Problem Solving Quick Report
Action Plan for ImprovementProblem Solving Key
G = Goal B = Barrier S = Strategy AS = Action Step
Step (1-5) / Description / Measurable / Step (1.b, 6-8)
G1. / If First Coast High School provides strategic and consistent literacy instruction across content areas, then students will show growth and proficiency on all formative and summative assessments. / Summative Results
FSA ELA Achievement: 38% (45%)
FSA ELA/Reading Gains: 38% (50%)
ELA/Reading Lowest: 25% Gains 44% (55%)
FSA Math Achievement: 55% (65%)
FSA Math Gains: 48% (53%)
FSA Math Lowest 25% Gains: 53% (58%)
Biology EOC Proficiency: 54% (59%)
US History EOC Proficiency: 62% (67%) / 1.b
Progress Monitoring
Achieve3000, PENDA, Standard-based assessments, Midyear assessments, DAR / 8
G1.B1 / Teacher’s knowledge gap of incorporating literacy in instruction
G1.B1.S1 / Provide teachers with professional development to make data driven decisions regarding literacy instruction. / Effectiveness: Feedback from professional development; lesson plan implementation; effective instructional framework; Observational data using walk-throughs and formal observations / 7
G1.B1.S1.AS1 / Provide professional development on school-wide reading strategies / Fidelity: Agendas and minutes from common planning, data discussions with each content, and cross-curricular planning / 6
G1.B1.S1.AS2 / Provide content area teachers professional development on Achieve3000
G1.B1.S1.AS3 / Provide professional development on Common Core standards crosswalk between content areas
G1.B1.S2 / Implementation of Instructional Framework with fidelity / Effectiveness: Teacher feedback, increase in Lexile, and results of performance tasks and quarterly assessments / 7
G1.B1.S2.AS1 / Teacher modeling of metacognitive strategies via read aloud and think aloud / Fidelity: Walk-throughs, lesson plans, results of coaching cycles, and peer review / 6
G1.B1.S2.AS2 / Promoting student independence through guided practice
G1.B1.S2.AS3 / Regular review of student data
G1.B1.S2.AS4 / Provide students with tailored and differentiated instruction in cooperative small grouped settings
G2. / If First Coast High School creates a positive, college-bound culture using collaborative structures, we will increase student and staff engagement and school pride. / Summative Results:
FSA ELA Achievement: 38% (45%)
FSA ELA/Reading Gains: 38% (50%)
ELA/Reading Lowest: 25% Gains 44% (55%)
FSA Math Achievement: 55% (65%)
FSA Math Gains: 48% (53%)
FSA Math Lowest 25% Gains: 53% (58%)
Biology EOC Proficiency: 54% (59%)
US History EOC Proficiency: 62% (67%)
TNTP: 48% of Teachers agreed professional development opportunities are well-planned and facilitated
Goal: Increase to 85%
TNTP: 16% of Teachers stated a leader at the school identified opportunities for them to pursue teacher leadership roles
Goal: Increase to 80% / 1.b
Progress Monitoring:Graduation rate, senior surveys, percent of students’ college-ready, and teacher retention / 8
G2.B1 / Retaining novice teachers / 7
G2.B1.S1 / Increase number of teachers in leadership roles using committees / Effectiveness:
Quarterly surveys from teachers; teacher participation at after-school events; number of teachers at committee meetings / 7
G2.B1.S1.AS1 / Create teacher-led committees for academics / Fidelity: Feedback from main events on campus such as testing, college week, pep rallies / 6
G2.B1.S1.AS2 / Ensure diverse teachers are involved in a diversity of clubs and organizations based on student interest
G2.B1.S1.AS3 / Assign novice teachers two mentors to assist with academic and social needs
G2.B2 / Student desire and knowledge of attending college / 7
G2.B2.S1 / Prepare students academically for college / Effectiveness:Data analysis of graduation rate, college-ready statistics, DVIA completion rate / 7
G2.B2.S1.AS1 / Differentiate ACT/SAT Prep classes and boot camps to serve all students / Fidelity: PERT, ACT, and SAT boot camp attendance; TCA, Khan Academy, and Achieve3000 usage; / 6
G2.B2.S1.AS2 / Use math courses to prep students for standardized math assessments to become college-ready
G2.B2.S1.AS3 / Enhance the incentives for students to become college-ready by surveying their likes