Date: 18th of February 2018 Duration: 1hrs 40mins

1 / Opening Prayers / 10mins
2 / Worship & Praise Session / 10mins
3 / Teevo Segment / 5mins
4 / Praise Report Segment / 5mins
5 / Enter The Healing School/Partnership Promos / 10mins
6 / Mind Management Session:
‘Power of Your Mind’.
Chapter 1: Renewing Your Mind: The Concept of Mind Management. / 10mins
7 / Exhortation / 30mins
8 / Tithes , Offerings & Partnership / 10mins
9 / Commendation/Reward Segment / 5mins
10 / Announcement/Closing Prayers / 5mins


Global Teens Prayer Rally comes up on the 25th of February 2018.

Teens Pastors & Leaders Refreshers Course will commence from Thursday, 1st of March – Saturday 3rd of March 2018.

Teens Bible Competition (LAGOS ZONES) is on the 16th – 18th of March 2018.

Announce Weekly Meetings (Date, Time & Venue).



Throughout the Scriptures, God reveals to us justhow important and powerful prophecy is. One of suchportions of Scripture is found in the thirty-seventhchapter of the book of Ezekiel:“The hand of the Lord was upon me, andcarried me out in the spirit of the Lord,and set me down in the midst of the valleywhich was full of bones, And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold,there were very many in the open valley;and, lo, they were very dry. And he saidunto me, Son of man, can these bones live?And I answered, O Lord God, thouknowest” (Ezekiel 37:1-3).

God took Ezekiel to a valley full of dry bones. Therewere dead men’s bones everywhere, as far as the eyescould see all over that open valley. And in Ezekiel’sdescription, the bones were very dry indeed. Then God asked Ezekiel a pointed question, “Canthese bones live?” In other words, “Can things changehere?”Ezekiel looked around and probably thought tohimself, “It looks really bad here, I doubt that they can,”but he replied, “Well, Lord, Thou knowest!”

He was telling God in other words, “You only knowif they can live or not. It’s up to you to decide! If youwant them to live, they’ll live. If you don’t want them tolive, they won’t.” He threw the ball right back in God’scourt!

The Lord’s response was very instructive. He toldhim, “It’s not up to Me, Ezekiel; it’s up to you to dosomething about these bones and see to it that they live!”

God then told him what to do. He said,“…Prophesy upon these bones, and sayunto them, O ye dry bones, hear the wordof the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God untothese bones; Behold, I will cause breath toenter into you, and ye shall live:”

(Ezekiel 37:4-6).

God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones andtell them, “Oh ye dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord.God’s going to cause breath to come into you and youshall live!”God was teaching Ezekiel how to change thingsthrough prophecy, and He taught him exactly what tosay in his prophecy.

“And I will lay sinews upon you, and willbring up flesh upon you, and cover you withskin, and put breath in you, and ye shalllive; and ye shall know that I am the Lord.”Ezekiel saw that as he prophesied to the dry bones,something began to happen, so he prophesied somemore as God taught him and gave him words to speak:“So I prophesied as I was commanded:and as I prophesied, there was a noise, andbehold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone”

(Verses 6 & 7).

Can you picture this! Imagine this huge heap ofbones with each bone shifting around, searching for itsmembers, and joining together until they all formedhuman skeletons! What a great noise they must havemade in that open valley!

I like the next verse even more:“And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and theflesh came up upon them, and the skincovered them above: but there was nobreath in them.”At this time they were no longer dry skeletons. As

Ezekiel prophesied the Word of the Lord, the skeletonswere covered with muscles, tendons, ligaments, andskin, and now looked like corpses spread all over thevalley.

Ezekiel continued to prophesy as the Lordinstructed him to:

“Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto thewind, prophesy, son of man, and say tothe wind, Thus saith the Lord God; Comefrom the four winds, O breath, and breatheupon these slain, that they may live”(Ezekiel 37:9).

Understand what God is talking about here. He’sletting you know you can prophesy to the things youwant changed. You can also prophesy to God Himself. Observe what He said: “Prophesy unto the wind.”That wind represents the Spirit of God. He said, “Comefrom the four winds, O breath.” The original Hebrew word rendered “breath” here can also be stretched to mean“breath of life,” which is synonymous with the HolySpirit of GodEzekiel 37:10: “So I prophesied as hecommanded me, and the breath (of life)came into them, and they lived, and stoodup upon their feet, an exceeding greatarmy.”


Ezekiel prophesied to the dry bones of dead menand it worked! Those dried up, bleached-white bonesreceived life, flesh, muscles, and skin and stood up amighty army, brimming with life in that open valley.

This marvellous account reminds me of an incidentback in 1984. My dad had several cars, but after a while,they started packing up one after the other. I went homeon holiday from school one day to discover that noneof the cars was working. So I said to him, “Dad, you’vegot to talk to these cars! Prophesy to them!”

Talk to the car? He’d never heard that before! Atthe beginning, he found it hard to believe, and for sometime, he looked at me suspiciously, wondering where Igot such information from. But each time I was homefrom school, I would talk about these things and sharewith him how to prophesy to his car.

He finally believed and started putting it to work,and before long the results came. One after the other,his cars received life and got back on the road.

Yes! You can talk to your car, house, job, business,money, or bank account, and whatever was dead ordying will receive life and be active again.


Prophecy is the spoken Word of God; it is therevealed Word of God by which He leads and guidesHis people. The man who prophesies speaks with theability of God’s Spirit.When God said in Joel 2:28, “Your sons and yourdaughters shall prophesy,” He meant that everybodyin the Kingdom will have this ability of God to prophesy,to speak forth God’s Word and cause it to come to pass.

We’ll all be able to bring about changes that will affectour lives and the lives of others around us positively.What power, what great knowledge this is! Howexciting to know you’re not at the mercy of life’scircumstances. If the life you have is not appealing toyou, you can change it. You can control your destinyby the power of God made available to you throughprophecy!

Some people don’t believe this but it doesn’tmatter whether they believe it or not. God didn’t saythey must believe it; He says the one who believes isblessed but the one who doesn’t is damned. So thechoice is yours to make.

If you say you believe, what have you done so farwith what you’ve believed? If you haven’t done muchwith it, what you need to do is believe even more andmake up your mind to put what you believe to work.

Culled from ‘Prophesy’ by Rev Chris Oyakhilome, DSc Dd.