Amherst Middle School PTO

165 Gordons Fairgrounds Rd, Amherst, VA 24521 •

Meeting Minutes

January 4, 2018 - 6:00 p.m.


Dee Dee MorrisAnna Burch

Jennifer Morcom Mrs. Snead

The meeting was called to order & minutes were reviewed from the December 7, 2017 meeting.

Old Business:

1. Teacher/Staff Luncheon: Scheduled for January 10th. Catered by Olive Garden

Action Items- Dee Dee to confirm delivery and set-up with Lisa. Mrs. Snead to provide paper goods.

2. Christmas Dance: Photo booth proceeds $11. Need to revisit and come up with new ideas for future dances.

3. Thank You Notes: Notes to Ed Hawkins for providing boxes for Christmas Parade and Dickie Brothers Orchard for providing apples for Teacher/Staff Breakfast

Action Item-Ms. Fitzgerald to get pictures signed, Anna to write and mail Thank You notes.

4. Honey Bee Festival: need more info prior to commitment

Action Item: Mrs. Snead to seek out more info. Suggestions: a raffle, game for children to play, corn hole tournament?

New Business:

1. School Bench: Color chosen #5015 Cougar Blue. Price $825-Bench, $200 Logo, $50 Custom Color, $150 delivery.

Action Item: Dee Dee to place official order and follow up about tax exempt discount. Will consider pick up to safe on delivery fee

2. Communication: How the PTO communicates- Link to PTO minutes on AMS webpage, Facebook, Hard copy of PTO minutes in Teacher’s Lounge, PTO minutes mailed to parents on PTO list. Will continue to seek out new ways to improve communication.

3. Donations to Nurses Station: Thank you to Lisa for the donations to the Nurses Station

4. Box Tops: AwaitingBox Top check for $603.90. Winter Box Top Contest- Homeroom contest, the homeroom collecting the most Box Tops will win an ice cream ticket from the cafeteria. To be purchased by the PTO. Suggestion made for last Box Top Contest is for students to win extra tickets to use in the end of the year incentive program.

Action Item: Dee Dee to make flyers for ice cream contest to be sent home in Report Cards.

5. Future PTO- suggestion made for current PTO board members to attend PTO meetings of surrounding elementary schools to advertise for new upcoming members. Also, need to start thinking of next year’s fundraiser ideas.

Action Item: Mrs. Snead to reach out to elementary schools for dates and times of PTO meetings.

6. Teacher Appreciation Luncheon: May date to be determined.

Action Item- will ask Mr. Hamlett about catering.

7. Upcoming Meeting: Next meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 1st at 6:00.