DPM Change Request1

1.Change Summary

Base case data submitted to WECC for creation of interconnection wide base cases should include sufficient detail to identify the Balancing Authority (BA) area each object represented is located in. The existing interchange points of each BA area are well defined and can be used for comparison to historical transmission system conditions.


Incorporate language into DPM: May 2016 for inclusion in 2017 DPM

Adherence to revised DPM language: Same as 2017 DPM

3.Detailed Description

Representation of BA within interconnection wide cases can utilize object types and fields provided in PSLF version 19. WECC staff will populate and maintain the definition of each BA within the Master Tie Line File. Data Submitters will populate and maintain the following fields to assign objects to each BA:

Object Type / Field / Note
Bus / Balancing Authority
Load / Balancing Authority
Gen / Balancing Authority
SVD / Balancing Authority
Shunt / Balancing Authority
DC Bus / Balancing Authority
DC Converter / Balancing Authority


The following benefits are intended by completing the proposed DPM change request:

  • Planning Cases can be compared to Westwide System Model for allocation of load across the transmission system.
  • Software tools can be developed to use BA for balancing load and generation during simulations allowing for a closer representation of actual automatic generation control.


The following “costs” may be incurred by completing the proposed DPM change request:

  • Data Submitters will have to populate and maintain additional data from their existing data set.
  • PSSE presently does not have the desired object types and fields therefore WECC Staff will need to maintain spreadsheets for collecting data from PSSE data submitters.


No alternatives from the proposed change exist for representing BA in planning cases.

Consideration was given to utilizing the existing Area objects and associated fields provided in power flow software to be populated to represent Balancing Authority areas. The present interconnection-wide case building process would no longer function as intended therefore the consideration was deferred until the process changes.

4.Proposed Edits

The following modifications to the presenting approved DPM are proposed to implement the change being requested. Existing language is identified in teal and change language in red:

Master Tie-Line File

When requested by the process detailed in the data submission request the Master Tie-Line File (MTLF) contains:

  • Master lists of Owners and Zones;
  • Path definitions and ratings for paths in the WECC Path Rating Catalog;
  • Lists of lines and transformers that interconnect Areas; and
  • Placeholder for Area-to-Area transactions for the existing system.
  • Master list of Balancing Authorities

Data Requirements (Area Interchange)

9. Balancing Authority – WECC staff will maintain a list of Balancing Authorities to represent the actual Balancing Authorities used in the existing operation of the transmission system.

Table 1: Data Requirements (Buses)

Field / Description / Requirements
Balancing Authority / Balancing Authority Area in which Bus is located / B12.All buses shall be assigned to a BA

Table 2: Data Requirements (Generation)

Field / Description / Requirements / Measure
Balancing Authority / Balancing Authority Area in which Gen is located

Table 6: Data Requirements (Controlled Shunts)

Field / Description / Requirement
Balancing Authority / Balancing Authority Area in which Controlled Shunt is located

Table 7: Data Requirements (Loads)

Field / Description / Requirement
Balancing Authority / Balancing Authority Area in which Load is located

Table 8: Data Requirements (Shunts)

Field / Description / Requirement
Balancing Authority / Balancing Authority Area in which Shunt is located

Table 9: Data Requirements (DC Bus)

Field / Description / Requirement
Balancing Authority / Balancing Authority Area in which DC bus is located

Table 10: Data Requirements (DC Converter)

Field / Description / Requirement
Balancing Authority / Balancing Authority Area in which Load is located


Western Electricity Coordinating Council