Main Stories 19 July 2011


  • Feith remains supervisor until 2012 (Koha Ditore)
  • EU calls for explanations into immunity of MPs (Koha Ditore)
  • Immunity, for justice or for politics (Zëri)
  • Sparkes: We are investigating some deputies (Kosova Sot)
  • Hoxhaj: The visa liberalization roadmap this year (Express)
  • Stefanovic: We missed the chance with UNMIK (Kosova Sot)
  • UNMIK does not respect deadline for removal of fence (Koha Ditore)
  • UNMIK decides to ruin the house of an Albanian (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo Media Highlights

Feith remains supervisor until 2012 (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports in the leading story that Pieter Feith will be the official that will close the supervising office of the independence of Kosovo. Based on international sources, this daily reports that the International Steering Committee decided that Pieter Feith should remain the only supervisor of the independence of Kosovo. They also decided that the office should close in 2012, when the supervision of the independence will conclude. States agreed that ICO and its chief Pieter Feith should be given full support until the end of next year, when the implementation of Ahtisaari’s Plan is expected throughout the Kosovo, including parts for Mitrovica north. It will include the creation of protected zones around the facilities of cultural and religious heritage, and some aspects of communities’ rights.

EU calls for explanations into immunity of MPs (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that senior officials of the European Union have increased their pressure on the Kosovo Assembly regarding immunity of MPs. According to the paper, the immunity issue was further complicated after EULEX decided to call on heads of parliamentary groups to take a position on the matter, a move which falls outside of its regulated work.

Maja Kocijancic, spokeswoman for the EU High Representative Catherine Ashton, told Radio Dukagjinithat the EU expects Kosovo to clarify the immunity issue. She added that EULEX enjoys the full support of the EU in its requests to the Kosovo Assembly to provide explanations on the immunity of MPs.

“Kosovo needs clarity on the immunity of members of the Kosovo Assembly and we fully support the letters that EULEX sent to the Assembly, in order to have clarity in the interpretation of the Constitution, it is unavoidable,” Kocijancic was quoted as saying.

Immunity, for justice or for politics (Zëri)

Zëri reports on the front page that the EU is supporting EULEX’s request to clarify the immunity of MPs who are under investigation. Meanwhile, experts and legislators in Kosovo argue that such requests are politicizing the cases.

The paper quotes Penal Code expert Ismet Salihu as saying that he doesn’t understand why EULEX has involved the Constitutional Court in the matter, when the prosecutor of the case can call for the immunity of an MP to be removed.

Salihu said that developments surrounding the immunity and case of former Transport Minister Fatmir Limaj are politicizing the case. “Politics have interfered,” he added.

Sparkes: We are investigating some deputies (Kosova Sot)

In an interview for Kosova Sot, Deputy Head of EULEX, Andy Sparkes, commented on the investigation of deputies. He said that it is a confidential matter, but he did reveal that yes, some deputies are under investigation. “I cannot give you a number, but I can say that it is not half of the parliament”, says Sparkes. He also said that EULEX is not pursuing a political agenda in regards to the Limaj case. However, according to him Limaj is being looked into because there are many corruption allegations against him.

Hoxhaj: The visa liberalization roadmap this year (Express)

Express inthe front-page story quotes Kosovo Foreign Affairs Minister Enver Hoxhaj as saying that he expects the European Union will give Kosovo the visa liberalization roadmap this year. Hoxhaj said that if there are delays it would give a negative message to the citizens of Kosovo. He said he received guarantees from members of the European Parliament that the roadmap will be shared in 2011. Hoxhaj also called for contractual and trade relations with the EU to be defined as soon as possible.

Stefanovic: We missed the chance with UNMIK (Kosova Sot)

Kosova Sot quotes Borislav Stefanovic, head of the Serbian negotiating team, as saying that Belgrade will need to talk about regulating the telecom and energy industry in Kosovo. Stefanovic argued that in 2006 there was an opportunity to register such companies with UNMIK but that opportunity was missed. “If we had done that, now we wouldn’t have to talk if they can operate, exist or serve Serbs in Kosovo,” Stefanovic added.

Maliqi: We are not negotiating with Serb commanders (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that General Director of the Kosovo police, Reshat Maliqi, rejected the negotiations with the dismissed Serb police commanders in the north. They, according to Maliqi, can return to work only once other bodies have decided in favour of their complaints. “There will not be any other negotiation until the procedure has been finalized for their dismissal, they have the legal right to complaint until Wednesday through a legal consultation process”, said Maliqi on Monday in a press conference.

