Geraldine E. Hynes, Ph.D.

Home75 Neiderhoffer Subd. Rd., Huntsville, Texas77340

(979) 219-2553

OfficeDepartment of General Business and Finance

College of Business Administration


Box 2056

Huntsville, Texas77341

(936) 294-4149


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Associate Professor, Business Communication, Department of General Business and Finance, College of Business Administration, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. August 2001-present

Visiting Professor, Managerial Communication, College of Business Administration, University of MissouriSt. Louis, fall semesters 2001-present. Teach a graduate course in the UMSL Professional MBA-Online program

Assistant Professor, Managerial Communication, College of Business Administration, University of MissouriSt. Louis. August 1988 – August 2001

Instructor, Speech Communication, University of MissouriSt. Louis, parttime1977-1988

Instructor, Speech Communication, BellevilleAreaCollege, Belleville, Illinois,

parttime1985- 1986

Instructor, Speech Communication, St. Louis Community College, St. Louis, Missouri, parttime1972-1981

Lecturer, Department of Language, ArmidaleCollege of Advanced Education, Armidale, N.S.W., Australia, 19711972

Tutor and Research Assistant, Department of Education, University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W., Australia, 19701971

Lecturer, Extension Division, University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W., Australia. 19701971


Contract Communication Consultant, Trainer and Executive Coach

Design and deliver training and coaching seminars for corporate clients in business writing, presentation skills, interpersonal communication skills, diversity awareness, adult learning.

Representative clients include the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, ESCO Technologies, Inc., Incyte Genomics, Inc., Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, The May Department Stores Company, the City of Bellefontaine Neighbors, Parents as Teachers National Center, Tripos, Inc., St. LouisScienceCenter, SSM Healthcare, Home Builders Association of Greater St. Louis, and Applied Biosystems, Inc.

Contract Reviewer

Review chapter manuscripts and proposed textbook outlines for textbook publishing companies, including Prentice-Hall, Addison-Wesley, Harper Collins, Irwin McGraw-Hill, and South-Western Publishing Companies. Participate in focus groups that plan college textbooks in business communication and business writing.


Communication Consultant and Trainer, Continuing Education-Outreach, University of

Missouri-St. Louis, part-time 1988-2001

On-site Programs

Designed and delivered training programs for external clients of the University -representative organizations include the Missouri Department of Corrections, St. Louis County Family Courts, and the St. LouisScienceCenter.

On-Campus Programs

Taught modules in noncredit, open enrollment certificate programs offered by Continuing Education-Outreach in Business Administration - including the Supervisory Certificate Training Program, the Human Resources Management Certificate Program, and the Mini-MBA Program.

Continuing Education Specialist, University of Missouri-St. Louis, part-time1995

Marketed Continuing Education services to the St. Louis corporate community.


Acting Director, Continuing EducationExtension Communications Programs, University of MissouriSt. Louis, 1987-1988

Marketed, designed and managed credit and noncredit programs in business writing and speaking. Programs were offered both inhouse for area businesses and organizations, and on an openenrollment basis. Consultations and tutorials were also available. In the 198788 academic year, the Communications Programs unit increased its income almost 20%, with actual profits over $35,000.00.

Speech Communication Specialist, Continuing EducationExtension, University of MissouriSt. Louis, 1985-1987.

Responsibilities included assisting the Director of Communications Programs. Designed, developed, and taught speech communication training programs for area businesses.


Research Assistant, Department of Education, University of New England, Armidale,

New South Wales, Australia. 1970-71

Research Assistant, Speech Communication Laboratory, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. Spring and Summer, 1969


Research and Technical Assistant for NDEA Institute for Advanced Study in English and Speech, University of Illinois at Chicago. Summer, 1968

Research Assistant for Dr. Barbara S. Wood, Associate Professor of Speech, University of Illinois at Chicago, Spring 1967


Ph.D.St.LouisUniversity, 1990

Adult Education/ Higher Education.

M.A.University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1969

Speech Communication. Minors: Linguistics and Psychology.

B.A. University of Illinois at Chicago, 1968

Teaching of English and Speech.

Graduated with Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences.


Association for Business Communication

  • Member, Business Practices Committee, Teaching Committee, MBA Special Interest Group, Consultants Committee, 1996-present
  • International Convention Program Chair, 2006
  • Member, Board of Directors, 2006-2009

Association of Professional Communication Consultants

Member, Board of Directors. Publications Chair, 1999-2006

American Society for Training and Development

American Business Women’s Association

Member, Education Committee, 2003-2005

Allied Academies, Inc.

