
of Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday20th January2016

in the Reading Room, Great Brington at 7.45 pm

Present Cllr. B. Thornely,(Chairman) Cllr. J Favill, Cllr. D. Treacy, Cllr. J. Milne.

In Attendance Ann Gilbert, Clerk

113.To receive and approve apologies for absence

Apologies were received and approved from Cllr. Phoebe Lowick,Cllr. J. Gardner, Cllr. J. Sacarello

114.Members are requested to make any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests relating to items on this agenda.

There were none

115. Members of the public are invited to address the council (3 mins per person, limited to 15 minutes)

Nine members of the public were in attendance

All but two people had attended the Open Forum meeting which preceded the PC meeting, when the topic of improvements to the Reading Room was under discussion with residents.

Several people wish to voice concerns about the following issues –

  • Back Lane, Gt. Brington – the problems with the verges in Back Lane (and other verges in the parish) are mainly caused by inconsiderate parking of vehicles on, or partly on, the verge and thereby forcing passing vehicles, some of them heavy, to drive on the opposite verge to avoid the parked vehicle – one resident
  • The destruction of verges in Back Lane – permanent signs should be sited at each end of Back Lane, warning that the Lane is unsuitable for HGVs – one resident
  • The triangle at the Main Street end of Back Lane should be re-instated – two residents
  • The PC should not be exterminating moles on Kimbells Field because the nuisance is restricted to mole hills which will be flattened once mowing begins in the Spring – one resident

116.To approve and sign as correct the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 18 November 2015

Having been circulated prior to the meeting the minutes were agreed by the Council and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

117.Toapprove and sign as correct the Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th December 2015

Having been circulated prior to the meeting the minutes were agreed by the Council and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

118.Brington PC Vacancy & forthcoming PC election

Councillors agreed that since there are only three more meetings of the parish council until the election in May, there would be no further attempts at a co-option to fill the current vacancy. The Clerk reminded councillors that they would all be required to stand down from their positions and re-stand if they so wish, alongside any other people who fulfil the requirements and wish to put themselves forward for nomination.

If more than eight people are nominated for the eight places available, an election will take place at the same time as national elections on 5th May.

The Clerk confirmed that arrangements for nominations will be widely advertised in the parish in good time for the elections

119.Planning Applications:

To review outcomes and discuss any applications received prior to the

date of this meeting

Appl. No / Description / Location / Date for Comments
DA/2015/1166 / Single storey side extension / Bosworth Cottage,
Main Street, Little
Brington, ,
NN7 4HS / 26th January 2016

Clarification on the plans was provided by the owners of Bosworth Cottage, who were present

RESOLVED Not to object

120. Reading Room

Councillors discussed the input from residents at the Open Forum which had taken place immediately prior to the PC meeting and had been attended by seven members of the public and four members of the RRMC along with four councillors. The comments made during this session varied, but there was a general acceptance that some improvements are needed, although differences of opinion about what is necessary. RRMC members had voiced concerns that bookings of the RR are falling away and therefore letting income is reducing; this could jeopardise the long term future of the RR as a community asset. The RRMC members explained that specialist advice had affirmed the need for improved disabled access especially to the toilets which do not meet current requirements. Three residents questioned the need for an extension to accommodate improved toilets, storage and the kitchen. There was also robust questioning about the impact on the bats in the RR roof, particularly in relation to their ingress and egress; the proposed positioning of the extension would interfere with this spot. Councillors acknowledged that this was an oversight, but decided that there should be ways to address the concern. Councillors agreed that the PC and RRMC need the support of local people for the proposal to go forward successfully.

RESOLVED to circulate a survey to all houses asking residents to give their views and ask for support on proposals to improve/develop to the Reading Room

ACTIONCllr.Treacy to produce posters for the pubs and post office directing people to the questionnaire. Councillors to work together to produce a questionnaire to be distributed with the Newsletter

121.Community Engagement

Apart from restating that an informal session is held before every PC meeting as a way of engaging with more people, this item was deferred until all/more councillors are present


The Highway Warden fedback on issues he has been addressing.

  • There are still road signs which have fallen and not been re-erected by Highways. The major concern was about the Give Way sign on the Flore side of the Flore crossroads with the C5.

ACTION The Clerk to write to Ian Boyes at Highways requesting urgent re-instatement of this sign and discussions about better warning signs for motorists approaching the C5 from Flore.

