Grant Application

La Vallée des Singes Primate Conservation Research Grant

Le Conservatoire pour la Protection des Primates is a non-profit organisation founded by the French Primate Park “LA VALLEE DES SINGES” to fund conservation programs for wild populations of primates.

In 2009 Le Conservatoire pour la Protection des Primates initiated the La Vallée des Singes Conservation Research Grant to support research that can benefice the conservation of primates worldwide.

We will give priority to studies that involve, in their natural habitat, little known and (probable) endangered species. Studies on the distribution and taxonomy of endangered primates are urgently needed, and will receive priority. We give priority to studies conducted by citizens from the country in which the primates are found. The intent is to provide support for research that can be used to formulate and to implement conservation plans for the species studied.


Le Conservatoire pour la Protection des Primates will grant to any qualified person that studies rare and endangered primates and their conservation in their natural habitat. Grants average approximately € 2,500. With this grant we do not intend to support conferences, travel to scientific meetings, salaries or work for sanctuaries.


Proposals are evaluated on competitive basis. Applications are screened by the board of Le Conservatoire pour la Protection des Primates, if necessary with the help of outside reviewers.


Deadlines for all grant applications are April 1stand October 1st. Results will be given May 1st and November 1st.


Grant applicants should complete the application materials on the following pages. Proposals are to be submitted typed in English, Spanish or French. Please send full proposal with the cover sheet to

in a Microsoft Word file that is identified with your name, species and the country where the study will be conducted. Make the file as small as possible (under 2mb). DO NOT send PDF files. All materials are due in the office by April 1st or October 1st.

Le Conservatoire pour la Protection des Primates

La Vallée des Singes Primate Conservation Research Grant

Suggested Outline of Application

Please use: Ms-Word, at least 12 point type, 1.5 spacing.

Be to the point, items 1 - 5 should be no longer than 10 pages.

Use the enclosed Project Proposal form as a cover sheet.

Submit one copy of a complete proposal (The cover sheet and items 1-11). Include the following suggested outline items only if appropriate for your proposal.

Be sure to send the application form with the signed institutional agreement form. We will not award a grant without this form.

Part 1: Project Proposal Form

Project Name:

Principal investigators:


University: (if applicable)


Project period:

Total budget:

Amount requested from Le Conservatoire:

Support from other sources (note if pending):

Academic Advisor name:

Abstract (maximum 300 words):

Name of applicant: Date of application:


Part 2: Project Description Form

1.  Introduction (explain how the project addresses primate conservation)

2. Background Information

a. Prior research on the species involved.

b. Prior conservation action for the species involved.

3. Project description

a. Goals.

b. Specific aims.

c. Project design and implementation

4. Methods

a. Survey

b. Animal handling

c. Local professional development

d. Involvement of local people

5. Post-project follow-up

a. Dissemination of results.

b. Possible post-project conservation action

c. Evaluation: how will success be measured?

6.  Timetable

7.  Budget

8.  Short bibliography and a map of the location of the project within the country.

9. C.V.'s of principal personnel. Two (2) pages maximum per person.

10. Copies of permissions from appropriate governmental agencies (i.e. visa, research permits) or statement that permits and permissions are not needed.

11. Completed and signed institution agreement form (part 3).

12. Names and addresses of 3 references. Please do not only include people who are involved in anyway with your project.

Part 3: Institution Agreement Form

To whom it may concern:

Le Conservatoire pour la Protection des Primates is a non-profit foundation that awards small research grants to individuals through colleges, universities and other non-profit organizations. The grants are given for field work. Due to the small amount of monies (average € 2.500) to be disbursed by our organization, and due to the obvious need for conservation of many species of primates in their native environment, the board feels that no monies should be taken for administration or overhead by the college, university or non-profit organization through which the grant is administered. In keeping with this policy, the grant applicant must secure the institutions' agreement with this policy as part of the application process.

The grantee's institution should fill out and sign this form.

Any grants from Le Conservatoire pour la Protection des Primates

for (grant applicant):

for (project title or description):

to be administered by



will not have any monies removed for administration, overhead or other purposes.

The grant award will be used for the benefit of the above named recipient only.
The grant monies transfer should be made out to:

Name of account holder:

Account number (IBAN):

Bank Number:

Name and address of bank:

Bank code (SWIFT or BIC):

Now, therefore the grantees institution, ...... , agrees to the terms stated here.

Name: Title:

Date: Signature:

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