
D - Usually used in front of a quantity to mean difference

a - alpha particles, the nuclei of helium, He

b or b– - beta particles, high speed electrons emitted by nuclei

b+ - positron, also represented by e+

d - Symbol for delta rays, electrons liberated by alpha particles

X– & X+ - Cascade particles (baryons) with mass ~1.317 GeV

g - Gamma rays, high energy photons emitted by nuclei

L - Lambda particle, a baryon

l - lambda, wavelength

l - decay constant

m - muon

m + and m – - positive and negative muions

mB - Bohr magneton

mN - nuclear magneton

n - frequency used in (E = h n)
- also used for neutrino

ne, nm and nt - electron neutrino and muon neutrino and tau neutrino

- antineutrino

e, m and t - electron antineutrino, muon antineutrino and tau antineutrino

n (= 1/l) - wave number, number of waves per unit length

p or Dp - parity and change of parity

p+, p–, p0 - positive, negative, and neutral pions

S–, S0, & S+- Sigma particles (baryons) with mass ~1.192 GeV

s - cross section in general

sc - thermal neutron capture cross section

sf - thermal neutron fission cross section

A - Angstrom, a unit 10-10 m, for atomic radius etc

A - Radioactivity

Ao - Radioactivity at t = 0

AECL - Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

AHR - Aqueous homogeneous reactor

a - absorption coefficient

a - acceleration, a vector

BE - Binding energy

BEav - Average binding energy

BNL - Brookhaven National Laboratories

BWR - Boiling water reactor

Bq - Becquerel, unit for radioactivity

b - The bottom quark

- also as barn of cross section, 10-28 m2

C - The Coulomb constant = (4pe)–1 = 8.99x109 N m2 c-2

CANDU - CANadian Deuterium Uranium reactor

CERN - European Center for Nuclear Research

CN - central nervous system

CPRP - Civilian Power Reactor Program

CTF - Controlled thermonuclear fusion

Ci - Curie

c - The charm quark

c - Speed of light, 2.997925x108 m s–1

D - Deuterium, and isotope of hydrogen H

DESY - Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron Laboratory

DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid

d - The down quark

dps - disintegration per second for decay rate

E - Energy, a quantity sometimes subscripts are added to specify the type of energy,

EDJ - Electric transition

EC - electron capture

e - electron

e+ or b+ - positron, antiparticle of electron.

eV - electron volt

F , F - force, a vector when bold and scalar when not bold

FBR - Fast breeder reactor

f t - Comparative half life

GeV - Giga-electron volt, 1x109 eV

GCR - Gas-cooled power reactor

GI - Gastrointestinal system

HWR - Heavy wter moderated reactor

HILAC - Heavyion linear accelerator

h - Planck constant

i - current

IT - isomeric transition

J - Total quantum momentum quantum number of a nucleus

JET - Joint European Torus

j - Total quantum momentum quantum number

K+, K0, and K– - Kaons, charged and neutral

k - the Boltzmann constant, (1.38062 x 1023 J/deg)

LBL - Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

LD - lethal dose

l - orbital quantum number

M - Mass number (M = N + Z)

MDJ - Magnetic transition

m - Meter, a unit of length

m - Mass or relativistic mass, a quantity

ME - Mass excess

MeV - Million electron volt

me - mass of electron

mj - The projection of the combined angular momentum

mo - Rest mass

N - Number of neutrons (N = M - Z)

N - The number of nuclei (in N = No e-l t) for radioactive decay kinetics
- Number of neutrons for the consideration of nucleons

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NCRP - The (American) National Council of Radiation Protection

NRC - National Research Council of Canada

Na - The number of alpha particles

Nb - The number of beta particles

No - The number of nuclei (in N = No e-l t) at t = 0

n and - neutron

n - any integer including principal quantum number

OCPR - Organic-cooled power reactor

OSRD - Office of Scientific Research and Development

P - power, rate of energy transfer

PLT - Princeton Large Torus

PWR - Pressurized water reactor

p and - proton and antiproton

p - linear momentum (= m v)

Q - energy of nuclear reaction

- also used as quality factor

QCD - Quantum chromodynamics

q - quantity of heat

R - Radius

- also used for electric resistance in units of ohm
- Roentgen, a dosage unit for radiation

RBMK - Soviet graphite-moderated nuclear reactor

SIL - Sound intensity level measured in decibel (dB)

SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

SM - Standard model

SPEAR - Stanford Positron Electron Asymmetric Rings

s - Second, a unit of time

- also the strange quark

s - Spin quantum number

- also as distance as a scalar quantity

T - Tritium, an isotope of hydrogen H

TFTR - Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor

TeV - Terra electron volt (1012 eV)

t - time

t½ - half-life

V - volt, a unit of electric potential

v - velocity

W+, W0, and W– - The weak force carriers

x - a parameter for distance or coordinate

Z - Atomic number or number of protons in a nucleus

ZEEP - zero-energy experimental pile
