Each presentation abstract must be no more than 300 words and must conform to the format shown below. All sections should be written in Arial, 11point font, single spacing, left aligned. Section headers should appear in bold, and the text which follows in each section should be unbolded. The SymposiumOrganiser should add all abstracts for the symposium into this single document and upload this document to the system as a word document (version 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016). All instruction text in red should be deleted.

Symposium summary:(Bold,align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

(Summary text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

In no more than 200 words state the main focus and take home messages of the symposium.

1: Title of abstract (Bold,align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

(Name of 1st Presenterand affiliation -align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Background:(heading must be in bold)

(Background text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

State the primary objective of the study and the research question posed.

Design:(heading must be in bold)

(Design text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Describe the design of the study and the rationale for the procedures adopted.

Methods:(heading must be in bold)

(Methods text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Provide information on the number of participants and how they were selected, on the materials employed (if appropriate) and on how the data were collected and analysed.

Results:(heading must be in bold)

(Results text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Include numerical and/or textual data. This should be kept to a minimum and should not include tables or figures. For qualitative analyses, briefly describe your findings (e,g, identified themes, categories).

Implications:(heading must be in bold)

(Implications text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

State the conclusions that can be drawn from the study, (including for practice, policy and/or future research).

2: Title of abstract (Bold,align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

(Name of 1st Presenter -align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Background:(heading must be in bold)

(Background text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

State the primary objective of the study and the research question posed.

Design:(heading must be in bold)

(Design text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Describe the design of the study and the rationale for the procedures adopted.

Methods:(heading must be in bold)

(Methods text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Provide information on the number of participants and how they were selected, on the materials employed (if appropriate) and on how the data were collected and analysed.

Results:(heading must be in bold)

(Results text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Include numerical and/or textual data. This should be kept to a minimum and should not include tables or figures. For qualitative analyses, briefly describe your findings (e,g, identified themes, categories).

Implications:(heading must be in bold)

(Implications text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

State the conclusions that can be drawn from the study, (including for practice, policy and/or future research).

3: Title of abstract (Bold,align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

(Name of 1st Presenter -align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Background:(heading must be in bold)

(Background text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

State the primary objective of the study and the research question posed.

Design:(heading must be in bold)

(Design text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Describe the design of the study and the rationale for the procedures adopted.

Methods:(heading must be in bold)

(Methods text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Provide information on the number of participants and how they were selected, on the materials employed (if appropriate) and on how the data were collected and analysed.

Results:(heading must be in bold)

(Results text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Include numerical and/or textual data. This should be kept to a minimum and should not include tables or figures. For qualitative analyses, briefly describe your findings (e,g, identified themes, categories).

Implications:(heading must be in bold)

(Implications text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

State the conclusions that can be drawn from the study, (including for practice, policy and/or future research).

4: Title of abstract (Bold,align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

(Name of 1st Presenter -align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Background:(heading must be in bold)

(Background text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

State the primary objective of the study and the research question posed.

Design:(heading must be in bold)

(Design text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Describe the design of the study and the rationale for the procedures adopted.

Methods:(heading must be in bold)

(Methods text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Provide information on the number of participants and how they were selected, on the materials employed (if appropriate) and on how the data were collected and analysed.

Results:(heading must be in bold)

(Results text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

Include numerical and/or textual data. This should be kept to a minimum and should not include tables or figures. For qualitative analyses, briefly describe your findings (e,g, identified themes, categories).

Implications:(heading must be in bold)

(Implications text - align left, 11 point, Arial, single line spacing)

State the conclusions that can be drawn from the study, (including for practice, policy and/or future research).