NYSESLAT Item Review Checklist for Writing Modality – 2015 Item Development June 26, 2014


Item ID:
Passage ID: / Item Reviewer: / Date:
Recommendation: / Target(s) of Measurement (ToMs):
Recommendation / Check One / Explain or Describe
1.  Accept
2.  Accept with Edits / Describe Edits:
3.  Reject / Rationale:
Overarching Comments / Yes/No / If “No,” Explain or Describe
1.  The prompt uses vocabulary that is appropriate for ELLs.
2.  The prompt uses sentence complexity that is within ELL expectations.
3.  The prompt is fair and focuses the response.
4.  The prompt references information provided in the passage and no prior knowledge and/or experience is necessary for comprehension.
5.  The prompt is written to allow for a response from ELLs at different proficiency levels.
6.  The feature(s) provided are appropriate supports for the grade band and ToMs.
Short Constructed-Response Prompt (SCR)
7.  The SCR prompt asks students to write a clear response that reflects the expectations of ToMs 1 and 2.
8.  The SCR prompt requires the student to reference the text in order to write the response.
9.  The question posed by the SCR prompt is answerable in one paragraph.
Extended Constructed-Response (ECR)
10.  The ECR prompt requires students to write a clear response that reflects the expectations of ToMs 1 and 3 (Narrative) or ToMs 1 and 4 (Expository).
11.  The analysis required by the prompt can be supported by the text that is referenced.
12.  The question posed by the ECR prompt is answerable in a single paragraph for grades 1–2 and 2-5 paragraphs for grades 3–12.
13.  The question posed in the ECR prompt requires the student to access the language purposes and functions in the text in order to develop a proficient written response.
Fairness/Bias / Yes/No / If “No,” Explain or Describe
14.  The prompt, including the feature(s), is free of content that might offend or typecast a group of students (by ethnicity, gender, country of origin, race, religion, geographical location, physical ability, SES level, first language, etc.).
15.  The prompt, including the feature(s), is free of content that might unfairly advantage or disadvantage groups of students (ethnicity, gender, country of origin, race, religion, geographic location, physical ability, SES level, first language, etc.).
16.  The prompt is free from unnecessary cultural or religious references.
17.  The prompt does not rely on assumed shared experience that is class- or Native English speaking-oriented.
Analysis of Graphics (if present) / Yes/No / Comments
18.  The graphic(s) in the prompt provide/s support for ELLs.
19.  The graphic(s) in the prompt is/are appropriate for the grade band.
20.  The graphic(s) in the prompt is/are appropriate for ELLs.

