Mandatory 2014-15 Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training

Synopsis of Training Opportunities Available (listed on TEA webpage)

Children’s Advocacy Centers(CACs):

  • Does not list training to educational entities as part of training groups but might provide local training to schools (depends on the local CAC organization)
  • Local CACs (by counties where listed):
  • Victoria (may serve additional counties) – Hope of South Texas (361-573-4673)
  • Calhoun (may serve additional counties) –The Harbor (361-552-1982)
  • Matagorda, Wharton – The Crisis Center (979-245-9109)
  • Karnes – Children’s Alliance of South Texas (830-393-629)
  • Dewitt, Karnes, Lavaca – Norma’s House (830-672-1278)

Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center Online Training Center:

  • Various products available for purchase – did not purchase and try this course
  • Curriculum Packages –
  • 3 different packages with DVD, facilitation guide, companion material, and 1 year online subscription to additional resources ($179 for 1 pkg; $299 for 2 pkgs; $349 for all 3 pkgs)
  • Curriculum areas:
  • Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse
  • Keeping Your Children Safe
  • You Are Not Alone
  • Online Subscription
  • Online access to videos and content for purchased courses, user testing and certificate of completion generation, program guide, case studies, downloadable handouts, and FAQs
  • Contact for pricing (quoted $149 annual renewal but uncertain as to original price)
  • Individual Online Courses
  • Online access to course, user testing, certificate of completion, course accessible for 10 days
  • $10 each

Darkness to Light(D2L) - "Stewards of Children" online course:

  • Free, online 2 hour course on child sexual abuse (focus is on child sexual abuse and not on physical abuse or neglect)
  • Can also have campus/district facilitators trained for face to face training of content
  • D2L provides the ability to track, monitor, and maintain training records for all school personnel at no cost
  • TEA-approved for 2 credit hours of CPE
  • Emphasizes reporting of child sexual abuse but does not include specific details about mandatory reporting requirements in Texas and how to report to DFPS
  • Available in English and Spanish
  • Easy to register and establish account
  • Easy to access training
  • Can go to previous slides and content with back button or menu tab
  • Can log in and out of course – do not have to complete in one sitting – can choose to start where left off or at beginning
  • Can go back in to account again even after completing it to do again or to review sections
  • Must have current browser version (IE, Mozilla, Chrome, etc.) and disable popup blocker
  • Transcript of audio portions of training is available
  • Minimal reading required – some print material on slides but content is covered in video presentation
  • Content follows adult survivor stories interviews
  • Participants complete a Personal Prevention Plan as they progress through training
  • Quiz questions are contained throughout the course and not just at the end
  • Immediate feedback is provided and chance to correct response is given
  • Quiz can be difficult in that there are frequent times that multiple responses to a question must be selected to be correct
  • Must obtain an 80% to pass
  • If participant does not pass with 80% correct, then they are directed to retake the quiz using the menu tab and finding all the Knowledge Checks (16 questions)

DFPS online training "Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect of a Child":

  • Free, online approximately 1 hour course on child abuse and neglect and mandatory reporting requirements
  • Easy to access - no registration or accounts required
  • Can stop and start again because it does not require login but must remember where you left off and must advance pages until you reach the one you were last on (participant could merely scroll through all the pages without accessing content but may not be able to answer quiz questions for certificate)
  • Requires current Adobe Flash Player to view
  • Participants must read each page – considerable reading required (no audio of script)
  • 3 audio/video files are embedded on mandatory reporting requirements and process
  • Video covering emergency reporting through the Texas Hotline
  • Video covering non-emergency reporting through online e-reporting portal
  • “Reporting Abuse” video tutorial of step by step process of establishing an online reporting account and completing an online report using screen shots (certificate of completion of video tutorial available after completion of this tutorial)
  • Online print resources (PDFs) available on different pages and in resource section
  • Texas DFPS Reporting Abuse and Neglect: A Guide for School Professionals Document
  • Tri-Fold Brochure: Texas DFPS Reporting Abuse and Neglect: A Guide for School Professionals Document
  • ReportingSuspectedAbuseorNeglectofaChild in Texas: Reporting Basics Document
  • Flyer:Reporting Abuse, Neglect or ExploitationDocument
  • Flyer:Denuncie el abuso, maltrato, descuido o explotaciónDocument
  • Q & A on reporting, recognizing abuse/neglect, and reporter protections and obligations
  • Quiz at end of slides (6 questions/scenarios)
  • Fairly easy quiz – straightforward about reporting requirements
  • If select incorrect response, feedback and chance to correct response is given
  • Can make errors and correct them but you must find correct response to advance to next question or to certificate
  • Gives certificate of completion regardless of number of incorrect responses given provided that participant has given the correct response to advance
  • Only 1 correct response to each question so it is not too difficult