Gehan Sayed Ahmed HassanSeif Eldein ,MD

Assistant professor of diagnostic radiology,

Faculty of medicine, Assiut University

mobile NO: +02-01224417605

  1. Employment :
  2. 5/2015 until now : assistant professor ,in Diagnostic Radiology Department, Faculty of medicine, Assiut University.One of supervisor of diagnostic radiology department in ElRajeh liver university hospital.
  3. From 31/1/2010 to 4/2015: Lecturer in Diagnostic Radiology Department, Faculty of medicine, Assiut University From 3/1/2005 to 30/1/2010: Assistant Lecturer in Diagnostic Radiology Department, Faculty of medicine, Assiut University, Egypt.
  4. From 18/10/2004 to 2/1/2005: Demonstrator of Diagnostic Radiology in Diagnostic Radiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt.
  5. From 1/3/2000 to 17/10/2004: Resident of Diagnostic Radiology in Diagnostic Radiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt.
  6. From 1/3/1999 for 1 year: Appointed as house physician in Assiut university hospitals, Egypt.


  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery(M.B.B.Ch.), Faculty of Medicine, AssiutUniversity,1998 (Very GoodDegree).
  • Postgraduate:

A-Master degree (M.Sc.) in Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, AssiutUniversity,Egypt,2003 (Very Good Degree).

B-DoctorateDegree (M. D.) in Diagnostic Radiology,Faculty of medicine, Assiut University,2009

3-Detailed scope of work

Work in the Diagnostic Radiology Department Faculty of Medicine, and supervisor of the women imaging in Diagnostic Radiology Department, Assiut University, Egypt.

Major experience in general radiology, cross sectional imaging including ultrasonography, computed tomography multidetector computed tomography and magnetic resonanceimaging.


  1. Imaging in Urogynecology, Gynaecologic Oncology, Endometriosis, Urinary Incontinence, Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urogynecology & Female Urology.
  2. Breast imaging
  3. Hepatobiliary imaging

4-Thesis Researches::

- Magnetic Resonance Imaging In Female Infertility

Thesis for the partial fulfillment of the master degree, Assiut University 2003

-Magnetic Resonance Imaging In Evaluation Of Female Pelvic Floor Weakness

Thesis for partial fulfillment of M.D. degree, Assiut University 2009.

5-Publications and research activities:

1.Hassan AA, Gehan SA, Hisham MI, Yousef MB. Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of female pelvic organ prolapse assiut Med. J. Vol.(31), No.(3), September 2007.

2.Ahmed S. El-Azab, Hosam A. Yousef, Gehan S.Seifeldein Coital incontinence: Relation to detrusor overactivity and stress incontinence. Neurourology and Urodynamics Volume 30, Issue 4, pages 520–524, April 2011

3.Hala M. Imam, Ahmed El-azab,Gehan S. Seifeldein. Pelvic Organ Prolapse With Anorectal Symptoms: Study With high Resolution Anorectal Manometry and MRI.Gastroenterology. Volume 140, Issue 5, Supplement 1, May 2011, Pages S-798 , 2011 DDW Abstract Supplement

4.Samira Fuad Abdul Hamid, Osama Haris A El-Latif, Eman AboElhamd, Gehan S. Seifeldein,Roushdy A A El-khayat. Role of magnetic resonance imaging in the evalution of spinal epidural neoplasia. Assiut Med. J Vo (36) No. (2),May 2012.

5.Gehan S. Seifeldein, Eman AboElhamd. Multidetector computed tomography of diaphragm: Anatomic variants and diagnostic problems in adult population.The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear MedicineVolume 42, Issues 3–4, December 2011, Pages 305–314.The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine vol. 44 issue 1 March, 2012. p. 101-111

6.Haisam A.Atta, Gehan S. Seifeldein, Alaa. Rashad, Reham. Elmorshidy. Multidetector computed tomography in emphysema: Quantitative assessment. ECR 2013, 10.1594/ecr2013/C-0827

7.Eman Abo Elhamd, Gehan S. Seifeldein, Nafisa H.R.AbdelAziz. Multidetector computed tomography evaluation in neonatal respiratory distress: Clinical implication. The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear MedicineVolume 44, Issue 1, March 2013, Pages 101–111

8.Hassan, E.A.,Abd El-Rehim, A.S.,Seifeldein, G.S.,Shehata, G.A. Minimal hepatic encephalopathy in patients with liver cirrhosis: Magnetic resonance spectroscopic brain findings versus neuropsychological changes. Arab Journal of Gastroenterology 15 (2014) 108–113

9.Attia, N.M.,Seifeldein, G.S.,Hasan, A.A.,Hasan, A. Evaluation of acute pulmonary embolism by sixty-four slice multidetector CT angiography: Correlation between obstruction index, right ventricular dysfunction and clinical presentation. The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear MedicineVolume 46, March 2015, Pages 25-32.

