How GeorgieRadbourn





An angry baseball player named Boss Swaggert swore to make baseball illegal. He soon took over the United States and banned anything to do with baseball. After that, the world was in a constant state of winter. Along came a little boy named Georgie Radbourn and challenged Boss. If he could strike him out, Boss had to make baseball legal again. He stuck him out and all four seasons returned.

Conversation Questions---

(1) / Tell me what sport this book is about.
(Answer) / Baseball.
(Follow Up) / Do you like to play baseball?
(2) / Remember the name of the baseball player that wanted to rid America of baseball.
(Answer) / Boss Swaggert.
(Follow Up) / Tell how he did this.
(3) / Imagine how the story might have been different if the crowd hadn't booed boss.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Is it nice to boo people?
(4) / Recall what Boss did to the ball players after he outlawed baseball forever.
(Answer) / Threw them into Candlestick Prison.
(Follow Up) / Tell what he did with all of the baseball equipment.
(5) / At what age did Boss put everyone to work?
(Answer) / Age 9.
(Follow Up) / Describe how you would feel if you had to start working when you were 9.
(6) / Recall what happened to the weather after Boss outlawed baseball.
(Answer) / It stayed winter all the time.
(Follow Up) / Do you think you would like it to stay winter forever?
(7) / Tell me what Georgie challenged Boss to.
(Answer) / A baseball game.
(Follow Up) / Recall what would happen if Georgie could strike him out.
(8) / Can you guess what would have happened if Georgie hadn't of stuck boss out?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Tell me how many strikes it takes to strike someone out.
(9) / Reminisce about a time you played baseball.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Share some other sports that you like to play with me.
(10) / Explain what "illegal" means.
(Answer) / Against the law.
(Follow Up) / Use the word "illegal" in a sentence.
1. / Draw and label and baseball and a baseball bat.
2. / Make a list of the four seasons. Pick your favorite and draw it.
3. / Write about how you would feel if you had to start working when you were 9.
4. / Write a letter to Georgie, thanking him for saving baseball. Tell him how much we enjoy baseball today.
1. / Have a baseball, glove, and bat on the table. Ask the children what they would play with these item. Today we are reading a story about a little boy that saved baseball. Let's read and find out how he did it.
2. / Have a picture of someone playing baseball. Ask the children what it would be like if it were against the law to play baseball. Well,. It is in our story today. Let's read and find out how a little boy named Georgie saved baseball.
3. / Have a picture of a winter scene on the table. Ask the children how they would feel if it was winter all the time. This happens in our story today. Let's see why and how one little boy changes the weather back to normal.

Book Title: How Georgie Radbourn Saved Baseball

Author: David Shannon / Illustrator: Kathleen Westray
ISBN: 0-590-47411-1 / # of Text Pages: 17 AR: N/A LEX: N/A
Building Oral Vocabulary
2 / slump / 8 / confiscated / 24 / steeerike
Prediction Questions
1 / How do you think it use to be?
7 / Do you think baseball will stay outlawed?
20 / Do you think Georgie will be able to do it?

This resource is made available by THE LEARNING CORPS-Barren County School system, an AmeriCorps program, funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community and Volunteer Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.