Eagle UpdateJanuary 8, 2018

Early Dismissal 1:30 on WednesdayJan. 17 and 31.All students who are not in Champions or School Readiness should be picked up in the car line between 2:55-3:15.

PreK STEM Camp for Students and Parents Tuesday, Jan. 9, 6:00-7:30 pm

Guardian Catholic is hosting a required meeting for PK3 and PK4 parents and children on Tuesday, Jan. 9 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. As an active partner in your child’s education, we look forward to your participation! You will earn 1.5 volunteer hours—and enjoy a unique learning experience with your child! Please plan to attend. Funding for this STEM Camp is provided by the Jacksonville Community Foundation. We are grateful and excited to have received the grant, Eaglets Soar and Explore! Through STEM Education, to promote STEM education in our PreK classrooms. Take advantage!

Welcome New Office Staff

We are happy to welcome Mrs. Nolasco and Mrs. Fletcher who have joined Mrs. Hice in the school office. Until they get to know you, they will be asking to see your ID if you stop in the office to pick up your child. Thank you for your cooperation with this safety practice.

Report Cards January 9

Second quarter report cards will be sent home with students in all grades on Tuesday, Jan. 9. Please review them. Keep the report card butreturn the signed envelope to school by Friday, Jan. 12. Teacher conferences are available upon request.

Renew Step Up for Students for 2018-2019 Today!

Renewal families had a processing priority untilDecember 31, 2017. However, if you missed that deadline, renew your scholarships right away. New families will apply soon, narrowing your possibilities of a quick renewal. Renewal families who have a child currently in PK4, be sure to add that child to your renewal as an add-on sibling for kindergarten. Parents of eighth graders be sure to renew for high school.

Income Determination Form for Private Schools Enclosed. Return by Friday.

Our school and your children benefit from funding for student services. You can help us receive that funding by completing the enclosed Income Determination Form and returning it to school by this Friday. All information is kept confidential and is only used to determine funding for the entire school, not individual students. Our goal is a 100% return rate!

School Day 8:00 a.m. to 2:55 p.m.

Parents are reminded that students must attend a full day of school. Our day begins at 8:00 a.m. and dismissal is at 2:55 p.m. It is important that parents make a full day of attendance a priority. Leaving school early is an exception and should be considered only for a doctor’s appointment or an emergency.

Call the Office

If your child is sick and unable to attend school, please call the office to notify us of the absence. Expect a phone call from school when your child is absent and you have not notified us.

Birthday Treats

Cupcakes or other birthday treats are to be brought to the office and will be served to the students as a dessert at lunch time.

Catholic High School Placement Test Saturday, Jan. 20, 8:30-12:00

We encourage our eighth graders to consider a Catholic High School after graduation. The first step in that process is to take the High School Placement Test (HSPT) on Saturday, Jan. 20 from 8:30-12:00. Register in advance by going to The code for Bishop Kenny is ZL. Information for registering for the test at Bishop Snyder is available at

Lost and Found – take time to put your child’s name on all uniforms & belongings.

All lost items will be available in the office until the 30th of each month. Unclaimed items will be given to Goodwill.

Parent Portal

In the next few weeks we will give you the opportunity to reenroll your children for the 2018-2019 school year. That process will be done through the Parent Portal. Be sure to create an account now if you haven’t done so already:

How to Access the Parent Portal

  1. Got to GCS website,
  2. Click on the Parents Web icon in the left column of the page.
  3. Create an account if you haven’t done so yet.
  4. If you have an account, login with your current UN and PW.


  • Jan. 9, 6:00-7:30 pm STEM Camp for PK students and parents
  • Jan. 17 and 31.Dismissal at 1:30 pm
  • Jan. 20, 8:30-12:00 High School Placement Tests at Bishop Kenny and Bishop John Snyder High Schools


  • Return signed report card envelopes by Friday.
  • Return completed Income Determination Form by Friday.
  • Call the office when your child is sick.
  • Review the content of the Eagle Update each week; sign and return the envelope on Tuesday.
  • Secure your Step Up for Students scholarship for 2018-2019 by renewing now!

Enclosed Today

  • Income Determination Form

Eagle Update is on our website under Latest News:

Eagles soar to success!

Our mission is to help each student attain their potential through high quality Catholic education in a Christ-centered environment that inspires each of us to think, learn, achieve,pray and serve our communities.