A meeting of Wickenby Parish Council was held on Thursday 4th May 2017 at St. Peter and St. Lawrence Church

Present:Cllrs M J Gill-Stafford (Chairman), D Chilton, D Hairsine, Mrs V Smith and Mrs S Wheeldon

Clerk:Mrs L Richardson

17/05/01To elect a chairman and sign the declaration of acceptance of office

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded by Cllr Chilton and following a vote it was unanimously RESOLVED to elect Cllr Gill-Stafford as chairman. The acceptance of office was signed.

Due to the workload, it was proposed by Cllr Chilton, seconded by Cllr Mrs Wheeldon and following a vote, to elect Cllr Hairsine as a vice-chairman.

17/05/02To receive apologies and reasons for absence from any Councillors

No apologies were received.

17/05/03To receive applications for co-option onto the Parish Council

No applications have been received.

17/05/04To receive any declaration of interest applicable to agenda items in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act

No interests were declared

17/05/05To approve and sign the notes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2017 as minutes

On a proposal from Cllr Hairsine, seconded by Cllr Mrs Smith and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to sign the notes of the last meeting as a true record of events.

17/05/06To receive, discuss and action any reports from outside bodies

None present

17/05/07Financial issues

a)To receive bank reconciliation

On a proposal from Cllr Chilton, seconded by Cllr Mrs Wheeldon and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLED to accept the bank reconciliation.

£1000 was earmarked for future village maintenance once a handyman has been found.

b)To approve any accounts or invoices for payment

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Smith, seconded by Cllr Chilton and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to make the following payments:-

c)To approve and sign the 2016/17 annual audit for submission to the internal and external auditor

i)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the appointment of an Internal Auditor.

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Smith, seconded by Cllr Mrs Wheeldon and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to appoint Bridget Solly as the internal auditor for 2016/17.


ii)To agree and sign the Annual Governance Statement for 2016/17

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded by Cllr Hairsine and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept and sign the Annual Government Statement for 2016/17.

iii)To complete and sign the Accounting Statements for 2016/17

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Smith, seconded by Cllr Chilton and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept and sign the Accounting Statements for 2016/17.


a)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding updating the website

Homepage – Delete Annual parish council meeting information

b)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the renewal of the Councils annual insurance

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded by Cllr Mrs Smith and following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the quote from Came and Company for £288.46 – this is the sum of money for the 3-year long-term agreement, as agreed by all.


None to date

17/05/10Village maintenance

a)To discuss and agree any action regarding specific areas within the village

No update to minute.

b)To discuss and agree any action regarding the maintenance contractor

No update to minute

c)To discuss any update regarding the request for re-siting of pillar mounted post box

Cllr Gill-Stafford will email the Clerk a copy of the letter to email to Edward Leigh, MP.

17/05/11Next meeting

To agree date of July meeting – 6th July 2017

17/05/12Staff Matters

a)To resolve to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to allow consideration to be given to the following staff matter:

b)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Clerks annual appraisal

Cllr Chilton has met with the Clerk and carried out the annual appraisal – no concerns or queries were raised.

To do – Automatic pension regulations

Signed (Chairman) ……………………………………………….. 6th July 2017