Shawlands Academy PTC
Minute of meeting of Monday 2 November 2015, 7pm
Academy Conference Room
1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Derrick Wright (Chair), Ann Downie, Kath Dransart, Ann Grant, Susan Haynes, Patricia Hunter (Minutes), Farooq Razaaq, Claire Scally, Lesley Turan, Jan Ziervogel (Treasurer), Milan Radosavljevic
Apologies: Alison Ramage, Kim Robertson, Jane Wright, John Donnelly
2. Minute & Matters Arising
2.1 The PTC Minute of AGM on 5th October 2015 was approved. Patricia confirmed the minutes had been sent to the councilors and other elected members particularly those who had attended.
2.2 PTC Member & Inclusion
Derrick asked if we had any response from anyone that attended the AGM in regards to attending regular meetings. Patricia was able to contact two of the interested parents but was unable to contact others on the email addresses provided. Derrick was keen to have the group reflect as much as was possible the school community. Jan suggested that she would update Facebook with another call to parents to contact us if they were interested in joining the committee. Action: Jan to update FB
Derrick would like to get the new committee formally endorsed by officially publishing the list of members. Ann advised that Gary McGuire would be joining the committee replacing Mark Symon as one of the two teachers.
Action: Patricia to collate the names and e-mails and then pass the new list to Mark to publish on the school website.
2.3 Funding & Planning
Derrick suggested we have a sub group to discuss in more detail planning and funding. Ann Downie and Milan Radosavljevic volunteered for this task and it was agreed they would look at possible future events. They would liaise with Ann Grant to confirm exactly what the current school needs are in which the PTC could help e.g the annual Pantomime for S1’s. They would also take a look at the numerous grants that are currently available and see which we could apply to boost the funds or specifically fund projects. All members to contribute ideas and information that would be useful.
Action: Ann D and Milan to report back regularly to PTC meeting on planning and funding options
3. Careers Fair
Susan and Lesley gave an up-date of the current position of the planning process for the Careers Fair. It will be happening on 19th January 2016 7pm – 9pm avoiding any prelims. It is open to S2 and S4 pupils but will also be open to S5 and S6.
Following discussion with Scott Alexander, pastoral care the event will follow the format of the previous fair with only some minor changes. They have had a good response to their initial requests from careers and college/university representatives and currently have approximately 25 reps that have shown interest. One of the areas that they would like to get more prominence would be the companies offering apprenticeships. With this in mind they are going to ask each of the reps to offer a short description of who and what they do to encourage pupils to visit as many different career options on the evening.
Action: i) Anyone who knows a Beautician/ Hairdresser who would be willing to attend, please pass details.
ii) Milan is to pass on a contact for Game Designers.
iii) For the 19th January, PTC members are asked to support from 5.30pm onwards in helping with the event.
iv) Lesley will send out a list of the careers covered to the PTC members.
Mock Interviews
Lesley and Susan are working with Mark Symon to setup the interview process. Jim Gemmel will be taking a workshop which will take the S4 pupils through the preparation process which will include a CV template. Feedback will also be sought.
The workshop will be on Tuesday 24th November. The deadline date for the pupils CV will be 15th January 2016 with the actual mock interviews on Tues 26th January. They are expecting approximately 50 applications so may require volunteers to help with the actual interviews. Susan and Lesley to advise.
4. Finance
Current funds £2451.08 less £288.00 still to be paid out.
The signatories are in process of being changed so all cheques will still be signed by Jan and Kevin, the outgoing chair.
Jan requested a review of the two school funds that the PTC currently contribute, the Attainment Fund and the Purchasing fund.
Action: Ann to prepare a short summary for next PTC of what the funds have been spent on in last year
5. Head Teacher’s Report
Ann reported that it has been an extremely busy period. In 3 weeks since the last meeting the following had taken place:
- 3 S5 pupils attended the Expo at Milan on Food Waste project.
- Our gymnasts stole the show at the Hydro….fact…we have the photos prove it!
- We hosted a visit from 30 Vietnamese educators. (British Council Connection)
- Education Scotland visited us – students’ research protocol. (Attitude of pupils to research within the school )
- Senior English pupils travelled to Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s Mearns
- Higher/Advance Higher drama evening
- Swimming competition – we won The Herald Lifesaving Trophy
- Duke of Edinburgh 20 undertaken Silver expedition. Expected to be going for Gold. (Possible PTC involvement to support funding of transport and training for staff)
- Rugby Wins- by all teams
- National Improvement Framework – Information night in Lennoxtown this week, need more notice of meetings in future.
- Lighting – the school building will be featured in a European film to be shown at the Lighthouse on Wednesday 11th November
- A new physics teacher has been appointed.
- Sports Scotland Gold Award.
Coming Up
TTA (Teachers Technical Association) Saturday 7th November
WW1 – presentation by pupils Wednesday 11th November
British Council Mock Council Elections Thursday 26th November
6.1 Volunteers to cover the PTC tea and coffees for the Parents evenings.
Derrick very kindly covered 28th October S4
18th November S 5/6 – Patricia and Ann Downie
8 December S3 – Kath and Jan
4 Feb S2 – TBA
30 March S1 – TBA
7 June P7 – TBA
Susan asked if the World Challenge team could sell cakes at these evenings. No objections.
6.2 Lesley asked if the Highers and Advanced Highers would all be new next year. Ann Grant confirmed that the Highers were the new version but would confirm Advance Higher version. Ann also advised that the prelims would be starting 11/12/15
Action: Ann to confirm on AH version.
6.3 Kath asked Ann if there were any plans to make any changes to the school to cover the increasing mainstreaming of pupils with physical additional needs and other additional needs. Ann did not envisage any changes in the near future to the setup of the school. She advised that indeed they had several placement requests to the school and that they had strong links with Holybrook School in which resources with certain pupils were shared.
6.4 Jan asked about the steps we are taking on the statutory powers on the allocation of outside covered area for young people to use. Derrick advised he was in contact with the Head Teacher at Hillhead looking at how they funded their covered eating area. Still waiting for a response. We need to follow up on the lack of statutory rules around this.
Action : i). Derrick to follow up with Hillhead contact
ii) Derrick to write to local MSP and ask for support in covering this by statute.
6.5 Milan discussed with the group about the Entrepreneurial Spark (E-Spark)
He was very keen to liaise with the school and get visits to the ‘Hatchery’ organised for pupils interested in the technological world of e.g gaming and Serious gaming. Caledonian House employ a hot desk system in which people can develop business projects big and small with access to technology and experienced business people.
Ann will liaise with Patrick McGrory and Mark Symon. Milan already in some dialogue with Patrick.
Action : Milan to connect with nominated teacher to see how school can connect into E-Spark
6.6 The Academy website requires a refresh and Ann would like to seek the PTC support in helping with this. Milan has connections with innovation funders at Scottish Centre for Enabling Technologies (SCET – Milan to confirm), who would support the development of a refreshed website. Mark Symon will likely be the to be contact person.
Action : Ann to confirm contact person at school and Milan to connect up to explain the funding/ support process.
7. Date of next meeting:
Monday 7th December 2015
There being no other business, Derrick thanked everyone for coming and for their contribution to the meeting. Derrick was congratulated on a successful first meeting as the new Chair!
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