CACC-79 November 2015

CIRCULAR 007-1516-02

Brigade Leadership School 2015
  1. GENERAL:Our brigade will conduct aBasic, Intermediate, and Advanced Leadership School on 11-13 December 2015. The event will take place at Bell National Guard Armory (a federal military facility, as such on the list of LAUSD approved overnight trip sites)5631 Rickenbacker Road,
    Bell, CA 90201.
  2. Each cadet will pay $35 to their respective school to pay for foodstuffs for the weekend. There is no cost for adult chaperons.
  3. Payment to the brigade may be made in cash or school checks payable to North Valley Military Institute.
  4. If required by local school sites, all commandants must provide an appropriate receipt for all cash or checks received from cadets. When writing a receipt for payment by check, please be sure to include the check number on the receipt.The original receipt goes to the cadet and a copy of the receipt is kept in the receipt book.
  5. Commandants are reminded to have one chaperon for each 10 participating cadets. Chaperons who are not employed by the school must submit all necessary paperwork and meet all requirements to be approved as district volunteers prior to the trip. Guidelines for parent volunteers are available through your school office.
  6. Commandants may bring as many cadets as they wish provided they email to Dr. Mark Ryan at NVMI a roster of participating cadets NLT COB Friday 4 December 2015. No cadets may be added after that date. Name changes OF THE SAME GENDER may be made until COB 9 December. No name changes may be made after that time.
  7. Commandants must have individual permission slips AND CASH OR CHECK(s) to cover all participating cadets upon arrival at the leadership school site. Incomplete permission slips will not be accepted. ALL information must be filled out in order to be considered complete.
  8. A master roster of participating cadets with full name, rank, gender, special medical conditions of note, special dietary considerations, and school name as well as which previous levels of LEADERSHIP SCHOOL the cadet has SUCCESSFULLY attended must be emailed to Dr. Ryan () no later than COB 4 December 2015.The LAUSD permission slip or a school permission slip approved by your principal must be used in addition to a CACC Form 203 (Report of Medical History). Copies of the NVMI English permission slip, and Form 203 are provided as attachments to this document as an example.
  9. Parental visits during leadership school are not allowed.

CACC-79 November 2015

CIRCULAR 007-1516-02

  1. DISCIPLINE: Minor disciplinary infractions will be taken care of using standard operating procedures. Major infractions will result in an immediate phone call to a parent, who will be required to come and pick up their child.
  1. SCHEDULE: Cadets should arrive at the site NET 1500 and NLT 1600 Friday 11 December. Departure from the site is anticipated to be NET 1200 and NLT 1230 hours on 13 December 2015. An outline of the training schedule follows:
  2. Friday
  3. Arrival and in-processing1500-1600
  4. Setup 1600-1800
  5. Orientation 1800-1830
  6. Evening meal 1830-1930
  7. Classes 1930-2130
  8. Team-building activity2130-2200
  9. Evening PT2200-2230
  10. Personal hygiene2230-2300
  11. Lights out2300
  12. Guard Duty as assigned2300-0600
  13. Saturday
  14. Reveille0600
  15. PT0600-0630
  16. Personal hygiene0630-0700
  17. Breakfast0700-0800
  18. Police area0800-0830
  19. Classes0830-1200
  20. Noon meal1200-1300
  21. Classes1300-1730
  22. Study Session1730-1830
  23. Evening Meal1830-1930
  24. Police area1930-2000
  25. Final testing2000-2145
  26. Evening PT2145-2215
  27. Personal hygiene2215-2230
  28. Lights Out2230
  29. Guard Duty as assigned2230-0600
  30. Sunday
  31. Wakeup and PT0600
  32. Personal hygiene0630-0700
  33. Breakfast0700-0800
  34. Police Area0800-0830
  35. Community Service Activity0830-0930
  36. Police Area0930-1100
  37. Formation and Awards Ceremony1100-1130
  38. Lunch to go1130-1200
  39. Departure1200-1230

