Settlements and Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: FMM Inter SC Trade / Date: 11/25/13

Settlements and Billing

Configuration Guide: FMM Inter SC Trades Settlement

CC 6371

Version 5.0

CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 8
Settlements and Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: FMM Inter SC Trade / Date: 11/25/13

Table of Contents

1.Purpose of Document




3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

3.3Successor Charge Codes

3.4Inputs - External Systems

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

3.6CAISO Formula


4.Charge Code Effective Dates

1.Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Charge Code in one document.



The FMM Inter-SC Energy Trade of Energy Charge Code settles for Energy trades between SCs during the Fifteen Minute Market. An Inter-SC Trade of Energy is an Energy quantity (MWh) traded from one SC to another SC for a specific Trading Hour, Location, and CAISO Market or process i.e., Day-Ahead Market (DAM) or Fifteen Minute Market (FMM). The Location of an Inter-SC Trade of Energy can be a PNode, a Default Load Aggregation Point (LAP), or an Existing Zone (EZ) Generation Hub. Physical Trades that are validated pursuant to the provisions set forth in the CAISO Tariff are settled at the LMP at the PNode. Converted Physical Trades, which are Physical Trades or portions of Physical Trades that are not validated Post-Market are settled at the relevant Existing Zone (EZ) Generation Hub Price. All other Inter-SC Trades of Energy are settled at the relevant Default LAP or Existing Zone (EZ) Generation Hub Price.

An SC can have many ISTs of any type with another SC at the same location or at different locations. A unique Depend On Trade Name distinguishes multiple Physical ISTs of the same type, Location, hour, and market between the same pair of SCs.


Inter-SC Trades of Energy submitted in the Fifteen Minute Market (FMM) are settled hourly based on the simple average of the four FMM Interval LMPs at the applicable PNode, EZ Generation Hub, or Default LAPin those hours.

An Inter-SC Trade (IST) involves two SCs: the “From” SC and the “To” SC. The “From” SC is charged the same amount that the “To” SC is paid. Specifically, the “From” SC is charged the product of the valid quantity of the “From” Inter-SC Trade and the simple average of the four FMM Interval LMPs at the appropriate PNode, EZ Generation Hub, or Default LAP. The “To” SC is paid the product of the valid quantity of the “To” Inter-SC Trade and the simple average of the four FMM Interval LMPs at the appropriate PNode, EZ Generation Hub, or Default LAP. Inter-SC trades of Energy are settled on an hourly basis and the respective Settlements account shall net to zero.

3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule
1.0 / Inter-SC Trades of Energy in the Day-Ahead Market will be settled separately from Inter-SC Trades of Energy in the FMM.
2.0 / FMM Inter-SC Trades of Energy will be settled per Day, on an Hourly basis, by Business Associate.
3.0 / All validated MWh quantities of Physical Trades submitted to the CAISO for Settlement in the FMM shall be settled at the simple average of the four FMM Interval LMPs at the appropriate PNode.
3.1 / All unvalidated MWh quantities of Energy submitted for Settlement in FMM shall be settled at the simple average of the four FMM Interval LMPs at therelevant Existing Zone (EZ) Generation Hub.
3.2 / Energy Trades submitted for Settlement in FMM at Default LAPs shall be settled at the simple average of the four FMM Interval LMPs at the appropriateDefault LAP.
3.3 / Energy Trades submitted for Settlement in FMM at Existing Zone (EZ) Generation Hubs shall be settled at the simple average of the four FMM Interval LMPs at therelevant Existing Zone (EZ) Generation Hub.
4.0 / The “From” Business Associate will be charged and the “To” Business Associate will be paid the product of the FMM Inter-SC Trade quantity and the relevant Price based on the Trade Place (PNode, Default LAP, or EZ Generation Hub).
5.0 / The IST ID is used for validation of Physical Trades of Energy. Other types of Energy Trades do not require an IST ID. The IST ID is not required to be unique.
6.0 / For adjustments to the Charge Code that cannot be accomplished by correction of upstream data inputs/recalculation or operator override Pass Through Bill Charge logic will be applied.
7.0 / The Depend On Trade Name points to the unique Inter-SC Trade ID in the chain of Physical Trades. (the original Generation node the Physical Trade was scheduled at.)

