Early Childhood Coordinating Council

Quarterly Meeting

February 3-4, 2011

February 3, 2011
Time / Speaker / Topic / Notes/Discussion/Action
1:00 / Amber Seipert
Joan Krosch / Welcomeintroductions
1:15 / Amber/Joan / Business items and membership changes
Review EC3 Facebook favorite pages:
  • ISDB Foundation
  • Zero to Three Policy Network
  • Idaho’s Early Learning eGuidelines
  • Idaho Early Care & Learning Fund
  • Prevent Child Abuse Idaho
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
  • NationalCenter on Shaken Baby Syndrome
Approve minutes from November 4-5, 2010 / ACTION
1:30 / Tricia Sturgis / Head Start Ad Hoc Committee update
1:50 / Carolyn Kiefer
Stan Burton / Head Start update
Head Start Collaboration Strategic Plan
2:30 / Shannon Dunstan / SDE update
3:10 / All / Break
3:20 / Robin Pewtress / Medicaid report
3:40 / Melissa Bandy / Idaho STARS update
4:00 / Gene Sue Weppner / Updates: child care, ICCP, welfare
4:20 / Amber/Joan / Legislative issues
  • Infant postmortem review
  • Recodification for EC3
  • Children’s system redesign
  • Immunizations

5:00 / All / Wrap up
Adjourn / Join us for breakfast tomorrow at 8:00 AM!
February 4, 2011
Time / Speaker / Topic / Notes/Discussion/Action
8:00 / All / Breakfast and networking
8:30 / Amber Seipert
Joan Krosch / Welcome & introductions
8:40 / Mary Jones / Infant Toddler Program update
9:20 / Bonnie Moses / Infant Toddler Ad Hoc Committee update
9:40 / All / Standing Committee breakout
10:10 / All / Break
10:20 / All / Standing Committee reports
10:40 / Janice Fletcher
Julie Fodor / Idaho STARS Child Care Research and Evaluation Five Year Plan
11:40 / David Simnitt / CHIC Grant
12:00 / All / Working lunch/networking
12:50 / Laura DeBoer / Home Visiting update
1:20 / Ashley Akina / Criminal History and Background Report / Recommendations, action?
1:40 / Lachelle Smith
David Allen / Blended Certificate—Is There a Personnel Shortage in Idaho?
2:00 / All / Break
2:10 / Roger Sherman / Child Abuse Prevention Month
2:30 / Sherry Iverson / SBS Update:
  • Review PURPLE Crying video
  • Idaho Perinatal Project Conference: February 17-18
Operation Medicine Drop: March 19 / Action?
2:50 / Larraine Clayton / SECCS update
State plan
Data collection
3:10 / Joan Krosch / Health care update
3:40 / Dieuwke Spencer / MCH update
3:50 / Amber/Joan / Hot topics
Other business
4:00 / Wrap up
Adjourn / Travel Safely!
Next Meeting:
May 5-6, 2011
Cambria Suites, Boise

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