September 9, 2007
Ninth Grade
World History
Heights High School
Section IX Design for Instruction in History/Government
Use of Analytical and Research Skills
Students will be using research and analytical skills when writing their essays. They will have to look up their answers in their textbook and different sources. The answers will need to compare and contrast different points of views and identify, which means they will have to analyze to do the comparison and research to look up information on historical figures. Students will also have to look some of their own information when completing their outlines over the English Civil War.
Subject Matter and Interdisciplinary Approach
The subject matter will cover a few different disciplines besides History. However since this is World History the historical concepts are included. The history concepts in this unit that will be studied are: the expansion of Spanish power, the rise of the Austria and Prussia Empire, and the reign of Louis XIV. This unit will also touch on some political science concepts, such as: differing political goals, monarchies, and the English Bill of Rights and specifically habeas corpus. The unit also includes some Geographical concepts because students will be studying maps of the Wars of Phillip, Europe after the thirty years war, and the map of the Russian expansion.
Evaluation of Sources
The lessons will all mostly use the textbook World History: Connections to Today which is at about a eleventh grade reading level, according to the SMOG Readability Formula some adaptations will need to made however considering these are ninth graders and fifty percent read below their grade level. Students will also be reading an excerpt from Leviathan which is found in their textbook, the source reads about Thomas Hobbes’ opinion of absolute monarchies. They will also be looking at three different maps which cover this time era.
Sensitivity to Students
When presenting the unit, ethnicity will be taken into consideration as well as gender. The rubrics given for the essay and vocabulary charts will be sensitive in language to accommodate those at lower reading levels. When lecturing and presenting material over the different religions the material will be sensitive to those from different religious backgrounds, as well as those from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.
Variety of Learning Materials
Different learning materials will be used in presenting the Absolutism unit. Students will be utilizing map skills when studying a map of the Expansion of Russia from 1689-1796. Students will also be studying the Magna Carte to address their literacy knowledge and skills. For studying works of art, students will be looking at King Louis XIV Palace of Versailles.
Selection of Instructional Materials
As mentioned before the textbook is at a eleventh grade level, therefore it is possible that the lower reading level students will lose interest very quickly. That is why they will also be looking at the English Bill of Rights which is written in a condensed version in the textbook. Students will also be studying maps from the textbook, and these maps are grade level appropriate for the ninth grade students.
This is not sufficient - you need to be checking readability on all reading content that you use.
Section IX. Design for Instruction in History and Government
TWS Standard: The teacher designs instruction for specific learning goals, student characteristics and needs, and learning contexts in History and Government
Rating •Indicator • / 1
Indicator Not Met / 2
Indicator Partially Met / 3
Indicator Fully Met / Connection to Conceptual
A. Use of Analytical and Research Skills
ST 1, 2, 3 / No opportunities are provided for the learner to practice analytical and research skills. / Few opportunities are provided for the learner to practice analytical and research skills. / Many opportunities are provided for the learner to practice analytical and research skills. / CKS
Has a knowledge and understanding of significant professional and pedagogical issues and skills relevant to the profession of teaching history by:
B. Selected Content in Subject Matter
ST 1, 3 / The teacher rarely creates learning experiences that allow students to learn key historical concepts and to practice historical processes. / The teacher often creates learning experiences that allow students to learn key historical concepts and to practice historical processes. / The teacher consistently creates learning experiences that allow students to learn key historical concepts and to practice historical processes. / CTA, CKS
C. Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching History and Government
ST 1 / Few lessons integrate the theories, pedagogy and practices to interrelate history with other disciplines. / Some lessons integrate the theories, pedagogy and practices to interrelate history with other disciplines. / Most lessons integrate the theories, pedagogy and practices to interrelate history with other disciplines. / CKS
D. Evaluation of Sources
ST 2, 4, 5 / Few assignments require students to use and evaluate primary and secondary sources / Some assignments require students to use and evaluate primary and secondary sources / Most assignments require students to use and evaluate primary and secondary sources. / CKS
E. Sensitivity to Students
ST 2, 4, 5 / Few lessons take into consideration the gender, racial, cultural, and religious sensitivities of students. / Some lessons take into consideration the gender, racial, cultural, and religious sensitivities of students. / Most lessons take into consideration the gender, racial, cultural, and religious sensitivities of students. / HDD
F. Variety of Learning Materials
ST 2, 4, 5 / Few lessons use maps, charts and charts, art, literature, folklore, or music to create interest. / Some lessons use maps, charts and charts, art, literature, folklore, or music to create interest. / Most lessons use maps, charts and charts, art, literature, folklore, or music to create interest. / CKS
G. Selection of Instructional Materials
ST 2, 4, 5 / The teacher seldom selects pedagogical strategies, readings and curriculum that are developmentally appropriate for diverse students. / The teacher usually selects pedagogical strategies, readings and curriculum that are developmentally appropriate for diverse students. / The teacher always selects pedagogical strategies, readings and curriculum that are developmentally appropriate for diverse students. / HDD