Minutes of the Meeting of Pilgrim Council on November 14, 2016

Present: Connie Agard, Pastor Chance Beeler, Joan Benson-Robinson, Fred Eppenberger, Rita Hill,Georgianna Jackson, Christine Johnson, ChristopherKiepper, Betty Morris, Mary Morris, Paul Randolph, Brenda Rule, Barry Smith, CL Smith, presenters for New Beginnings Susan Brand and Jenny Heim, chair of the Search Committee Mark Barnett

Minutes of the October Council Meeting were approved with the following amendment: Connie Agard’s intended role with Christian Ed was not to be one of preparing children for confirmation but as teaching on Sunday during worship once a month.

We examined the “Future Story Feedback Summary” compiled by Susan Brand. The discussion around this acknowledged the need to speak with Better Family Life, the Demetrius Johnson Foundation, and Soldan, and the desire to revive the Union Ave. Assn. and to share our vision with Union Communion Ministries.

Then we were presented“Draft of New Beginning Implementation Proposal”, which includes four working groupsto research, seek partners and resources for and propose implementation of: 1)Weekday Worship Service, 2)Community Programs, 3)Community Engagement/ Community Hub, and 4)the Building. After discussion about the need for a draft of A) a mission statement, B) an updated timeline, and C) a proposed budget for Phase 1, it was moved that we accept the Draft statement. It was accepted with one abstention. The three items listed above will be presented at a Congregational Meeting on January 8. Phase 1 of our New Beginning will not include an elevator (which will entail a search for grant funding) but will probably include some painting in the sanctuary in hopes of attracting more weddings. Such painting will be an asset should we decide after Phase 1 not to remain in the building. The New Beginnings Task Force was challenged on the Proposed Timeline, and in particular the projection for numbers of people attending services. A church operating on a mission rather than an attraction model is one that judges its success more on people coming in for whichever programs are operating out of the church rather than attending worship. Finally, there was a discussion of whether or not to combine our New Beginning with the 150th year anniversary, which will begin officially on December 5.

A New Beginning will require some letting go, and since Community Partnership, Christian Education, and Communication and Evangelism are currently not operating, it was suggested that we might re-organize committee structure into four groups: Programs (engaging non-members as well as members), Spiritual Development (encompassing Christian Ed, Worship & Music, and Membership Care), Wider Community (Financial Support, Communication & Evangelism, Community Concerns and Justice Issues), and Building and Grounds.

With Pilgrim’s New Beginning, Mark Barnett spoke of re-starting the Search Committee, which needs a replacement for 1 member. Whether we seek a called pastor or a designated term pastor, the members will have what is needed to provide the hard data sought by the UCC, plus will include a narrative that will give a truer picture of where we are and hope to go.

In Pastor Chance’s Report, he mentions his gratitude to staff and his dedication to building trust with his team. He has met at least once with all committees and to reach out to contacts at Eden to find a speaker for the MLK Sunday to be held at Pilgrim this year. He has visited a shut-in and stopped in to get a feel for Chaplain Andre D’Arden’s Bible Study meeting at 1 PM on Tuesdays at Pilgrim. He has met Soup Kitchen guests and given support to Diane Yanczer as she grows through studies at Eden. He attended the UCM meeting at a point when that organization will begin strategic planning. Finally, he has gotten acquainted with Pilgrim’s communication tools and has listened to a number of members and met some of our neighbors.

In the Moderator’s Report, Christine Johnson described introducing Pastor Beeler to Pilgrim’s Facebook page, web page, OneCall system, MailChimp account and NextDoor account, through which we can announce our Tai Chi classes in the community. She drafted a Publicity Plan form which can be used to promote any event at Pilgrim, both to the congregation and to the community. Using such a plan will make next year’s Trunk-or-Treat even more successful than this year’s.

Building and Grounds shared that the partnership with Glad Tidings for use of the chapel for worship has fallen through because they had not made a payment nor responded to questions. A move was made to cut efforts at meeting with Glad Tidings and it passed unanimously.

Katie Menz has donated funds for the installation of a new chair lift which will improve upon the old system by using the inner rail, thus avoiding stopping and changing at the landing between main floor and basement.

Pilgrim will advertise for a parking lot attendant with the Urban League and the Workforce Center of Missouri as well as the STL American and the West End Word. A question was raised about a prior decision to seek less costly health insurance for both custodial and secretarial positions but this will require research. Seeking less costly building insurance, Frank Robinson will schedule another inspection collaboratively with the building manager. As a preface to the Treasurer’s Report, continued frustration with Quickbooks and US Bank, especially the fact that electronic transfers that can take 5 days, was noted. Continued inaccuracies in entries into Quickbooks make a Treasurer’s Report less reliable. Christopher Kiepper is researching church accounting software and has so far found ACCESS to be an improvement. Any change may require re-inputting 2011-2015 as well as 2016.

Steward Paul Randolph noted that the pledges received on the first Sunday of the Stewardship Campaign were promising. He will contact those who have not yet pledged to encourage them to do so.

Membership Care has planned a reception after Marsha Hunt’s memorial service, will supply donuts and coffee for those Hanging the Greens on December 3 and sandwiches, sweets and chips for those who stay after worship on the 4th to complete the decorations, as well as treats after the Festival of Readings and Carols that afternoon. The families of the Orchestrating Diversity musicians performing on the 11th will be asked to supply any refreshments.

Worship and Music will return to having liturgists ask people to sign the friendship pads. Conference Minister Ginny Brown-Daniel will return to Pilgrim to preach on December 4th and this will be the kick-off of the 150th anniversary of Pilgrim’s founding, so Betty suggested using the commemorative communion service.

Community Partnership shared that $177 was donated for flood relief and that $777 was collected for Neighbors in Need. In her role as representative to the MO Mid-South Conference of the UCC, Rita Hillmoved that Eden should hold its graduation at Pilgrim in 2017. This motion carried and was accepted unanimously.

As for new budgets for 2017, the Moderator reminded ministry chairs that a projected budget is due by Dec. 12, the date of the next Council meeting. We will need to estimate budgeting for changes in alignment with the New Beginning, for example to refresh paint in the sanctuary.

Submitted by Joan Benson-Robinson, Nov. 20, 2016