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name

3.3Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name

3.4Inputs- External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description
1 / FMMIntervalInterSCTradeLMP Zxmdhc / FMM Interval Inter-SC Trade LMPat Trade Place Z during Market Type x
Trade Place Z shall be at a PNode, Default LAP or Existing Zone (EZ) Generation Hub and Market Type x is for trades submitted during FMM.
2 / BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMFromInterSCTradeQty BKswZxDmdh / BA Hourly Trade Place FMM From Inter-SC Trade Qty attributable to Business Associate ID B, Counter BAID K,Market Type x, IST Type w, IST ID sat Trade Place Z and Depend On Trade NameD.
3 / BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMToInterSCTradeQty BKswZxDmdh / BA Hourly Trade Place FMM To Inter-SC Trade Qty attributable to Business Associate ID B, Counter BAID K, Market Type x, IST Type w, IST ID s at Trade Place Z and Depend On Trade NameD.
4 / PTBChargeAdjustmentFMMInterSCTradeAmount BjKswZxDmdh / FMM Inter-SC Trade PTB Pay Charge Adjustment Amount for Business Associate ID B, Counter BAID K, Market Type x, IST Type w, IST ID s at Trade Place Z and Depend On Trade NameD.($)

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/
Pre-calc Configuration

3.6CAISO Formula


BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMFromInterSCTradeAmount BKswZxDmdh=

BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMFromInterSCTradeQty BKswZxDmdh* (FMMIntervalInterSCTradeLMP Zxmdhc)


Market Type (x) = FMM


IST Type (w) in (PHY, APN, CPT)


BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMToInterSCTradeAmountBKswZxDmdh=(-1) * BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMToInterSCTradeQty BKswZxDmdh * (FMMIntervalInterSCTradeLMP Zxmdhc)


Market Type (x) = FMM


IST Type (w) in (PHY, APN, CPT)


IST ID (s) and Depend On Trade Name (D) are only populated for Physical Trades of Energy (IST Type = PHY). It will be null for all other types of Inter-SC Trades.


BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMInterSCTradeAmountBKswZxDmdh=BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMFromInterSCTradeAmount BKswZxDmdh +BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMToInterSCTradeAmount BKswZxDmdh
BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMInterSCTradeQtyBKswZxDmdh=BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMFromInterSCTradeQty BKswZxDmdh+ ((-1) *BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMToInterSCTradeQty BKswZxDmdh )


Row # / Name / Description
1 / In addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be included as outputs. / All inputs.
2 / BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMFromInterSCTradeAmount BKswZxDmdh / BA Hourly Trade Place FMM From Inter-SC Trade Amount attributable to Business Associate ID B, Counter BAID K, Market Type x, IST Type w, IST ID s at Trade Place Z and Depend On Trade Name D.
3 / BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMToInterSCTradeAmount BKswZxDmdh / BA Hourly Trade Place FMM To Inter-SC Trade Amount attributable to Business Associate ID B, Counter BAID K, Market Type x, IST Type w, IST ID s at Trade Place Z and Depend On Trade Name D.
4 / PTBChargeAdjustmentFMMInterSCTradeAmount BKswZxDmdh / FMMInter-SC Trade PTB Pay Charge Adjustment Amount attributable to Business Associate ID B, Counter BAID K, Market Type x, IST Type w, IST ID s at Trade Place Z and Depend On Trade Name D.
5 / BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMInterSCTradeAmount BKswZxDmdh / BA Hourly Trade Place FMM Inter-SC Trade Amount attributable to Business Associate ID B, Counter BAID K, IST ID s, IST Type w ,at Trade Place Z, Market Type x, Depend on Trade Name D in Trading Hour h.
6 / BAHrlyTradePlaceFMMInterSCTradeQty BKswZxDmdh / BA Hourly Trade Place FMM Inter-SC Trade Quantity attributable to Business Associate ID B, Counter BAID K, IST ID s, IST Type w,at Trade Place Z, Market Type x, Depend on Trade Name D.

4.Charge Code Effective Dates

Charge Code/
Pre-calc Name / Document Version / Effective Start Date / Effective End Date / Version Update Type
FMM Inter SC Trade / 5.0 / 4/1/14 / Open / Configuration Changes
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 8