Teacher: LTC HOUGE/SFC BRAYBOYRoom:326G Week Beginning: 3 SEPT 12
Subject: JROTC I-IIIVTime:9:35-11:05/11:10-12:40/1:30-3:00
Monday, Date
3 SEPT12
Day # /
4 SEPT 12
Day # /
- Demonstrate stationary movements, the types of steps and correct marching forms, squad and platoon movements.
- Focus/Starter/Review: Class formation, class motto, JROTC creed, Pledge of Allegiance.
- Lecture/Notes/Discussion: (visual, auditory) Discuss movements for today.
- Chapter/Topic: Drill
- Introduce New Vocabulary N/A
- Guided Practice: (auditory, visual) Drill-stationary movements; right/left face, about face. Column left/right. Right/left flanks.
- Independent Practice: (auditory, visual) Cadet leadership conduct drill.
- Closure: Review procedures for the different drill movements
- Textbook: LET I-IV
- Worksheets/Handouts: N/A
- Supplies: computer, Drill Area/Classroom
5 SEPT 12
Day # /
- JROTC POI Objectives: Demonstrate stationary movements, the types of steps and correct marching forms, squad and platoon movements.
- Focus/Starter/Review: Class formation, class motto, JROTC creed, Pledge of Allegiance, Classroom Rules.
- Lecture/Notes/Discussion: Discuss inspection procedures and drill movements for today.
- Chapter/Topic: Inspection/Drill
- Introduce New Vocabulary:N/A
- Guided Practice: (kinesthetic) Drill-stationary movements; right/left face, about face.
- Independent Practice: (verbal, auditory) Cadet Leadership conduct inspection.
- Closure: Review procedures for left and right face and about-face.
- Textbook: LET I
- Worksheets/Handouts: N/A
- Supplies: Drill Area
- Inspection
6 SEPT 12
Day # 1 / JROTC POI Objectives:
- Demonstrate stationary movements, the types of steps and correct marching forms, squad and platoon movements.
- Focus/Starter/Review: Class formation, class motto, JROTC creed, Pledge of Allegiance.
- Lecture/Notes/Discussion: (visual, auditory) Discuss movements for today.
- Chapter/Topic: Drill
- Introduce New Vocabulary N/A
- Guided Practice: (auditory, visual) Drill-stationary movements; right/left face, about face. Column left/right. Right/left flanks.
- Independent Practice: (auditory, visual) Cadet leadership conduct drill.
- Closure: Review procedures for the different drill movements
- Textbook: LET I-IV
- Worksheets/Handouts: N/A
- Supplies: computer, Drill Area/Classroom
7 SEPT12
Day #
/ JROTC POI Objectives:- Demonstrate individual physical fitness by completing the five events of the cadet challenge program to at least the 85th percentile score. REVISIT THE WOW.
- Focus/Starter/Review: Class formation, class motto, JROTC creed, pledge of Allegiance.
- Lecture/Notes/Discussion: (auditory, kinesthetic) Discuss exercise procedures for today, inside or outside based on weather.
- Chapter/Topic: Ready, Go…Crossing the Finish Line
- Introduce New Vocabulary N/A
- Guided Practice: (kinesthetic) Warm-up, conditioning, and cool-down exercise.
- Independent Practice: (learning styles met) N/A
- Closure: Cool-down/Personal Hygiene
- Textbook: LET I-IV
- Worksheets/Handouts: N/A
- Supplies: PT AREA/Pull Up Bar
- PT test DEC12