Member, Academy of Commercial Banking and Finance, Academy of Studies in International Business, Academy of Educational Leadership, 2002-present


Inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma (international honor society for collegiate Schools of Business), 2006.

Selected for inclusion in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 2005.

Received Distinguished Research Award from theAcademy of Educational Leadership for “B-School Deans’ Perceptions of E-Journals,” paper presented at the Allied Academies International Conference, Maui, HI, October 2004.

Selected as Faculty Alumni Member, Delta Sigma Pi (professional Business fraternity), 2002.

Lifetime Member of Pi Lambda Theta, national honor and professional association in Education.

Lifetime Member of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.

Graduated with Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences and Distinction in English and Speech, University of Illinois at Chicago, August 1968.

Selected as a University of Illinois Fellow for 19681969.


Principal Investigator and co-author, research enhancement grant proposal to the College of Business Administration, SamHoustonStateUniversity, 2004, for “Business Schools’ Policies Regarding Electronic Publications.” Co-investigator: Robert H. Stretcher.Funding received: $1,000.00.

Principal Investigator and co-author, research grant proposal to National Science Foundation, 2003, for “Improving the Understandability of Business Reports.” Co-Investigators: James B. Bexley, Carroll Ferguson Nardone. CFDA # 98-148. Unfunded.



Hynes, G.E. (2008). Managerial Communication: Strategies and Applications.4th Ed. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-352504-4

Smeltzer, L., Leonard, D., & Hynes, G.E. (2001). Managerial Communication: Strategies and Applications. 2nd Ed. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-256-17081-9

Hynes, G.E. (1998). Surfing for Success in Business Communications: A Student’s Guide to the Internet. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-081529-2

Textbook Supplements

Hynes, G.E. (2008). Test Item File, Annotated Instructors Edition, PowerPoint® slideshows, Self-Assessment Quizzes, Materials for WebCT® and Blackboard® course sites, and Cases for Managerial Communication: Strategies and Applications,4th Edition, by Geraldine E. Hynes. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill, 2008. ISBN 978-0-07-352504-4

Hynes, G.E. (2001). Instructors Manual,Testbank, and PowerPoint® slideshows for Managerial Communication: Strategies and Applications, 2nd Edition, by Larry Smeltzer, Donald Leonard, and Geraldine E. Hynes. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-256-21742-4

Hynes, G.E. (1997). Test Item File for Contemporary Business Communication, 2nd Edition, by Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz, and Judith Block. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Hynes, G.E. (1997). PowerPoint Slides to accompany Business Communication, by Helen R. Ewald and Rebecca E. Burnett. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Hynes, G.E. (1996). Instructor’s Guide for Communication Briefings, a video series. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Hynes, G.E. (1994). Annotated Instructor’s Edition of Contemporary Business Communication by Louis E. Boone and David L. Kurtz. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-225947-8

Articles in Refereed Readings Books

Hynes, G.E., & Stretcher, R. (2004). “Writing Case Studies for Teaching and Publication,” International Business Trends: Contemporary Readings. Sam Fullerton and David Moore, Eds. 127-131. ISBN 1-887676-22-8.

Refereed Journal Articles

Hynes, G.E., Wardrope, W., & Conaway, R. “Impression Management in Annual Reports of U.S. and Latin American Companies.”Journal ofBusiness Communication (in progress)

Stretcher, R.H., & Hynes, G.E. “The Status of Electronic Publication Formats in AACSB Business Schools.” Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, Vol. 33, No. 1, Spring/Summer 2007.

Sigmar, L., Hynes, G.E., and Cooper, T. “The Impact of EQ Training on Collaborative Professional Writing.” Business Communication Quarterly(in progress)

Hynes, G.E., & Hill, K.L. “Alternatives for Assessing Students’ Cultural Sensitivity in Business Communication Courses.” Business Communication Quarterly (status: “revise and resubmit”)

Hynes, G.E., Stretcher, R.L., & Turri, A. “The Importance of Interpersonal Communication Skillsfor Successful Live Chat in eCommerce.” Journal of Education for Business (under review)

Stretcher, R., Hynes, G.E., & Stowe, C.R.B. (2006). “B-Schools and E-Journals: Policies and Perceptions.” Academy of Educational LeadershipJournal, 10(1), 83-89.

