Teachers' Self-assessment Form:
[extracted from p.131 - p.142 of HKIEd's Report on the "Study of Levels of Information Technology (IT) Competency, Core Course Elements and Assessment Tools for Teacher Training in IT in Education" ]
Basic Level
Scheme of Work
Completed Yes / No
- Prepare a scheme of work to reflect the understanding of the appropriate use of slide show, Web materials, and educational courseware in teaching context.
- A reflective statement of how the participants have used IT in their works as teachers.
- A short essay with rationale on the use of IT in the lessons.
Operating a Microcomputer
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to operate a range of peripherals to fulfil teaching tasks:
- Printer;
- Keyboard;
- Modem;
- Scanner; and
- Mouse.
- Be able to use appropriate terminology to describe the basic components of a computer system.
- Be able to start up and shut down PC via menu bar.
- Be able to perform basic operations on Windows environment. The participants should able to:
- Maximize and minimize a window;
- Pull-down and expanded pull-down menus;
- Select, open, move, and close a window;
- Resize a window, tile and cascade windows;
- Scroll within a window;
- Copy documents from hard disk to floppy disk and vice versa;
- Create and name/rename a folder;
- Open and place documents inside a folder; and
- Switch on and select different Chinese character input methods.
Word Processing I
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to produce word processed scheme of work in hard and soft copies.
- Be able to produce the reflective statement in hard and soft copies.
- The word processed scheme of work and reflective statement have to be properly formatted and satisfy the following elements.
- Grammar and spelling checks conducted ;
- Display Chinese characters vertically (直書); and
- Appropriate margins and line spacing.
Presentation Software I
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to produce at least a simple slide show in hard and soft copies.
- The slide shows have to be properly formatted and satisfy the following elements.
- Organized in a logical sequence; and
- Employment of animations, graphics and sounds.
Web Browsing and E-mail Operation
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to download Web materials from the Internet.
- Be able to use bookmark to link to the related sites.
- Be able to print out Web pages.
- Be able to seek a specific Web site by entering the appropriate URL and through the search engine.
- Be able to notify the principal via e-mail that the portfolio is ready with the scheme of work as an attachment.
Educational Software
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to execute an educational software and to identify the basic features of the software.
- Understand the merits and shortcomings of the use of educational software on learning and teaching.
- Be able to deliver lessons using appropriate educational software specific to the teacher’s own subject areas.
A Framework of Using IT in Education
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to explain in simple terms the nature, use and roles of IT in education and appreciate the importance of IT in education.
- Have the understanding of the following issues in using IT in learning and teaching.
- Infusing IT into the curriculum;
- Activity-based approaches and IT;
- Project-based approaches and IT; and
- Equity, legal, ethical and social issues.
Intermediate Level
Scheme of Work
Completed Yes / No
- Word processed scheme of work with rationale to reflect the understanding of the appropriate use of slide show, video segment, Web materials, and some freehand drawings using any graphics package.
- A reflective statement of how the participants have used IT in their duties as teachers.
- Outline of the merit and shortcomings of a courseware.
Word Processing II
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to design and produce a test paper, which contains essay questions, fill-in the blanks and multiple-choice items.
- Be able to design and produce a document with the use of columns and graphics
Presentation Software II
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to customise the slide master, colour scheme and the calling/linking to other presentation files.
- Be able to produce a teaching package using presentation software. The package must demonstrate the appropriate use of the following elements.
- Hyperlinks;
- Graphics;
- Video;
- Sound;
- Action buttons;
- Text effects; and
- Other components in animation mode.
Multimedia Production I
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to draw simple freehand figures appropriate to the context of a lesson.
- Be able to capture and edit clipart graphics and pictures for use in presentation and teaching notes.
- Be able to capture a segment of video tape as an AVI file.
- Be able to modify some existing presentations by inserting the multimedia objects for the use in participants’ classrooms.
Web page Design I
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to capture an educational Web page and save on a local disk.
- Be able to design and produce a simple personal Web page that is interlinked with class Web page and contain some graphics.
- Be able to design and produce class Web pages with appropriate linkages to the participant’s personal Web page.
Internet / Intranet Applications
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to join a newsgroup/discussion group.
- Be able to download, install, and operate ICQ.
- Be able to download and transfer at least two files from/ to a remote FTP site.
Courseware Evaluation
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to design and produce a checklist for evaluating a courseware according to various educational theories.
