
Regents Physics

Graphing Motion Worksheet


1.  Use the following graph for questions on this page

Determine the velocity for the time interval of t=0s to t=2s.

Determine the velocity for the time interval of t=4s to t=6s.

Determine the average velocity for the time interval of t=0s to t=6s.

What is the total distance travelled by motion cart in this graph?

What is the final displacement of the motion cart?

Draw the velocity vs. time curve for the above position vs. time graph

2.  Use the following graph to answer the questions on this page. SHOW ALL WORK

How would you determine the acceleration from a v vs. t graph (slope, area under the curve)? Why (units!)?

Determine the acceleration for:

A time interval of t=0s to t=4s. A time interval of t=8s to t=10s.

How would you determine the displacement from a v vs. t graph (slope, area under the curve)? Why (units)?

Determine the displacement during the time interval t=0s to t=10s.

Draw the acceleration vs. time curve for the above velocity vs. time graph

3.  Use the following graph and information given to answer the questions on this page. SHOW ALL WORK

The above graph is for a car that started at rest and moving with a constant acceleration of 8m/s2.

Determine the instantaneous velocity at t=4s.

Determine the instantaneous velocity at t=8s.

Draw the velocity vs. time curve for the above position vs. time graph

Concept Check (Tying it all back together, so look back at the past few pages when you do this!):

For the following given graphs in each column, sketch the remaining graphs. Each column represents motion graphs of the same moving object. You can assume that all of the objects start at d=0 when t=0.

Object 1 (column 1): Object 2 (column 2): Object 3 (column 3):