Roever, C., & Hynes, G.E. (2005). “Understanding Organizational Culture: A Key to Professional Success.” Regional Business Review, 24, 76-89.

Goss, Y., & Hynes, G.E. (2005). “Strategies for Successful Repatriation.” Journal of International Business Research, 4(1), 97-107.

Hynes, G.E., & Stretcher, R. (2005). “Business Schools’ Policies Regarding Publications in Electronic Journals.” Journal of Education for Business, 81(2), 73-80.

Goss, Y., & Hynes, G.E. (2004). “Repatriation Strategies: Retaining Returning Employees.” Southwest Review of International Business Research, 15, 217-225

Hynes, G.E. (2004). “Annual Reports: A Tool for Businesses, Investors, and Educators.” Education Review of Business Communication, 1(1), 81-96

Hynes, G.E., & Bexley, J.B. (2004). “The Contribution of Banks’ Annual Report Writing Quality to Investor Decision-Making.” Journal of Commercial Banking and Finance, 3(2), 113-122 .

Stretcher, R., & Hynes, G.E. (2003). “Adjusting to Rapid Growth and New Technology: The EduSat Project.” Journal of theInternationalAcademy for Case Studies, 9(2), 39-45

Stretcher, R., & Hynes, G.E. (2003). “Teaching Note: Adjusting to Rapid Growth and New Technology: The EduSat Project.” JIACS Teaching Notes, 9 (6), 57-62.

Hynes, G.E. (2002). “Strategies for Teaching Managerial Communication,” Focus on Teaching: Business Communication in MBA Programs Column, Business Communication Quarterly, 65 (3), 86-92.

Hynes, G.E., Davis, B.D., & Moss, F.K. (1998). “The Use of In-House Publications by Organizations,” Business Communication Quarterly, 61 (2), 107-113

Hynes, G.E., & Bhatia, V. (1996). “Graduate Business Students’ Preferences for the Managerial Communication Course,” Business Communication Quarterly, 59 (2), 45-55

Walker, W.G., & Hynes, G.E. (1972). “Communication Nets among Staff Members in Eight Australian High Schools,” Australian Education.

Hynes, G.E. (1971). Review of Language and Poverty: Perspectives on a Theme, by Frederick Williams. Journal of Communication, 21 (3)

Rich, P., Hynes, G.E., & Katz, F.M. (1971). “A Comparison of Southeast Asian and Australian FirstYear Students’ Views on University,” Australian Journal of Social Issues, 6 (2)

Hynes, G.E. (1971). “Effects of Complexity of Environmental Language on Children’s Sentence Production and Understanding,” The Speech Teacher, 20 (2)

Clark, R.A., & Hynes, G.E. (1970). “Desirability and Likelihood Dimensions of Judgments of Events.” Speech Monographs, 37(3)

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Hynes, G.E., and Janson, M. “Semiotic Analysis of Internet Marketing Strategies.” Paper accepted for presentation at the 72nd Annual Association for Business Communication International Convention, WashingtonD.C., October 12, 2007, and for publication in the Convention Proceedings.

Sigmar, L., Hynes, G.E., and Cooper, T. “The Impact of EQ Training on Collaborative Professional Writing.” Paper accepted for presentation at the 72nd Annual Association for Business Communiction International Convention, WashingtonD.C., October 12, 2007, and for publication in the 2007 Convention Proceedings.

Hynes, G.E., Wardrope, W., & Conaway, R. “Impression Management in Annual Reports of U.S. and Latin American Companies.”Paper accepted for presentation at the 72nd Annual Association for Business Communication International Convention, WashingtonD.C., October 12, 2007, and for publication in the 2007 Convention Proceedings.

Hynes, G.E., Stretcher, R.L., & Turri, A. “The Importance of Interpersonal Communication Skillsfor Successful Live Chat in eCommerce.” Refereed Proceedings of the 2007 Association of Business Information Systems Conference, Federation of Business Disciplines, March 13-17, 2007, San Diego, CA

Hynes, G.E., Hill, K. “Student Perspectives of Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication.” Refereed Proceedings of the 7th Association for Business Communication European Conference, May 26-28, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Stretcher, R., Hynes, G.E., & Stowe, C.R.B. (2004, October). B-School Deans’ Perceptions of E-Journals.” Refereed Proceedings of the Allied Academies International Conference, Maui, HI. Note: This paper won the Distinguished Research Award of the conference.

