous meeting minutes

Dave-Past meeting’s minutes reviewed

Guy-Call for motion to approve Minutes

Justin-Motion to approve Minutes

Matt-2nd the motion to approve Minutes (unanimous)

Guy-Declares Minutes approved

2nd order: treasurer’s report

Matt- Current finances: $303.17; Expected finances: $200 contribution from the IL state chapter of the Society of American Foresters to subsidize membership costs to students who apply for membership to the national chapter.

3rd order: remainder of the meeting agenda

Guy-“Ten Things ALL Forestry Students Should Know”: Guy Schmale

Justin-SAF Overview: Justin Dewey

Guy-Forms Committees (fundraising, events, service projects)

fundraising committee

objective: to investigate and determine fundraising opportunities

volunteers: Matt Pilz, John Fluckiger

events committee

objective: to investigate and determine events the chapter would be interested in participating in - would include guest speakers and workshops

volunteers: Brian VanWinkle, Matt Voyda

service committee

objective: to investigate and determine service-oriented projects that the chapter would be interested in participating in to provide services to the larger community

volunteers: Dan O’hern, Dave Piercy

[committees are hence formed and there is no dissent]

Guy-upcoming chapter events:

Next chapter meeting

Wednesday 19 September 2007

1100 in front of the College of Agriculture building for tree-climbing demo

1800 in the Missouri Room at the Student Center

Timber Harvest Visit w/ Caleb Crocker (TBA)

IL State SAF Meeting

9-11 October 2007

$50 cost to students in attendence

SAF National Convention

23-27 October 2007

Guy-Presents information on the Student Diversity Scholarship to the SAF National Convention

Guy-Presents information on the Fall Leadership Conference

Guy-Call for motion to adjourn

Justin-Motion to adjourn

Dave-2nd the motion to adjourn

Guy-Meeting adjourned

Meeting Adjourned: 1909