The Academy implements most of its programmes through ICAR Institutes and State Agricultural Universities with whom it has strong linkages that are nurtured and strengthened by its Fellows working in these organizations. The Academy is also a part of the recent initiative aimed at establishing linkages among the science academies of India. Occasionally, the Academy also collaborates with other scientific or research organizations. However, the nature and extent of collaboration with other organizations is decided on case by case basis. In recent years, the frequency of requests from other organizations, for NAAS’s collaboration, has gone up. It is in this context that the guidelines for entertaining such requests have been formulated.
(1)The organization should be a recognized professional, research or development organization, demonstrably involved in activities related to or in conformity with the objectives of NAAS. It will be solely at the discretion of the President/Executive Council of NAAS to consider an organization as ‘Recognized’ for this purpose.
(2)The organization should have established clean record and national or international reputation. For this purpose, the minimum requirement will be that at least one of the Fellows of the Academy is associated with the organization or at least two Fellows of the Academy make a recommendation for collaboration of NAAS.
(3)The programme or the activity for which the collaboration of NAAS is sought should be in conformity with the objectives of NAAS.
(4)At least one Fellow of NAAS should be a part of either the organization itself or the organizational committee of the programme or the event, in which the collaboration is sought.
(5)The organization should be a not-for-profit organization.
At the discretion of the Academy’s Executive Council, the collaboration can be of any one of the following two forms:
(1)As Organizing Collaborator: The organizers may be allowed to use the words “ Organized in Collaboration with NAAS” or “Jointly Organized by XX and NAAS”, subject to the following conditions:
(a)The name and credentials of other collaborators should be submitted to NAAS, while making a request for seeking Academy’s collaboration.
(b)The detailed programme (including themes, sessions, and speakers) of the event should be made in consultation with NAAS designated Fellows and be either made available to NAAS in advance & Academy’s approval sought or Academy’s nominated Fellows should be an essential part of the Programme Finalization Committee.
(c)The Academy may nominate a few Fellows to participate in the event, who will be exempted from payment of Registration Fee.
(d)Five sets of all publications and relevant material shall be supplied to NAAS, free of cost.
(e)All publications of the event should carry NAAS Logo as organizer.
(f)Normally, there will be no financial commitment of NAAS. However, in some cases, the Academy may extend some financial support to the main organizer of the event. In that case, modalities of sharing of possible savings from the event will be a priori worked out in advance and adhered to.
(2)As Sponsorer: The Academy, at its discretion, may also agree to be the Sponsorer of an event or programme, under the following situations/conditions:
(a)The Academy decides to engage or involve an organization to implement a particular programme or event on Academy’s behalf (in other words when the initiative is from the Academy).
(b)When a proposal comes from an organization for collaboration but the Academy considers the programme to be a critical part of its own agenda or programme. In such cases, the Academy can take the role of a Sponsorer.
(c)As a sponsorer, the Academy may help the organization in several ways, including some financial assistance, contributing to the programme, nominating a Fellow for the Organizing Committee, sponsoring a few key speakers or any other form, as deemed fit by the Executive Council / President.
(d)The detailed programme (including themes, sessions, and speakers) of the event should be either made available to NAAS in advance & Academy’s approval sought or Academy’s nominated Fellows should be an essential part of the Programme Finalization Committee.
(e)The Academy may nominate a few Fellows to participate in the event, who will be exempted from payment of Registration Fee.
(f)Five sets of all publications and relevant material shall be supplied to NAAS, free of cost.
(1)The final decision for NAAS collaboration or sponsorship rests with the President or Executive Council of NAAS.
(2)In both the cases, the organizers will be allowed to use the logo of NAAS.
(3)The Academy may also consider and agree for a joint (technical) publication as an output/outcome of the event. In that case, Editors of the Academy will vet the publication.
(4)The applications, proposals or requests from desirous organizations should be received in NAAS Secretariat at least four months in advance of the proposed dates of the programme or event. These should include the kind of collaboration sought, details about the organization, the kind of programme being organized, and any other material to support the case for collaboration.