Form EJRA2Department
Departments should consider whether the individual’s and/or department’s aims could be achieved through use of a genuine non-employment arrangement following retirement, such as a post-retirement honorary research agreement or visitor’s agreement.This should not present any obstacle to filling the newly-vacated role. If an alternative non-employment arrangement is identified, the University’s expectation is that this course would be taken, rather than an application for an extension of employment being submitted.
Individual and departmental submissions (EJRA 1 and 2 forms)should be collated after review by the appropriate Departmental Committee and forwarded to the Head of Division by the deadline for the next gathered field exercise as published on the Personnel Services websiteor otherwise as soon as reasonably possible when a decision is needed with respect to a deadline for grant submission.
Before the collated submissions are seen by the EJRA Committee, the applicant will have the opportunity to comment on the submissions made by their Department and Division. He/she may also be asked to clarify in writing any point in their own submission that the Committee Chair considers to be unclear.
PART 1 – Personal informationDepartment
Departmental Committee reviewing EJRA applications
Date of committee at which application was reviewed
Applicant’s title and name
Applicant’s job title
Applicant’sdefault EJRA date / 30 September [YEAR]
Does the applicant hold a cross-departmental appointment? YES / NO
If so, please answer Part 3 below.
PART2-Departmental considerations
Please provide factual comment only on the considerations below. Evaluative comments or testimonials will be disregarded by the EJRA committee.
a)Please explain why the project could not be completed or the duties performed by any other individual, either by a current member of the University’s staff or through a recruitment exercise.
If the extension is requested in order to perform duties, please describe in full the efforts that have been made to obtain a replacement to perform those duties, why those efforts were unsuccessful, and the efforts that will be made to find a replacement as soon as possible.
b)Please explain what non-employment options have been discussed with the applicant, whether the department considers them to be viable, and if not, why not.
c)Please explain what employment costs (including salary and on-costs) will be incurred as a result of the proposed extensionand how will these be funded.
d)Do you agree with the applicant’s assessment of the facilities (egspace, equipment and other resources) required if employment continues? Please summarise the impact their allocation to this individual will have on others and on the department’s ability torefill the applicant’s post.
e)What impact, if any, would a refusal to extend the applicant’s employment have on the duties or project currently being undertaken by the applicant (or, if completed, the ability to gain the benefit of them)? What is the minimum period of extension required to ameliorate that impact? Please state whether, how, and to what extent that impact could be ameliorated other than by the extension of the applicant’s employment.
f)Please describe the career development opportunities for others that will be created in the University by the extension that would not otherwise have been created(eg the creation of new research-funded posts).
g)In the case of an application for a further extension to employment beyond a previously granted extension, please refer to Paragraph 40 of the Procedure: can the Department confirm that the additional extension is needed to complete the purpose of the original extension and that this situation has arisen through unforeseeable circumstances?
PART 3- Cross-departmental appointments
In the case of cross-departmental appointments, it is the lead employing department that should complete this form.
Please confirm that the other relevant department(s) have been consulted, and report or attach any information provided by them in response.
I confirm that the appropriate departmental committeehas consideredthe application, and that there has been discussion between me and the applicant in accordance with the EJRA Procedure.
(Head of Department or equivalent) / Date:
PART 5 – Applicant’s comment
Applicant’s comment on departmental submissions [to be added at final stage before submission to the EJRA Committee]:
Applicant’s signature: / Date:
1st August 2015