The Highway Warden to pursue the reinstatement of the 40mile an hour sign on the road from Lt. Brington to Gt. Brington

  • Concerns from a resident about the poor visibility/speeding traffic at the crossroads at Main St/Blacksmiths Lane and a request to erect a mirror opposite Blacksmiths Lane to aid turning on to Main Street. The Highway Warden has investigated and been advised that Highways no longer support the use of mirrors to aid visibility. A mirror in this location would need to be erected on private property for which planning would be required and DDC have advised they would not give this permission as planners stay in line with Highways advice.
  • Councillors discussed the poor state of many verges and agreed to request more thoughtful parking by residents and their visitors, through the Newsletter

ACTION The Clerk

  • The condition of the triangle at the bottom of Back Lane and viable options to address this area were discussed

RESOLVEDTo approach Highways and see whether it would be possible to share the cost between Highways and the PC, of re-instating a small triangle with a protective curb around it

ACTION Cllr. Milne

  • The use of Back Lane by HGVs and the resultant damage

Since this problem seems to have been resolved, the decision was to do nothing for the time being except watch for further issues

  • The third bollard has been reinstated at the triangle in Gt. Brington at the church. The situation with this triangle will continue to be monitored. However, it was pointed out that the white signpost in the middle of the triangle went missing some time ago

ACTION The Clerk to pursue

123. Upgrading Street Lighting

RESOLVED To undertake a programme of replacement of new lanterns over the next two

or three years, beginning with faulty lights

ACTION The Clerk

124. A Defibrillator for Brington

RESOLVED To explore the detail and cost of purchasing and maintaining a defibrillator

ACTION The Clerk

125.Kimbells Field

Following a robust request by a resident not to destroy moles but to wait until mowing resumes when the mole hills will be flattened regularly, Councillors agreed to reverse their decision about mole eradication

126. Lt. Brington Playing Field

The Clerk advised that she had met with local young person and has an agreement for the re-painting of the swings and the goal posts at the playing field as soon as the weather improves.

The No Dogs sign has disappeared from LBPF - the Clerk advised she has informed DDC and this will be replaced by the dog warden. Dogs are permanently banned from the Playing Field on the grounds of health and safety. This decision is fully supported by LB primary school.

127.Love Daventry. Com – DDC

Councillors agreed that photographs of Brington Parish may be used by DDC for their new website.


128.Finance (Appendix ref: Finance)

a. Budget and Precept for 2016/17 –

RESOLVEDto adopt the budget for 2016/17 prepared by the Clerk

RESOLVED to hold the precept for 2016/17 at the current figure of £13,680.

The Notification of Parish Precept Requirement to DDC was signed by the Chairman

ACTION The Clerk to submit

b. RESOLVED that Brington PC will remain opted-in to the Sector Led Body arrangements for the procurement of external audit

c. Reconciliation of bank account

The Chairman reported that Cllr Sacarello had confirmed that he had reviewed the bank accounts on line and found them to be in order. The Council reviewed the accounts and found them to be accurate

d. Accounts for payment in January

The council authorised the payment of the items in the appendix

129.Date of next meeting and items for the agenda

The next meeting of the Parish Council is Wednesday 17th February 2016 – items for the agenda to be received by 10th February 2016 .

Appendices to accompany the Agenda for 20th January 2016

Appendix ref: Finance

Bank Account Reconciliation at 31. 12.15

Opening Balance (Current Account) / 493.63
Balance in Current Account YTD / 1486.32
Value of cheques yet to clear / 1031.01
Reserve account balance YTD / 16621.42
Expenditure to date (exc. VAT) / 9227.62

Bills and/or Accounts Waiting Authorisation to Pay

Date / Payee / Inv. No / Stat Power / Description / Chq No / Total
28.01.16 / A Gilbert / Jan / S112, LGA 1972 / Clerk's remuneration / SO / 206.47
28.01.16 / John Leyden / Jan / S112, LGA 1973 / Pl. Field Caretaker / SO / 20.00
28.01.16 / P. Goodwin / Jan / S112, LGA 1972 / KF Caretaker / SO / 20.00
28.01.16 / HMRC / Jan / S112, LGA 1972 / PAYE / 100083 / 188.47
31.10.15 / R&G / 112183 / OSA 1906 S10 / Mowing / BT / 208.44
01.12.15 / NCALC / 5359 / LGA 1972 S111 / Training for Clerk / BT / 34.00
01.01.15 / Eon / H1263ED41F / PCA 1957 S3 / Unmetered electricity / DD / 353.63

Highlighted accounts already paid