held on Tuesday 11thOctober2011at Brixham Rugby Clubat 7pm
PRESENT:Dave Hodgetts (Chair),Megan Hart (Treasurer)
Olive Farnham (OF) (Secretary)
Ki Barnes(KB) (Assistant Secretary)
Also attending: see appendix 1 to these minutes
1. / Welcome: / ActionThe Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised that meetings would now be held on Tuesdays to avoid clashes with council meetings.
2. / Apologies for Absence:
N Smallbones, D Lilley & P Bowden.
3. / Minutes:
The minutes of the meeting held on 16thAugust 2011 were agreed.
4. / Outset Torbay Update
8. / Irene Wilson of Outset Torbay reported the project was going well with 9 businesses being started in the last year and more self employed starters being supported. An office had been set up at the Edge which has proved beneficial and many people have dropped in to the office. Irene reported they now offered free child care with registered nurseries and child minders.
Item 8 Churston Golf Club Plans was taken next
Geoff Melbourne and Adam Billings, members of RAGS spoke against the application and a statement from Bloor Homes, the applicant, was read out. Questions were put tand those present were encouraged to look at the application on line and send their comments to Torbay Council.
5. / Treasurer’s Report
(i)Megan Hart reported that there is a current balance of £976.80
(ii)Funding applications:
Dave Riley of Brixham Gig club explained the group was setting up and needed plastic training vessels and new blades.
- Brixham Gig Clubapplied for £300. It was agreed to pledge this amount.
6. / Police Report
Tamzin James the new Neighbourhood Team Leader said that either herself or Insp. Dai Antill would attend each Community Partnership meeting. She reported that the overall crime rate had reduced by 8.2% in Paignton and Brixham. Dwelling burglary was up by 1.3% while other burglaries had increased by 23.8% in Paignton and Brixham. Criminal damage was down 22%. Tamsyn was requested to ascertain if Brixham specific figures could be produced and reported.
For a recent violent crime one person was on remand. The police had conducted a positive drug warrant in the town and there had been a sniffer dog used on licensed premises which had resulted in one arrest for drugs.
In the case of lost property members of the public were to ring the police to request officers to attend to retrieve it.
7. / Brixham in Bloom
Olive Farnham raised the question of the partnership supporting a Brixham in Bloom entry and agreed to contact Richard Williams about this.
Mary Thompson reported that Pride in Brixham had won third prize in the recent bay wide competition and also reported that the hammock from the new display had been stolen. / OF
9. / Neighbourhood Challenge
No discussion.
10. / Neighbourhood Plan Forum
Ki Barnes informed that the group were progressing with the plan and had commenced on an introductory section, the history of an area.
11. / Brixham Spring Festival (Brixfest)
It was reported that there was little money in the pot for the event but that events had been organised for the four days of the Jubilee weekend.
Everyone was reminded about the community diary based at the Town Council office, so that all events could be booked in and event date clashes could be checked.
12. / Any Other Business
1. BATS Peter Killick reported that a new lighting box had been installed in the theatre and that it was hoped that a film club could be created. He read out a list of future productions.
2. Chris Lomas reported that ChestnutHeights, YES, Transition Brixham and Indigos were all going strong.
3. Meg Wild reported that the friends of AstleyPark had run their big event very successfully and that play rangers were now coming into the park after school.
4. The Friends of Furzeham Green reported that they had two notice boards for posters.
5. Brixham Battery re enactment with military vehicles is to be held on 23rd October from 11am..
13. / Any Other Business
Insurance: The treasurer was asked to review the existing insurance cover so that it could include other events and groups.
Budget Consultation: The Torbay Council budget consultation in Brixham is due to be held on 24th November at BrixhamCollege6.30pm and every one is encouraged to attend. / MH
14. / Date of Next Meeting:
Tuesday 6thDecember 2011 at 7pm at Brixham Rugby Club.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm.
Sally Lord (Summercourt Way Park);Cllr C Lomas; M Wild (Astley Park Friends Group); Cllr P Addison, (BTC); Cllr Lynne Armstrong (BTC); D Gibbs; W Parton; I Parton;M Thompson, Pride In Brixham; Cllr Matthew James; Peter Killick (BATS); R Barnes;G Melbourne, CBGCP; A Billings, CBGCP; M Stewart, Brixfest; K Beldham (NCI);D Morrauey (Brixham Gig Club)E Mordey (NW); Tamzin James, (D&C Police) and Irene Wilson (Outset Torbay).