10.Megally, H.I.,Elmalah, H.E.M.,Seifeldein, G.S.,Abbas, N.A.,Elamin, H.A.The diagnostic role of MDCT enterography in small bowel lesions. The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear MedicineVolume 46, March 2015, Pages 1-8.

11.Feasibility of qualitative low dose multidetector row computed tomography in the diagnosis of breast cancer.ECR, March 2015

12.Gehan S. Seifedein, Hassan I Megally, Wafaa A Hassan. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) score and pulmonary function tests in detetminimg severity of bronchiectasis. The medical journal of cairo university vol 83 No (1) march 2015:45-51

13.Atta, H.,Seifeldein, G.S.,Rashad, A.,Elmorshidy, R. Quantitative validation of the severity of emphysema by multi-detector CT Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (2015) 46, 355–361

6-Conferences and workshops attended :

1-Muscloskeletal refreshing course in Assiut University 2005.

2-Uroradiology refreshing course in Assiut University 2006.

3-13th European symposium on urogenital radiology , Cairo 2006.

4-Breast imaging workshop and conference of Egyptian society woman's imaging and health care; 2nd annual meeting Cairo University 2006

5-Head and neck imaging refreshing course in Minia University 2007.

6-The annual 38th meetings of the Egyptian radiology and nuclear medicine organization in October 2008 .

7-19th annual radiology conference-Cairo university in liaison with the 19th Scheffield international conference on diagnostic imaging in January 2009

8-State of art of application of MDCT in Assuit University from 16-17 December 2009.

9-The annual 40th meetings of the Egyptian radiology and nuclear medicine organization in May 2010

10-The 13th annual conference of gastroenterology and liver disease, Assiut university March2012

11-2ndAfricanradiologycongress (ASR) in Apr.2012

12-The 7th annual conference of obstetrics and gynecology department , Assiut university in Sep 2012

13-Workshop on cranial DTI in Jan 2013

14-25th European congress of radiology, March 2013

15- The 44th annual congress of Egyptian radiology and nuclear medicine organization in Apr 2013

16-The 45th annual congress of Egyptian radiology and nuclear medicine organization in 31th oct-2nd Nov 2013

17-The 46th annual congress of Egyptian society of radiology and nuclear medicine in 23-25 April 2014 with two oral presentations entitled "Role of MRI in periurethral and anterior vaginal cystic masses" & “The role of diffusion weighted MR imaging in follow-up of response of loco regional interventional therapy of hepatocelleular carcinoma”

18-International congress of radiology 2014 (ICR in Dubi 9-12 September 2014) with contribution by oral presentation entitled “Magnetic resonance spectroscopic potential brain abnormalities against neurocognitive challenges of minimal hepatic encephalopathy in Egyptian patients with liver cirrhosis” and two accepted posters entitled “Diffusion tensor imaging and Fiber tractography of the corticospinal tract in correlation with neurological motor function”

“Does low dose MDCT has advantages in diagnosis of congenital megacolon in infants?”

19-Fifth ESWIH conference and workshop . Breast imaging update 2014. November 2014 in Egypt.

19-All annual conference of faculty of medicine, Assiut University.

20-47th conference of Egyptian society of radiology and nuclear medicine in 2-3 April 2015.


-International computer driving license Dec.2005.


  1. Egyptian society of radiology and nuclear medicine (ESRNM)
  2. European society of radiology (ESR)

دورات تنمية قدرات اعضاء هيئة التدريس:

اخلاقيات و اداب المهنة...... 11/2004

الجوانب القانونية بالجامعات...... 2/2006

مهارات التفكير...... 3/2006

استخدام التكنولوجيا فى التدريس...... 4/2006

مهارات الاتصال الفعال...... 5/ 2007

التدريس للاعداد الكبيرة و التدريس المصغر...... 6/2007

اعداد كتابة البحوث العلمية و نشرها دوليا...... 6/2007

تنظيم المؤتمرات العلمية ...... 5/2012

ادارة الفريق البحثى ...... 6/2012

نظم الامتحانات و تقويم الطلاب...... 2/2014

كيف تكتب مشروعا بحثيا تنافسيا...... 2/2014

العرض الفعال ………………………………… 18-19اكتوبر 2014.

Reviewer of the following journals:

-European Radiology Journal.

-International Journal of Health and allied science.