PRMS PSA Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2016
PRMS Auditorium
9:30 a.m.
In Attendance:
Dr. Kristofic / Jeanie Simendinger / Mary Lynn DuganSusan Martinez / Maritza Armstrong / Denise Duerksen
Paula Bonvenuto / Leslie Straub / Jennifer Bowers
David Hoover / Tony Filipowski / Barb Staresinic
Michelle Hall / Kristin Barcaskey / Lisa Hartman
Christine Krill / Michelle Hall / Angela Roupe
Kelley Holland / Diane Guidas / Leslie Straub
A. General Information
1. President’s Call to Order- Mary Lynn Dugan
2. Secretary’s - Report Paula Bonvenuto
Motion to approve minutes from January 15. 2106, meeting approved by KristinBarcaskey’and seconded by Barb Staresinic.
B. Recognition of Members and Visitors
Mr. David Hoover, PRHS Guidance, (Students A-E)
- The goal is to meet each student once a year. Progress monitoring at least four or five times. The counselors go into the classroom for student success skills, and scheduling.
- Naviance is a website to help communication between guidance and the student. Parents can also create a login as a parent partner to get the same emails their kids are receiving. Some of the tools provided on this website are:
- Resume tool
- SAT prep test
- College searches
- Learning styles
- Personality testing
- Freshmen meet and greet
Mrs. Jennifer Bowers, PRHS Guidance, (Students F-K)
- Eighth grade scheduling meeting was this past Wednesday at the high school. If you were not able to attend, the PowerPoint presentation is available online.
- Students have received their class recommendations from their teachers. Some kids could possibly have four honors classes. The student and parent need to evaluate if the student can handle the workload with other activities.
- PR builds their schedule on student request. After schedules are submitted, the number of classes based on demand are determined as well as how many sections of classes are needed. That is why the High school is so strict on not making changes after schedules are turned in.
- Recommend using the graduation form in the program of studies to map out their entire high school plan for all four yearsas freshmen. Note that some upper level classes have prerequisites so it is best to map out all classes.
- Best buddies credit is not open to freshmen. This is a volunteer opportunity worth one credit. A student is assigned to help another student that has special needs. The assigned student stay with the buddy and helps them in class. There isalways a teacher present as well.
- ROTC opportunities are open to ninth to twelfth grade. They wear their uniforms on Wednesday. Can join any year, even if you did not start the program in ninth grade. Students learn Integrity, leadership and participate in community outreach. The program needs 100 kids to continue being offered. This is a government rule. The Government supplements the program. We need an additional 30 students to run the program. Only 5% of their kids go into the military. Not required to join the military. Students can earn college credits and community serve hours.
- Any student applying for National Honor Society (NHS) needs a leadership course, which ROTC provides.
- In the past, GPA was enough to get into NHS, now it is different. Students must have now have leadership and reference letters.
- Students do not apply to NHS, at the end of tenthgrade; any student who qualifies receives a letter from the NHS sponsor. There is apaid NHS sponsor at the PRHS who runs this program.
Toni Filipowski, PRHS Guidance, (Students L-Q)
- We strongly recommend taking two to three years of a language. Level 1, the eighth grade language does not count on your transcript.Colleges looking at concrete 2 to 3 years of a language at a high school level.
- It is not good to skip years when taking a language. Students do not want a gap between high school and college testing for language. Historically students will not test well.
- Some electives are available for ninth graders but may be more appropriate for an upper classman. The Personal finance course is an example where it may be better for kids to take at a later grade. This is a yearlong course. The state may make this class mandatory at some point.
- Colleges want to see depth in HS not joining tons of different activities.
- New core standards will heighten the level of the classes from past years.
Leslie Straub, PRHS Guidance, (Students R-Z)
- There is a20-daywindow to drop down to lower course. After that, the class shows up on their schedule with their grade. It is difficult to switch a student into a new class 20 days late. Students could end up behind or ahead. Some students choose to add a study hall.
- Honors class moves faster, and with more depth. Honors courses may have kids read ahead then teach the unit the next day.
- The new AP coordinator is Leslie Straub. AP history and AP Euro are electives available for tenth, eleventh and twelve graders. Do not have to take intro to art as a prerequisite for this class. AP Euroand AP Art history.
- Engineering classes – AP credit is earned for taking multiple project lead the way classes.
- Rochester Institute – Project lead the way is a fee based path.
- Must take intro to Engineering, to take the rest of the courses. This course introduces students to many types of engineering such as manufacturing, cad and architecture so that can find out what they like. This is not the project lead the way path. This is the only class open to ninth graders.
- Project lead the way is a project nationwide. Colleges jumped in to get kids in HS excited about Engineering. Guidance, principal, and teachers are required to have train and certify on these courses before they go on the schedule each year.
Dr. Kristofic, PRMS Principal,
- Eighth graders spent the afternoon at the high school for an assembly on scheduling.
- Teachers have reviewed grades and have recommended classes.
- Guidance will meet with students regarding their student recommendations.
- In the process of planning an eighth grade field trip.
- Eighth grade graduation will be a different format this year. This event will not running it like a graduation ceremony. This event will be held during school hours for students only. Need to communicate to the community about the changes of this event.
- In the process of adjusting schedule of kids who may need to move up or move down in pathways in math for seventh and eighth grade. There will be 15 math classes at the middle school next year.
- PRMS musical Annie was a big success. There were 130 student that performed.
- Officer Rick will host a scheduled PRMS assembly for students on the topic of responsible use of technology.
- Drugs and alcohol meeting at PRMS for parents and students. Heron use is becoming a much larger problem as well as issues with prescription drugs. Both of these topics will be discuss that evening.
C. PSA Business-Board Member Updates and Special Committee Reports
1. Vice Presidents’ Report - Denise Duerksen, & Susan Martinez, Co-VPs
- Sarris Candy sale are due. Candy delivery is March 19.
- The Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser is February 26.