UNMIK does not respect deadline for removal of fence (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that UNMIK did not respect an agreement reached between the mayor of Mitrovica Avni Kastrati and Acting SRSG Robert Sorensen, on the removal of the fence at the UNMIK building in Mitrovica. According to the agreement, UNMIK was obliged to move the fence closer to its building on 18 July, however, this did not happen, and not one of the seven officials wanted to make an announcement on this, reports this daily.

UNMIK decides to ruin the house of an Albanian (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that the situation at “Bosniacka Mahala” has become tense after the decision by UNMIK administration to ruin Sebahate Selaci’s house, which he started to be built a few days ago. On Monday, just before midday, two (UNMIK) Serb inspectors, accompanied by a police patrol notified the owner to stop building the house because the building appeared to be “illegal.” The notice said that “it will be destroyed,” if construction is not stopped. According to the decision, all of the expenses will be beared by the owner of the house, who in this case is an Albanian. The decision is that if Salci does not make a request to UNMIK administration in the north, UNMIK administration will destroy the house. The owner of the house stressed she had submitted her request to build the house to Mitrovica municipality in the south of the city.

Kosovo Press Headlines

Koha Ditore

Front page

  • Feith remains supervisor until end of 2012
  • Finished work will be mentioned in the Progress Report
  • €3 million for the life of businessman Azem Morina
  • UNMIK issues decision to demolish Albanian house
  • EU calls for explanations into immunity of MPs
  • UNMIK fails to respect deadline for removing the fence

Other headlines

  • Maliqi: We don’t negotiate with Serb commanders (2)
  • Draft law on Pristina leaves city without a government grant for 3 years (7)
  • Government incapable of using international funds (8)


Front page

  • Immunity, for justice or for politics
  • We will show you with the Progress Report
  • Mesic on a two-day visit to Kosovo
  • Xharra: The burning game
  • New investigations in Medicus case

Other headlines

  • Support from NATO and KFOR (2)
  • Gashi and KIPRED file lawsuit against RTK (4)
  • EU to help in repatriation (5)
  • PTK loses €6 million (6)

Kosova Sot

Front page

  • Sparkes: We are investigating some deputies
  • Sleeping funds of privatization
  • Free trade, no additional deadline for Serbia
  • Fear from the division

Other headlines

  • Privileges also in the Constitution (2)
  • NATO and KFOR support confirmed (2)
  • EU: EULEX has the support on the issue of immunity (2)
  • Mesic visits Kosovo (2)
  • Biometric passports in August (4)
  • Stefanovic: We lost the chance with UNMIK (5)
  • Maliqi: There is no SHIK at the police (9)

Epoka e Re

Front page

  • Buja: I did not increase the number of students
  • The sixth round of dialogue on Wednesday
  • Maliqi: There is no SHIK
  • First biometric passports in August
  • Çitaku: We have completed the duties on visa liberalization

Other headlines

  • Official portrait of Congressman Tom Lantos, inaugurated (2)
  • Mesic visits Kosovo (2)
  • President Jahjaga travels to Slovenia (5)
  • EU requests clarification of immunity issue (3)
  • NATO and KFOR support confirmed (3)
  • Geci’s defense proposes Sylejman Selimi for a witness (6)
  • UNMIK gives a 48 hour deadline (10)
  • Kastrati-Sorenson agreement fails (10)


Front page

  • This year, anyhow the guide
  • Two years two much
  • Return of preferences

Other headlines

  • Shkëlzen Maliqi: Immunity (2)
  • Blerim Shala: Arguments? Big deal. (2)
  • Savic leaves SLS (5)
  • Israel supports Serbia (5)
  • Optimistic about agreement (5)
  • Constitutional Court to be asked (6)
  • Stipe Mesic to be honoured (6)
  • Unhappy with EULEX (7
  • KIPRED sues RTK (7)
  • Again problems with UNMIK (9)

Bota Sot

Front page

  • Deputies worried with immunity of their colleagues
  • We don’t have members of SHIK in the police
  • UNMIK again disturbs Albanians in north of Mitrovica

Other headlines

  • Brussels – optimistic about the next round of talks (2)
  • Deputy Prime Minister Petrovic and Admiral Locklear discussed security situation in Kosovo (4)
  • In autumn discusscions about the division of Kosovo (7)
  • KIPRED sues RTK for slander and offense (7)
  • Everything depends on the progress report of 12 October this year (8)
  • Brussels requests explanations for immunity (11)


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIK on the understanding that the choice of articles translated is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIK.