Transforming Education & Training:

higher quality, safer patient care

Time / Rooms / Programme Summary
09:00 09:30 / Foyer / Registration and Refreshments
09:30 09:45 / Lecture Theatre 3 / Welcome Address
Sir Stephen Moss
Non-executive Director, HEE, Chairman of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (2009 – 2012)
09:45 10:45 / Lecture Theatre 3 / Presentations by system leads plus panel discussions
Professor Kevin Fenton, Director of Health and Wellbeing, Public Health England or Dr Charles Alessi, NHS Future Forum
Prof Peter Kinderman (University of Liverpool) What Works for Wellbeing programme
Dr Kate Ardern – Borough of Wigan
Chief exec from provider organisations (5 mins each) NHS, LGA
11:30 / Lecture Theatre 3 / Learning from the Wessex Review
Clare, Health Education Wessex
Simon How & Mandy Harling, Public Health England
Sally, Undergraduate Curriculum, optometry behaviour change guidance
National Guidance documents for MECC Programmes
11:30 12:30 / Case Study 1
Lecture theatre 1 / Case Study 2
Lecture theatre 2 / Case Study 3
Lecture theatre 4 / Case Study 4
Lecture theatre 5 / Case Study 5 / Case Study 6
13:30 / Seminar Room 1&2 / Lunch – Networking and Market Place
14:15 / Lecture Theatre 3 / Facilitated discussion/Consultative Forum
15:15 / Workshop 1
Lecture theatre 1 / Workshop 2
Lecture theatre 2 / Workshop 3
Lecture theatre 4 / Workshop 4
Lecture theatre 5 / Workshop 5 / Workshop 6
Foyer Areas / Tea
15:45 / Lecture Theatre 3 / Plenary Session
15:45 16:00 / Lecture Theatre 3 / Closing Remarks
Professor Lisa Bayliss Pratt, Director of Nursing, HEE
Time / Rooms/
Open Space / Programme Summary
09:00 09:30 / Level 5 Foyer & Hall 8 / Registration and Refreshments
09:30 09:40 / Hall 5 / Welcome Address
Chair: Professor David Croisdale-Appleby, Non-Executive Director, Health Education England
(set the scene/context)
09:40 10:00 / Hall 5 / Why the Patient Safety Commission cannot be delivered in isolation
Chair: Professor David Croisdale-Appleby, Non-Executive Director, Health Education England
Professor Wendy Reid, Director of Education and Quality, Medical Director, Health Education England
10:00 10:05 / Hall 5 / Chair: Professor David Croisdale-Appleby, Non-Executive Director, Health Education England
(top two points from Wendy’s key note)
10:05 10:25 / Hall 5 / Keynote Speaker – Patient Safety
10:45 / Level 3, 4 & 5 Foyer Areas / Tea & Coffee Break
11:25 / Halls 5,6,7 & 8a / Workshop 1
“Together everyone achieves more” – Transforming education and training in Primary and Community Care
Speakers to be agreed
Hall 6a (Level 3) / Workshop 2
“Planning for the future is critical” – Improving system capacity and capability in Cancer Care
Speakers to be agreed
Hall 6b (Level 3) / Workshop 3
“Scars you can’t see are the hardest to heal” – Innovative approaches to delivering Mental Health and Learning Disability education and Training
Dr Neil Ralph, Programme Manager for Mental Health and Learning Disabilities, HEE; Dr Yvonne Anderson, Director, GIFT(All TBC)
Hall 5 (Level 4) / Workshop 4
Transforming urgent and emergency care: workforce development for safer care and improved patient experience
Speakers to be agreed
AHSN nominee (TBC)
Hall 7a (Level 4) / Workshop 5
“Quality is never an accident” – Improving outcomes in maternity and children’s services
Speakers to be agreed
Hall 7b (Level 4) / Workshop 6
“Care is an absolute. Prevention is the ideal” –Education and training to support improvements in public health
Janet Flint, Programme Lead, Public Health – National Programmes, HEE
Hall 8a (Level 5)
11:55 / Hall 5 / Keynote Speaker – Quality
(Importance of quality on patient care)
12:35 / Hall 8 / Lunch
13:00 / Hall 5 / Keynote Speaker – External Guest from the private sector (e.g. Formula 1, Google, David Nott Foundation etc)
13:50 / Halls 5,6,7 & 8a / Workshop 1
“Together everyone achieves more” – Transforming education and training in Primary and Community Care
Speakers to be agreed
Hall 6a (Level 3) / Workshop 2
“Planning for the future is critical” – Improving system capacity and capability in Cancer Care
Speakers to be agreed
Hall 6b (Level 3) / Workshop 3
“Scars you can’t see are the hardest to heal” – Innovative approaches to delivering Mental Health and Learning Disability education and Training
Dr Neil Ralph, Programme Manager for Mental Health and Learning Disabilities, HEE; Dr Yvonne Anderson, Director, GIFT(All TBC)
Hall 5 (Level 4) / Workshop 4
Transforming urgent and emergency care: workforce development for safer care and improved patient experience
Speakers to be agreed
AHSN nominee (TBC)
Hall 7a (Level 4) / Workshop 5
“Quality is never an accident” – Improving outcomes in maternity and children’s services
Speakers to be agreed
Hall 7b (Level 4) / Workshop 6
“Care is an absolute. Prevention is the ideal” – Education and training to support improvements in public health
Janet Flint, Programme Lead, Public Health – National Programmes, HEE
Hall 8a (Level 5)
14:35 / Hall 5 / Question Time:
Professor Wendy Reid?
and x2 other speakers
14:45 / Level 3, 4 & 5 Foyer Areas / Tea & Coffee Break
15:30 / Halls 5,6,7 & 8a / Workshop 1
“Together everyone achieves more” – Transforming education and training in Primary and Community Care
Speakers to be agreed
Hall 6a (Level 3) / Workshop 2
“Planning for the future is critical” – Improving system capacity and capability in Cancer Care
Speakers to be agreed
Hall 6b (Level 3) / Workshop 3
“Scars you can’t see are the hardest to heal” – Innovative approaches to delivering Mental Health and Learning Disability Education and Training
Dr Neil Ralph, Programme Manager for Mental Health and Learning Disabilities, HEE; Dr Yvonne Anderson, Director, GIFT(All TBC)
Hall 5 (Level 4) / Workshop 4
Transforming urgent and emergency care: workforce development for safer care and improved patient experience
Speakers to be agreed
AHSN nominee (TBC)
Hall 7a (Level 4) / Workshop 5
“Quality is never an accident” – Improving outcomes in maternity and children’s services
Speakers to be agreed
Hall 7b (Level 4) / Workshop 6
“Care is an absolute. Prevention is the ideal” – Education and training to support improvements in public health
Janet Flint, Programme Lead, Public Health – National Programmes, HEE
Hall 8a (Level 5)
15:50 / Hall 5 / Awards: Recognising Excellence
Chair: Professor David Croisdale-Appleby, Non-Executive Director, Health Education England
Plus x1 additional co-host
16:00 / Hall 5 / Overview and Observations of the Day
(to include nominations for top 3 innovative approaches to improving quality and safety in education and training)
16:00 / Close

Workshop Comments:

  1. Learner Hub – So what does this all mean for the learner? More of a debate on what is discussed and how we can shape the agenda “the power of learner voice”
  2. Each workshop to include a specific patient safety video
  3. Workshop 6 – Speaker confirmed 17.11.16
  4. Workshop 3 – GIFT stands for ‘Great Involvement Future Thinking’
  5. Workshop 4 – A slot for an AHSN provider, We could possibly offer another one of the available sessions to a partner organisation also