ACF Fall 2006

Tossups by Georgia Tech A, Oklahoma A, and Florida B

1. In one story by this man Nancy is the shallow wife of the schoolmaster Michael, whose attempt to close a footpath gets him fired. He wrote children’s stories like “The Flute” and “The Drum,” while adult short story collections include The Sacrificial Egg and Girls at War. He began writing novels as a response to Joyce Cary’s Mister Johnson, an effort which produced characters like an army officer known as “Destroyer of Guns,” Captain T.K. Winterbottom, and John Goodcountry, who advocates the killing of Pythons. That novel concerns a priest who refuses to declare the New Yam Festival, Ezeulu. Other works include a novel about the populist Chief Nanga, A Man of the People, and two novels concerning Obi and his father, Okonkwo. FTP name this author of No Longer at Ease and Things Fall Apart.

ANSWER: Chinua Achebe

2. The Temple of Concordia was refurbished following the death of this man, the first student of Greek philosophy to hold office in Rome. He shocked the Senate by returning from his Sardinian quaestorship without a formal request, and he later gave independent juries to the “extortion court” and proposed giving suffrage to all Italian speakers of Latin. More far-reaching versions of his initiatives were proposed by Marcus Livius Drusus, his co-tribune. After illegally protesting against the dissolution of a colony at Carthage, whose establishment he had led, he withdrew to the Aventine Hill, where Lucius Opimius attacked him, causing his suicide. FTP, name this man who was tribune from 123 to 122 and attempted to re-institute the agrarian reforms of his elder brother Tiberius.

ANSWER: Gaius Sempronius Gracchus [prompt on Gracchus; accept C. Gracchus]

3. Its first casualties occurred when William Shepherd fired upon it, and Benjamin Lincoln led the force which succeeded in putting it down. Many of its members were recruited at a meeting at Conkey’s Tavern, and it fought its first battle at Springfield, successfully closing the Supreme Court. It was defeated at Petersham, allowing James Bowdoin to reassert control; less than a year later, its participants returned from exile in Vermont after new governor John Hancock pardoned those responsible for this event. Further conciliation occurred when its aims of closing debtors’ prisons and shifting power to farmers were adopted by the legislature. FTP, name this western Massachusetts revolt against taxes and lenders, which took place in 1786 and exposed the shortcomings of America under the Articles of Confederation.

ANSWER: Shays’s Rebellion

4. The feminist Sylvia Pankhurst is buried in Holy Trinity Cathedral in this city. Taxis known as “blue donkeys” provide transportation in this city, and it is served by Lideta and Bole airports. Attractions include Shango hall, which was built in Finland before being transported there, and the eucalyptus trees that line the main streets. A statue known as “The Lion of Judah” stands in the middle of downtown in this city, which serves as the headquarters for the UN in Africa. Situated at the foot of Mt. Entoto, this is, FTP, what city founded by Emperor Menelik II, the capital of Ethiopia?

ANSWER: Addis Abbaba

5. The technique for creating these was invented in 1947 during Dennis Gabor's efforts at improving the resolution of electron microscope images. They can be used to study elastic deformation effects as well as tiny mechanical variations. They are recorded by shining a laser beam on an object and recording the scattered and reflected light along with a reference beam to obtain phase information. When the process is reversed, the recorded interference fringes act like a diffraction grating and produce a real image with more information than a standard photo. With a name derived from the Greek words for "complete" and "message," FTP name these advanced photographs that allow the storage of three-dimensional information.

ANSWER: Holograms

6. In current television continuity, he escaped from Mortu’s prison ship and brought an expedition of Utroms to twelfth-century Japan, where he forged the Sword of Tengu and eventually founded the TCRI corporation. On the big screen, his lieutenant was Tatsu, and this character played by James Saito fell off a roof into the compacting bay of a garbage truck after his scheme to recruit troubled teenagers into an army of petty thieves was disrupted. In animation, his mother Miyoko is defeated by General Yogure, while this man, also known as Oroku Saki, harbors a decades-old resentment for Hamato Yoshi. His sometime henchmen include Leatherhead, Napoleon Bonafrog, Baxter Stockmann, Rocksteady, and Bebop, and he conspires with the forces of Dimension X at the Technodrome. FTP, name this leader of the Foot Clan and ally of Krang who schemes against the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

