Focus Area: Extending Meaning/Author’s Purpose
Day 8.3.8 Body Odor Burp / Name:

Meet the Challenge

Directions: Please read the following passage and answer the question.

Passage One: What’s Up with my Body Odor?

Warmer weather and outdoor activities can leave us smelling a little funkier than normal. However, while backyard volleyball and intense gardening can certainly cause you to work up a sweat, stress, hormone levels and even certain foods can also affect body odor.

Your skin has two types of sweat glands: eccrine glands and apocrine glands. Eccrine glands occur over most of your body and open directly onto the surface of the skin, secreting a mixture of water and salt. Apocrine glands develop in areas abundant in hair follicles (e.g., armpits), and when triggered by stress, they secrete a fatty sweat that gets broken down by bacteria on the skin. Usually, it’s this breakdown that emits an odor.

Sweat and body odor – commonly referred to as B.O. – are normal. If we didn’t sweat, we’d fry up like bacon.

Passage Two: What Causes Us to Burp?

At a restaurant you stuff a burger, fries and drink down your throat. Then you feel something coming back up. Next thing you know, a loud, uncontrollable sound is coming out of your mouth.

We know it has something to do with food, but it’s actually air that causes burps. When you eat or drink, you swallow air at the same time that you’re swallowing food or liquid. The air we breathe contains gases, like nitrogen and oxygen, and when these gases are swallowed, they need to get out.

When burping occurs, the extra gas goes out of the stomach, up through the esophagus, and out the mouth.

Multiple Choice: (1 point each)

1. How do the passages help the reader understand more about the issues of body odor and burping?

a. They explain the causes of each.

b. They give specific details about how to prevent each from occurring.

c. They explain why people are offended by each.

d. They should why boys would enjoy the passages more than girls.

2. The phrase “We’d fry up like bacon” is an example of

a. a metaphor

b. a simile

c. imagery

d. personification

Short Answer Question: (0-2 points)

Why would these passages be helpful in writing a report on the human body? Use information from both passages to support your answer.


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