- Be able to produce an outline of the merits and shortcomings of a courseware for a school subject using the criterion approach.
Chinese character Input (Optional)
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to produce a teaching material using any Chinese inputs (including handwritten pad).
Database I (Optional)
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to design and create a simple database which contains the information of the participants’ students.
- Be able to perform some queries to achieve the desired information in a database (including sorting records).
- Be able to create a database layout/report with headers and footers.
Spreadsheet Operation I (Optional)
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to design and create a simple spreadsheet which presents data such as text and numbers in an appropriate format.
- Be able to design and produce a spreadsheet which demonstrates the appropriate use of formulas and built-in functions such as sum, average, maximum, minimum, sorting and filtering.
Upper Intermediate Level
Scheme of Work
Completed Yes / No
- A scheme of work that need multimedia learning and/or teaching materials developed by an authoring tool such as Authorware, and FrontPage
- A short essay identifying the possible change about the participant's personal teaching philosophy or the possible changes in the participant's own teaching subject due to application of IT; and the description should reflect what the paradigm shift is.
- A reflective statement of how the participants have used IT in their works as teachers.
Daily Operations of Computer Network
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to perform some basic operations on the network. These include:
- Connect/login and disconnect/logout;
- Save files in networked drives;
- Print documents through network printer; and
- Assign user accounts according to the users’ priorities.
- A written essay on the use of networked facilities for collaborative and project-based learning.
- Be able to reinstall software when an application cannot be executed properly.
- Be able to use appropriate terminology to describe the failure of the operation of software and hardware.
- Be able to attempt to resolve hardware, software and network problems.
- Be able to backup from the hard disk.
- Be able to perform regular disk scanning as a precaution for potential data lost.
- Be able to perform some basic procedures to prevent virus attack, for instance, installations of virus scan.
- Be able to operate an anti-virus utility to clean an inflected disk.
Integrating IT in Teaching and Learning
Completed Yes / No
- Understanding the fundamental concepts on the issue of integrating IT in learning and teaching.
- Advantages and disadvantages of the traditional teaching paradigm;
- The improvement of the traditional teaching with the usage of IT;
- Advantages and disadvantages of the new teaching paradigm;
- Possible changes due to application of IT; and
- Employment of the constructivist’s paradigm.
Multimedia Production II
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to capture and edit sound file (e.g. Using the sound recorder).
- Be able to capture and edit video file (e.g. Using the Abode Premiere).
- Be able to download a DV tape to a computer (e.g. IEEE1394 capture card).
- Be able to render an AVI file or capture a video in a MPEG file.
- Be able to use appropriate multimedia production skills in teaching context.
Authoring Language
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to construct an authoring piece which presents several multiple choice and matching items.
- Be able to construct an electronic book with hypertext and navigation features.
- Be able to demonstrate the appropriate use of authoring tools in a teaching context.
Web Page Design II
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to design and develop a Web-based teaching and learning environment (i.e. Web sites) for a teaching unit that can be used in the participants’ schools and/or classes.
- The Web sites must be able to fully illustrate the appropriate use of multimedia features such as video and sound.
Database II (Optional)
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to construct a learning package consisting of a database that can be used in the participants’ schools and/or classes.
- The database must enable an illustration of the appropriate use of the following elements.
- Table
- Field
- Queries using multiple criteria (include sorting the data into particular order)
- Relationships between tables
- Forms
- Reports
- Be able to design and develop a multiple-choice item bank subsumed under different topics and difficulty levels.
Spreadsheet Operation II (Optional)
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to construct “What-if” analysis models for learning and teaching.
- Be able to construct a learning package consisting of a spreadsheet with the appropriate use of macro that can be used in the participants’ schools and/or classes.
- Be able demonstrate an appropriate use of spreadsheet in the teaching context.
Software Integration for Teaching and Learning (Optional)
Completed Yes / No
- Be able to construct simple integrated applications that can be used in the participants’ schools and/or classes.
- The participants must be able to make use of macros supplied by the professional development providers to produce educational integrated applications to demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate use of data sharing and hyperlink methodologies.
- The integrated applications must be able to satisfy the following features.
- A presentation software will be used to deliver test questions to learners;
- Contents of test questions will be retrieved from a data table in a word-processed document;
- Performance of learners will be collected by a spreadsheet application; and
- Analyzed results from the spreadsheet application will be used as feedback to learner in the presentation application.