Supplemental Materials

Towards Expanding the Acute Care Team: Learning How to Involve Families in Care Processes

by R. M. Wyskiel et al., 2015, Families, Systems & Health


Appendix I

Clinician Deep Dive Survey

Section C:

Critical Care Family Needs Inventory

Please indicate how important you believe each of the following needs are to relatives of patients in the ICU.

1. To have questions answered honestly. ……………………………………...

2. To visit at any time. ……………………………………………………………

3. To feel that the hospital personnel care about the patient. ……………..

4. To know specific facts concerning the patient's progress. …………..…...

5. To know the expected outcome. ………………………………………………

6. To see the patient frequently. ………………………………………………..

7. To be assured that the best care possible is being given to the patient.

8. To be told the truth even if it is distressing. ……………………………….

9. To have explanations given that are understandable. ……………………

Not Slightly Important Very

Important Important Important

◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

◯ ◯ ◯ ◯


Clinician Deep Dive Survey

Section E:

Demographic Information

People perceive the work setting differently based on their background characteristics. This information will be used to adjust the survey results for the influence of different backgrounds on people’s perceptions of the workplace. No one will be individually identified and no results reported separately for very small groups.

Deep Dive Survey I 2013.06.201

4. How long have you worked in your current hospital work area/unit?

◯Less than 1 year

◯1 to 5 years

◯6 to 10 years

◯11 to 15 years

◯16 to 20 years

◯21 years or more

5. Typically, how many hours per week do you work in this hospital?

◯Less than 20 hours per week

◯20 to 39 hours per week

◯40 to 59 hours per week

◯60 to 79 hours per week

◯80 to 99 hours per week

◯100 hours per week or more

6. What is your staff position in this hospital?

Select ONE answer that best describes your staff position.

◯Registered Nurse

◯Physician Assistant/Nurse Practitioner


◯Patient Care Assistant/Hospital Aide/Care Partner

◯Attending/Staff Physician

◯Fellow/Physician in Training



◯Unit Assistant/Clerk/Secretary

◯Respiratory Therapist

◯Physical, Occupational, or Speech Therapist

◯Technician (e.g., EKG, Lab, Radiology)


◯Other ______

7. Age?


8. Ethnicity?

◯Not Hispanic


9. Race?




◯Other ______

10. Region?


◯San Francisco


11. Sex assigned at birth?



12. Sex identified as?



13. Do you think of yourself as…

◯Lesbian, gay, or homosexual

◯Straight or heterosexual


◯Something else

◯Don’t know

Deep Dive Survey I 2013.06.201

Appendix II

Family Involvement Menu Clinician Survey

Purpose: The following survey is designed to better understand the inclusion of families in direct patient care. The following questions will provide insight into your experience as a clinician caring for patients in the ICU.
Confidentiality: We will not record your identity; your responses will only be used for study purposes and will not be disclosed to other hospital leadership.
Your completion of this survey or questionnaire will serve as your voluntary consent to be in this research study. Thank you for your time!

  1. How many years of clinical experience do you have? ______
  2. What is your role in the ICU, (RN, MD, RT, etc….)______
  3. List your highest degree? ______
  1. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being not comfortable and 5 being very comfortable

How comfortable are you inviting family to participate in direct patient care?

Not ComfortableVery Comfortable


  1. How often do you routinely invite families to participate in direct patient care?

☐ None of the time

☐ Some of the time

☐ All of the time

  1. I consider patients and families a part of the Healthcare team

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree


  1. How often do you have work tasks to take care of, which you believe the patient’s family could assist with

☐ None of the time

☐ Some of the time

☐ All of the time

  1. I follow the families wishes when they ask to participate in care of the patient

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1 234 5

  1. Engaging families in direct care can Improve efficiency of care delivery

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 34 5

  1. Please list activities that you believe would be appropriate to have families assist with

☐Back Care

☐Breathing Exercises

☐Eating (Feeding)

☐Exercises at the Bed

☐Mouth Care

☐Physical Therapy

☐Pillow Repositioning


☐Splint/Boot repositioning

☐Entertainment (Music, TV, & Reading)


☐Hand Care

☐Leg Care

☐Sitting Up & Walking

☐ Other, please describe: ______

  1. Of the activities listed above, which activities do you think families were least likely to participate in and why? ______
  1. I believe that Project Emerge will help to engage families as part of the Healthcare Team

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree


  1. In your experience with having families involved in direct care, what barriers have you encountered?


  1. In your experience having families involved in direct care, please describe what you like best about including them into your workflow:


Appendix III

Family Involvement Menu Family Survey

  1. What is your relationship to the patient?
  2. Parent
  3. Spouse or Partner
  4. Child
  5. Friend
  6. Other relative______
  1. Are you currently or have you ever been a healthcare professional (e.g. physician, nurse, nursing assistant, other)?
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being did not understand and 5 being fully understand, how well do you understand the patient’s condition during their stay in the ICU?

Did not understandFully Understand


  1. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being not comfortable and 5 being very comfortable, how comfortable are you asking the Health care team about the care your loved one is receiving?

Not ComfortableVery Comfortable


  1. Are youinterested in participating (assist with any daily care or treatments) in the care of your loved one?

☐ Yes

☐ Family independently participated

☐ No, then skip question 6

  1. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being not comfortable and 5 being very comfortable, how comfortable areyou in participating in the care of your loved one during their stay?

Not ComfortableVery Comfortable


  1. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being not included and 5 being very included

How included do you feel as a part of the health care team so far duringyour loved one’s stay?

Not IncludedVery Included