Hynes, G.E., & Stretcher, R. (2004, October). “Evaluating Faculty Research in the Electronic Age: BusinessSchool Deans’ Perceptions of Publication Formats.” Refereed Proceedingsof the Association for Business Communication 69th Annual International Convention, Cambridge, MA.

Goss, Y., & Hynes, G.E. (2004). “Strategies for Successful Repatriation.” Refereed Proceedings of the Academy for Studies in International Business, Allied Academies International Conference, New Orleans.

Hynes, G.E., & Stretcher, R. (2004, March). “Writing Case Studies for Teaching and Publication,” Refereed Proceedingsof the Academy of Business Administration 2004 National Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Hynes, G.E., & Bexley, J.B. (2003). “Understandability of Banks’ Annual Reports.” Refereed Proceedingsof the 68th Annual Convention of the Association for Business Communication, Albuquerque, NM, 1-11.

Hynes, G.E., & Bexley, J.B. (2003). “Reader Responses to Banks’ Annual Reports.” Refereed Proceedingsof the Academy of Commercial Banking and Finance (Allied Academies) Fall International Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 27-30

Bexley, J.B., & Hynes, G.E. (2003). “Improving the Understandability of Banks’ Annual Reports.” Refereed Proceedingsof the 5th Association for Business Communication European Convention, Lugano, Switzerland, 42-45

Bexley, J.B., & Hynes, G.E. (2003). “Bank Officers’ Perceptions of Managerial Writing Competency.” Refereed Proceedingsof the Association for Business Communication-Southwestern United States Conference, 7-11

Hynes, G.E., & Sanchez, S. (2001, October). “Perception and Assessment of Online Communication Skill Acquisition.” Paper presented at Assessing the Quality of Online Instruction: A Symposium, hosted by NavalPostgraduateSchool, Monterey, CA. Proceedings published as a CD-ROM and available online at <

Hynes, G.E. (1992). “The Role of Training Needs Analysis in Organizational Development.” Refereed Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing and Community Education,Manhattan, Kansas.

Hynes, G.E. (1989). “Effects of Psychological Type and Educational Orientation of University Faculty on Adult Learner Satisfaction.” Refereed Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing and Community Education, St. Louis, Missouri.

Unpublished Major Research Papers

Hynes, G.E. (1990). “Effects of Psychological Type and Educational Orientation of Faculty on Adult Learner Satisfaction.” Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, St. LouisUniversity

Thomas, R., & Hynes, G.E. (1975). “Effects of Language Insight on Students’ Communication Skills and Attitudes toward Language.” Extended Time Project Report funded by the St. LouisCommunity College (lithographed)

Hynes, G.E. (1970). “Attitudes toward Bonding Students under N.S.W.Teachers College Scholarships.” Education Research Unit Report, University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W., Australia

Hynes, G.E. (1970). “A Course in Basic Study Skills.” Education Research Unit Report, University of New England

Wroblewski, G.E. (1969). “Effects of Certain Grammatical Transformations on Children’s Sentence Production and Understanding.” Unpublished Master’s thesis, University of Illinois-Urbana

Wroblewski, G.E. (1969, January). “Role Differentiation and the Emergence of Leaders in Small Groups.” Small Groups Behavioral Laboratory Report, University of Illinois-Urbana (mimeo)

Wroblewski, G.E. (1969, January). “The Effects of Phrase Structure on Comprehension of an Oral Message.” Speech Communication Laboratory Report, University of Illinois-Urbana (mimeo)

Wroblewski, G.E. (1968). “The Language Code of the Culturally Disadvantaged Child: Review and Implications.” Unpublished Senior Honors thesis, University of Illinois-Chicago

Wroblewski, G.E. (1967, June). “The Acquisition of Syntax in the English Speaking Child: The First Phase.” Independent Study, unpublished B.A. Honors paper, University of Illinois-Chicago


Hynes, G.E., Stretcher, R.L., & Turri, A. “The Importance of Interpersonal Communication Skillsfor Successful Live Chat in eCommerce.” Presented at the Association of Business Information Systems Conference,Federation of Business Disciplines, March 16, 2007, San Diego, CA

Hynes, G.E., & Hill, K. “Strategies for Assessment and Development of Students’ Intercultural Sensitivity Level.” Paper presented at the 70thAssociation for Business Communication International Convention, October 20-22, 2005, Irvine, CA.

