**1Completa i mini-dialoghi con la forma corretta (Present perfect o Past simple) dei verbi nel riquadro.

do•fly•lose•see•sell •speak

0ADid you see Josie this morning?

BNo, I didn’t. I haven’t seen her at all this week.

1AI _____ never ______in an aeroplane.

BReally? I ______lots of times. Last year I ______to New Zealand.

2AI’m sorry, I ______to your boss about that meeting.

BOh, don’t worry, I ______to him about it yesterday.

3A______you ______the washing up?

BYes, I have. I ______it 2 hours ago!

4AThey ______their house at last …

BReally? I ______my house a week ago, too.

5AOh no! I ______my passport.

BThat’s terrible. I ______mine last year too.

**2Completa i mini-dialoghi con la forma corretta (Present perfect o Past simple) dei verbi tra parentesi.

0AHave you ever ridden (you / ever / ride) a horse?

BYes, I have. When I was (be) younger.

1A______(you / ever / eat) a full English breakfast?

BYes, I ______.

AWhere ______(you / eat) it?

BWhen I ______(be) in London 2 years ago.

A______(you / like) it?

BNo, I ______. I ______(think) it ______horrible.

2A______(Ann / call) today?

BNo, she ______. I ______(text) her an hour ago and she ______(not reply).

3A______(you / have lunch)?

BYes, thanks. We ______(have) lunch at 12.

AWhere ______(you / have) it?

We ______(go) to the new Italian restaurant.

4A______(they / ever / be) to Mexico?

BYes, they ______. They ______(go) there last year but they ______(not enjoy / themselves).

**3Scrivi i dialoghi usando i suggerimenti e mettendo i verbi al Presentperfect o al Pastsimple.

0A(ever go / India?)

Have you ever been to India?

B (go / last year)

Yes, I have. I went there last year.

A (visit / the Taj Mahal?)
Did you visit the Taj Mahal?

B (no / not have time / see the Red Fort in Jaipur)
No, I didn’t have time. But I saw the Red Fort in Jaipur.

1A (ever / break a bone?)


B (yes / my arm / 5 years ago)




B(fall off / my bicycle)


2A (ever / see / a famous person?)


B (yes / Paris Hilton / last year)


A (ask for / autograph?)


B (no / she / in a car)


3A (ever / win a prize?)


B (yes / skiing competition / last winter)


A(win / money?)


B (no / receive a trophy)


**4Riscrivi le frasi correggendo gli errori.

0Have you ever gone to the doctor’s?

Have you ever been to the doctor’s?

1There you are! Where have you gone? I was worried!

2She’s played tennis for three hours yesterday.

3Has he gave you his telephone number?

4They haven’t never visited me before.

5I never seen her at the gym.

6Did you have taken your medicine today?

7I’ve took more than 200 photos on this trip.

8We never have travelled alone.