ANSWER: the Shredder [accept Oroku or Oroku Saki before it is read]

7. Splenic sequestration results in most sufferers of this disease not having a working spleen by the time they reach puberty. Administration of hydroxyurea eases symptoms by somehow increasing the expression of a particular gamma chain rather than a beta chain, but complications still include so-called crises, which can result in extreme pain and necrosis. Carriers of this genetic disorder suffer no symptoms, but they are more resistant to malaria, making this disease far more common among those of African descent. Caused when a glutamate is replaced by valine in the beta chain of hemoglobin, FTP name this disorder that causes deformed red blood cells.

ANSWER: Sickle Cell Disease or Anemia

8. This equation's modern form was first published by Lagrange in his Analytical Mechanics, and it provides one possible explanation of the Kutta-Joukowski Theorem. The derivation of the general form relies on a conservative body force and zero volumetric energy supply, while the more limiting version can be derived by directly integrating Euler's equation. It has notably been used to study the Venturi effect, whose limiting case is called choked flow, and Pitot tubes use it to calculate velocity. Under steady flow with incompressible fluids, the conservation of energy leads to its formulation that the sum of kinetic energy density, potential energy density, and pressure is a constant along a streamline. FTP identify this equation named for a member of a prominent Swiss scientific family, invoked to explain the lift on airplanes.

ANSWER: Bernoulli's equation or principle

9. The title character in this work once punched a man for joking about his walrus-like physique. A son of that character wants to ask Bill Oliver for a loan to buy a ranch, but is concerned about a past experience involving the theft of a carton of basketballs. Frank’s Chop House is the setting for an argument about a character failing math. Earlier, the title character brags about the legendary Dave Singleman, but gets fired anyway by Howard Wagner. This work ends with a Requiem, in which Charley, Bernard, Linda, Biff, and Happy are the only people to attend the title character's funeral. FTP, name this drama about Willy Loman, written by Arthur Miller.

ANSWER: Death of a Salesman

10. They became prominent after intervening in Andrew II’s war with the Cumans, but they were later decimated by Algirdas at the Battle of Rudava. They were also defeated at the Battle of Puck by Casimir IV, leading to their surrender of eastern territories in the Treaty of Torun and the end of the Thirteen Years War. András II of Hungary expelled them from Transylvania, and this group eventually became a harmless charitable organization based in Vienna when its last leader Albert turned their base into a hereditary dukedom and converted to Lutheranism. Founded as a hospice brotherhood during the siege of Acre, they quickly became militarized and absorbed both the Order of Dobryzń and the Livonian Order in the mid-thirteenth century. Their invasion of Russia was put down by Alexander Nevsky at the Massacre on Ice. FTP, name this crusading order which controlled Prussia and made war in the Baltic.

ANSWER: Teutonic Knights [or Teutonic Order; or House of the Hospitalers of Saint Mary of the Teutons in Jerusalem; or Deutscher Ritter Orden; or Haus der Ritter des Hospitals Sankt Marien der Deutschen zu Jerusalem; or Domus Sanctae Mariae Theutonicorum in Jerusalem; do not accept Knights Hospitalers]

11. This Biblical figure is the namesake of a scientific quantity that is used to characterize the fluidity of material, which is based on the line "the mountains flowed before the Lord." Possibly married to a man named Lapidoth, this woman could often be found at a site between Rama and Bethel. During the battle of Thabor, she indicated the time to attack the enemy, who were led by a man from Hazor. Her namesake song appears after Jael pounded a tent stake through the captain of Jabin's army. Beforehand, she delivered an oracle to Barak commanding him to organize troops to fight Sisera. FTP, name this woman who rendered her judgments beneath a palm tree, the only female Judge.

