Dear Father Shaun and fellow parishioners,
What I am about to say will probably have been mention prior to me getting on my feet or will be mentioned later in the meeting. For the repetition I am sorry. If, on the other hand you are like me a bit of repetition does no harm.
Among other things, in our meetings, we discuss routinely what is run or occurs in the parish. We are also a sounding board for our parish priest. Most events are, as you know, run by others in the parish. So, if they are well done we accept your thanks. If on the other hand, if things went wrong, in the Scottish vernacular, “it was no me.”
One of our more important meetings was when all three parish councils came together at Our Lady’s. It was good to meet the others. The three chairs do meet from time to time but all three councils meeting together was new. All agreed it was a success.
The pilgrimage to Northumbria was judged a success by those attending.
The day to Canterbury was also special. What a privilege to attend mass said by our own Parish priest in the crypt of the cathedral. That was the icing on the cake for me. I am sure I was not alone there.
The twinning of our three parishes with Holy Trinity Church in Sebeya, Ethiopia, was also discussed. This twinning was ably assisted by CAFOD .
At one meeting, Father Shaun shared his vision for the future of the three parishes. His vision was that the parishes should become places that make missionary disciples. Some parishioners attended Diocesan sponsored Proclaim Workshops. Additionally, members of the parishes also attended a 2 day seminar, called Divine Renovation, which further fleshed out Father Shaun’s vision for the parishes. As you are aware this is rolling out with prayer partners at mass and the Lenten Reading groups. It does need our regular prayer.
Prior to all this, the lovely Father Mark departed for pastures new. He didn’t get his call from the Pope; it was from the Bishop so he had to make the best of that. Joking aside, He had been an asset to all of us and we showed our appreciation at his farewell mass here.
Father Damian arrived to step up to the plate. Didn’t we do well?
The Niland Centre was the venue for our Day of Recollection. Parish Welcomers were invited to attend for the first time. It was alovely day of prayer as well as an opportunity to socialise with others and share our food.
I personally am looking forward to the next one.
Last Christmas our children’s party was opened to the three parishes. All went well.
The Christmas fair was a success despite the snow!
Where would we be without our monthly brunches in the church hall? What a great way of meeting others socially.
We also have to thank Anke for all the work she does for our young parishioners. She is so quiet and unassuming that it would be easy to overlook this young lady. We must not as she has become valuable asset to us all.
This is a sad part of the report for me as it is now time to say good bye and many thanks to three of my departing committee, Natalie, who has been our secretary, Linda Yates, the deputy chair, and Siobahn,a valued committee member.
Thank you all for your patience. My report is concluded.
Are there any questions?