Minutes from Feb 10 WVR POA meeting
Meeting called to order at 9:25 AM.
Members present: Jim Gavin, Estelle White, Gary Bowers, Dick Smith
Members absent: Bob Lasure
Minutes of last meeting were distributed by email shortly after the last meeting and were approved with modifications from attending board members. It was determined that the minutes which were to be posted on the web site by Matt were not on the site. I am to investigate this with Matt.
Topics of Discussion:
1. Internet Websites. Matt requested the board to determine whether or not the WVR website that he created should be retained, or if the Yahoo website should be the only WVR website. We determined that we would like the site to continue for this year at least and enhanced to provide additional items. We also wanted our minutes to be on the WVR website with a hot spot on the Yahoo to point to this area. This would make our website more usable and may make the Yahoo site used only for blogging and directed to our website for everything else. Only about 200 Yahoo members are enrolled from our property owners. There is no way of finding out how many of our owners view the WVR website. We are also requesting that Matt give us an accounting of his expenses so we can take over that responsibility and reimburse him for that which he has paid for himself.
2. Road name signs. Item was discussed and the findings were that all Road Name Signs needed to be uniform with signs already installed. Also poles for these signs must be uniform with existing poles (2 3/8 diameter galvanized steel and 10 feet in length with 2 feet in the ground with 2 60lb bags of concrete). This would be then an 8 foot pole above the ground. John Heltzel must be notified and approve the placement of the poles and signs before installing to insure that they do not interfere with his road maintenance.
3. Ditch culverts. Discussion on placement of said culverts placed leading to owner’s private drive, should be coordinated with John Heltzel also so that they make the most of drainage that exists and doesn’t adversely affect the maintenance of the roads and driveways.
4. Placing of items on roads (Hay bales and cattle troughs). This has been done by some of the ranchers in the area and we are getting with them to insure that these items re placed on private land at least 100 feet from a road. The cattle make a mess of the roads if these items are closer. We anticipate that the ranchers will abide with our requests.
5. County road 6002 maintenance. This road has been recently maintained by someone other than John Heltzel. Whoever did this did not take into consideration the driveways and water runoffs that were there thus making the road sucseptable to damage and in some cases limited access to drives. Scott Ellsworth, county supervisor of roads, is being asked to look into this matter.
6. Cooperation in road machinery repairs. It was recommended that we help with the current expenditures and to make an addendum to the contract for roads to reflect an increase in basic road maintenance costs to allow for repairs. We are requesting that John Heltzel give us an updated figure on maintenance for the previous year and we are suggesting that repair costs be classified in two or three different categories, Major, (Intermediate), and Minor so the costs will more representative of the actual work being done. The board will determine/define what constitutes a major repair. This could be determined by urgency need and/or dollar figure.
7. Summons from Court. Perry Palmatier has filed a complaint with the Small Claims Court seeking what he felt was owed him in late charges that the POA Board refused to pay. We are responding to the court with our version of what happened and what we felt would have been a fair settlement. Estelle was to deliver this to the court and we await word on the outcome of this matter.
8. Budget. The budget figures were presented by Gary Bowers and discussion was made on the delinquent dues. We had previously suggested that we drop the liens on some properties but TRT suggested that we do not drop any arbitrarily. We also discussed our accounts. We currently have two bank accounts, savings and checking. We are renaming these accounts to reflect the requirements of our charter. They will now be called the Reserve Account and the Checking Account. The Reserve Account has 100K and is being used only as a Major Repair fund and Major Equipment fund, while the checking account will contain the rest of the POA dues and will be used for regular expenses. The amount in this account is very flexible as this is the time of annual dues being paid.
9. Annual meeting. This will take place on June 23rd at the City of Saint Johnspark as it was last year. The request to reserve it is authorized. It’s format will be much the same as last years with Lunch being provided and the meeting right after.
10. Well inspection. Two tests will be performed soon. A test for contamination of water (no complaints have been received) and a test of mechanical (pump operation).
11. New contract with TRT. A new contract will be approved with TRT for financial services. We have been operating under the old one for several years.
12. Discussion on Payment methods. We brought up several options for property owners, especially those who reside in other countries, to help them with payments of Dues. We discussed using tools like PayPal and credit cards. It was decided that we did not have enough information and that we would contact TRT to help us with this decision.
13. Release of our Financial Report. It was recommended and approved that we do not mail out our financial report but anyone interested in reviewing it will have the opportunity to do so in person by either attending the Annual Meeting or requesting a viewing with Estelle White in Saint Johns. We understand that it is the right of every member of the POA in good standing, to view this report but we do not wish this report to be a matter to people outside the POA.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Dick Smith