ANSWER: Deborah

12. In one of his nonfiction works, he discusses a misheard threat which caused him to believe that a certain Mrs. Form periodically visited his primary school to beat the chidren. The author of the poetry collection Mice throws the unfinished manuscript of London Pleasures into the sewer one of his novels, and he wrote another novel about George “Fatty” Bowling’s reminiscences about Little Binfield. In addition to Keep the Aspidistra Flying and Coming Up For Air, he wrote "England your England, "Shopkeepers at War," and "The English Revolution," which together comprise the title essay of his collection The Lion and the Unicorn, while other notable nonfiction includes an essay in which the narrator is hesitant to fire his gun at the title animal and the autobiographical Down and Out in Paris and London. Better known are a novel in which the residents of the title place sing “Beasts of England” and another about a rat-fearing citizen of Oceania. FTP name this author of Animal Farm and 1984.

ANSWER: George Orwell

13. This anthropologist wrote about the differing sex roles among the Arapesh, Mudugumor, and Tchambuli cultures in Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies, and this author wrote that children growing up in an animistic culture only begin to think that way as they age in Growing Up in New Guinea. The most famous work by this researcher was a study of Manu adolescent girls in relation to American girls, which has often been criticized as being fake, notably by Derek Freeman. FTP name this American cultural anthropologist and author of Coming of Age in Samoa.

ANSWER: Margaret Mead

14. One character’s marriage to Molly Farren proves problematic in this novel after her body is found at the end of a trail of footprints. The sale of the horse Wildfire leads to its rider’s death in a quarry, and the location of his body leads to the revelation of another character’s parentage. That character eventually marries Aaron Winthrop, her childhood playmate. Her biological parent marries Nancy Lammeter, but she is raised by a man who once lived in Lantern Yard. That man has his fortune stolen by Dunsty Cass, and he takes in Hephzibah because he identifies her golden hair with his lost gold. Eppie ultimately chooses the title weaver of Raveloe as her parent in, FTP, what novel by George Eliot?

ANSWER: Silas Marner

15. It displays the Hayashi and Henyey tracks, and it contains a red clump, which is just to the right of the Schwarzschild Space by the Horizontal Branch, whose extent is determined by metalicity. One axis is sometimes labeled B minus V, and each data point is a single dot, with a typical trend being from top-left to bottom-right. It shows that most of its depicted objects are brighter the hotter they are, and that most of them live most of their lives on the Main Sequence. FTP, name this eponymous diagram devised by a Dane and an Englishman that displays the relationship between temperature and luminosity of stars.

ANSWER: Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

16. The protagonist of this story tries to avoid an old man from Pola whose dentures fall out of place as he shouts “Our very best to your sweetheart!” That old man resembles other characters, including a street entertainer and a man seen in the doorway of a mortuary chapel in Munich. The protagonist, the author of “The Wretched Man” and a prose epic about Frederick the Great, loses his luggage after arriving at the Hotel des Bains on Lido. The sweetish smell of disinfectant haunts him, and he becomes ill by eating some overripe strawberries. Finally, he is summoned to his fate by Tadzio, the Polish boy with whom he has fallen in love. FTP, name this Thomas Mann short story centering on Gustav von Aschenbach and his demise in an Italian city.

ANSWER: “Death in Venice” or “Der Tod in Venedig

17. This past September, he debuted a jazz opera based on Steinbeck's Cannery Row. His group was one of the first to play regularly at colleges, which resulted in their Jazz Goes to College album, and other albums by his group the Jazz Impressions series. After serving in a band in Patton’s army during World War II, he finished his studies at Mills College, where he formed an octet. His group’s experimental music didn’t sell and he cut it down to a trio that played jazz standards until Paul Desmond joined to make his group a quartet in 1951. FTP, name this jazz musician noted for his use of polytonality and unusual time signatures in pieces like Unsquare Dance, Blue Rondo a la Turk, and Take Five..

ANSWER: Dave Brubeck

18. Along with Ostwald, this man established the first journal of physical chemistry, and independently of Le Bel, he proposed that the bonds of carbon can adopt a tetrahedral geometry, which he used to explain the rotation of polarized light. One of his namesake equations relates the equilibrium constants for the same equation at different temperatures to the amount of heat released during the equation and the absolute temperatures. He may be more famous for his factor, which describes how many particles are released into a solution per unit of solute, used to calculate boiling point elevation. FTP name this Dutch chemist who also devised an expression for osmotic pressure analogous to the ideal gas law, the winner of the first Nobel Prize in chemistry.