Hynes, G.E., Hill, K. “Student Perspectives of Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication.” Paper presented at the 7th Association for Business Communication European Conference, May 26-28, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Hynes, G.E., & Hill, K. “Graduate Students’ Perceptions of Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication.” Paper presented at the Association for Business Communication Spring Conference, April 21-23, 2005, Greensboro, NC.

Stretcher, R., Hynes, G.E., & Stowe, CRB. “B-school Deans’ Perceptions of eJournals.” Paper presented at the Allied Academies Fall International Conference, Maui, HI, October 2004. Note: This paper won the Distinguished Research Award for the Allied Academies Conference.

Hynes, G.E., & Stretcher, R. “To Kill or Not to Kill More Trees: BusinessSchool Deans’ Perceptions of Electronic Journals.” Paper presented at the Association for Business Communication 69th Annual International Convention, Cambridge, MA, October 2004.

Hynes, G.E., & Roever, C. “Using Dancing Elephants to Enhance Your Teaching and Consulting.” Paper presented at the Association for Business Communication Spring Conference, LaJolla, CA, April 2004.

Goss, Y., & Hynes, G.E. “Strategies for Successful Repatriation.” Paper presented at the Academy for Studies in International Business (ASIB), Allied Academies Spring International Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2004.

Goss, Y., & Hynes, G.E. “Repatriation Strategies: Retaining Returning Employees.” Paper presented at the Academy of International Business, US Southwest Chapter, Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, March 2004.

Hynes, G.E., & Bexley, J.B. “Understandability of Banks’ Annual Reports.” Paper presented at the 68th Annual Convention of the Association for Business Communication, Albuquerque, NM, October 2003.

Hynes, G.E., & Bexley, J.B. “Reader Responses to Banks’ Annual Reports.” Paper presented at the Academy of Commercial Banking and Finance (Allied Academies) Fall International Conference, Las Vegas, NV, October 2003.

Bexley, J.B., & Hynes, G.E. “Improving the Understandability of Banks’ Annual Reports.” Paper presented at the 5th Association for Business Communication European Convention, Lugano, Switzerland, May 2003.

Hynes, G.E., & Cherry, J.T. “Evaluation: What Does it Tell You?” Paper presented at the Association for Business Communication-Joint Southeastern and Western U.S. Regional Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 2003.

Bexley, J.B., & Hynes, G.E. “Bank Officers’ Perceptions of Managerial Writing Competency.” Paper presented at the Association for Business Communication-Southwestern United States and Federated Business Disciplines Joint Conference, Houston, TX, March 2003.

Hynes, G.E., & Bielema, C. “Designing and Facilitating Online Learning: Making the Most of Electronic Access and Resources.” Paper presented at the Association for Business Communication 67th Annual Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 2002.

Hynes, G.E. “The Perfect New Hire: Campus Recruiters’ Perceptions of Business Administration Students.” Paper presented at the Association for Business Communication 67th Annual Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 2002.

Bell, J.D., & Hynes, G.E. “‘Can We Fire the Slacker?’: Simulating Business Teams in the Classroom.” Paper presented at the 66th Annual Convention of the Association for Business Communication, San Diego, CA, November 2001.

Sanchez, S., & Hynes, G.E. “Effectiveness of Traditional Delivery versus Online Delivery for a Managerial Communication Course.” Presented at A Symposium: Assessing the Quality of Online Instruction, Naval PostgraduateSchool, Monterey, CA, October 2001.

Hynes, G.E. “New Copyright and Intellectual Property Issues for Business Communication Faculty.” Paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Teaching Communication, The Ohio State University, July 2001.

Hynes, G.E., & Bielema, C. “Assessing Learning in an Online Management Communication Course.” Paper presented at 7th Annual Conference on Teaching Communication, The Ohio State University, July 2000.

Sanchez, S., & Hynes, G.E. “Learning Management Communication Skills in the Virtual Classroom.” Paper presented at Association for Business Communication Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA, November 1999.

Roever, C., & Hynes, G.E. “Teaching Creative and Critical Thinking in the Business Communication Course.” Presented at 6th Annual Conference on Teaching Communication, The OhioStateUniversity, July 1999.

Roever, C., & Hynes, G.E. “Teaching the Two C’s Needed for Business Success: Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking.” Presented at Association for Business Communication 63rdAnnual Convention, San Antonio, TX, November 1998.