District 5130 Board of Directors Meeting

Fairfield Inn


February 20th, 2016


Welcome –Erin Dunn

The District Meeting was brought to order by Erin Dunn at 9:00 a.m.

Present:DGE Wulff Reinhold,DGN Bob Rogers, DG Designate Barbara Spangler

PD Kevin Eisenberg, PD Helaine Campbell, Barbara Barney, Kim McDonald, Earl Myers.Visiting: Valerie Hulsey,Peg Rogers

Finance Report: Barbara Barney

Resolution to Authorize New RYLA Account at Exchange Bank and Online Banking.

Signers Barbara Barneym, Lee Reposa, Rick Gorman. 7 Ayes, 0 No, O Abstain.

Accounting Policies and Procedures:

Kevin made a recommendation to have a Finance Committee meeting go work on the Policies and Procedures and made the recommendations to the Governor. Helaine is the chair. The date for the meeting will be March 9th at 2:00

Bob requested to increase the deposit for his DC Venue:

Advance funds of no more than $10,000, Barbara Barney Moved, Kevin 2nd, Approved.

Erin Closed the Finance Committee Meeting at 9:47 a.m.

Erin brought the Board Meeting to Order at 9:47 a.m.

Meeting Minutes for the November 21st 2015 Meeting:
Earl Moved to approve the minutes, Wulff 2nd,Approved.

DGN – Bob Rogers Report

Completed NATS

Participated in Polio Ride, raised $3,400

Working on a Venue for DC

Spent 3 weeks in India – RFE

Going to Ugonda

DGNE – Wulff Reinhold Report

1st Pre Pets is done

1 more is scheduled for 2/20

Erin and Wulff wet to the Peace Conference and would like to start a Peace Committee in our district.

Attended International Assembly

Jim Flamson will be Wulff’s Foundation Chair

DG – Erin Dunn Report

DAC – February 27th In Cobb

Update on the Evening Club

Committee Heads Reports

District Conference Planning going well

At the March 9th meeting – discussion about the Partner Pen

Went to Nicaraga for a week

Earl moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:20, Barbara Spangler 2nd, Approved.

Next Meeting May 21st . Valerie Hulsey will sit in as Secretary