CACC-79 November 2015

CIRCULAR 007-1516-02

  1. TRANSPORTATION. Each unit is responsible for transporting their cadets and chaperons. A reminder that contracted buses should be SPAB Certified and driven by a SPAB certified driver.
  1. FOOD SERVICE. Cadets will be fed by brigade staff through the kitchen at the National Guard Armory. Please notify the Brigade HQ when you submit your rosters of any cadets with special dietary restrictions. Dinner Friday, three meals Saturday, and a morning and noon meal Sunday will be provided.
  1. BILLETING: Cadets will be sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor of the armory in gender-segregated areas. Adults will likewise be sleeping in sleeping bags on the armory floor, unless they choose to bring their own cot or air mattress.
  1. SUPERVISION/COMMAND AND CONTROL. Commandants and/or chaperon(s) are responsible for proper around-the-clock supervision and safety of their cadets while attending this event. Master supervision lists (command and control) will be published, including an expectation that all commandants/chaperons perform their share of overnight supervision during the activity. Commandants and chaperons are expected to adhere to the requirements in the published duty roster. Cadets will be assigned to basic, intermediate, or advanced companies. Each company will have a commandant assigned to be its mentor and supervisor during the weekend.
  1. STANDARD UNIFORM. All cadets participating in the Brigade Leadership School must wear the Class C Cadet Utility Uniform (CUU) as outlined in CR 1-8. They must also bring ON A HANGAR their complete Class B uniform for the class on uniforms and for the final awards ceremony and ride home. Commandant uniform throughout is ACU IAW CR 1-3 and Class B for the final awards ceremony.
  1. PARENT CONTACT: Commandants are asked to remind parents NOT to call cadets while at the event. In an emergency, parents may phone 323-217-4481, Dr. Ryan’s cell phone, and leave a message. Messages will be checked twice per day in the morning and evening.
  1. PROHIBITED ITEMS: The following items may NOT be brought to the armory: knives, firearms, weapons of any kind, explosives, cell phones, radios, CD/DVD players, electronic devices of any kind, televisions, PDAs, drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. In general, anything not permitted at school is not permitted at the Leadership School.
  1. SUPPLY LIST: Cadets should bring the following items: Cadet Utility Uniform, three changes of undergarments, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, other necessary personal hygiene items, three pair of clean socks, sturdy boots or shoes, sun block, a flashlight with extra batteries, a warm jacket or sweatshirt and tennis shoes. Cadets must also bring either a sleeping bag or “bedroll” consisting of a blanket, sheet, and pillow.

CACC-79 November 2015

CIRCULAR 007-1516-2

  1. MEDICATION AND FIRST AID: If a cadet requires prescription medication, please indicate so on the Medical History form explaining the purpose and directions for administration of the medication. A medical service officer will collect these medicines and administer them IAW parent/doctor directives. Cadets requiring inhalers, “epi-pens”, or other emergency medications must keep these items on their person at all times. They should NOT be turned in to the medical services officer. Written records will be kept of all first aid and medication administrations and copies furnished to parents upon request.
  1. LEVELS OF PARTICIPATION: All cadets who have not previously completed Basic Leadership School MUST attend that level of training. The only exception to this may be someone who has completed an equivalent JROTC training program with proof of such participation submitted to the brigade advisor in advance. All cadets who have successfully complete Basic Leadership School may enroll in Intermediate, and all who have successfully completed both Basic and Intermediate leadership schools will attend Advanced. The classes outlined in the Leadership School Cadet Regulation will be taught.
  1. RIBBONS: Cadets who successfully complete the basic, intermediate, or advanced leadership courses receive the appropriate BASIC, INTERMEDIATE, or ADVANCED LEADERSHIP RIBBON. ALL who attend the event receive the Leadership School participation ribbon. In addition, members of the unit selected as honor unit will receive the BRIGADE HONOR UNIT RIBBON BAR.
  1. POC: for this event is Dr. Mark Ryan at cell phone at 323-217-4481, or by email at .




Brigade Advisor


Letter to Parents

Permission Slip – English

Medical History Form



CACC-79 November 2015

MEMORANDUM FOR: Parents and Cadets

FROM: COL Larry Morden (CACC), Brigade Advisor

All Cadets are invited to participate in a weekend Leadership School December 11-13, 2015 at the National Guard Armory in Bell, CA. We will leave school at 2PM on Friday and return to school by 1PM on Sunday, traveling via chartered school bus.

The cost of the trip is $35 and is due with the permission slip by 8AM on December 4. Cash is the only form of payment that is accepted. All cadets will be given a receipt for leadership school payments. Payments are NOT refundable.

Cadets should bring:

  • Their Class C “utility/BDU” uniform pants and shirt (if you do not have a Class C uniform, as your TAC team)
  • Their Class C boots (ask your TAC team if you do not have Class C boots)
  • Their complete Class B uniform, including white Class B shirt, Class B pants, GARRISON CAP, belt and buckle, and all ribbons and accouterments
  • Tennis shoes and black Class B uniform shoes
  • A warm coat, jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt
  • Clothes to sleep in (pajamas, sweats, etc.)
  • Two changes of undergarments
  • Personal hygiene items (deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc)
  • A flashlight with batteries
  • Two or more plain white t-shirts for wear with their uniforms
  • Any medication they require while at the trip (please be sure to indicate the need for such medication on the permission slip)
  • Several pair of clean socks
  • A sleeping bag or bedroll consisting of a sheet, blanket, and pillow

Cadets should not bring

  • Money
  • Electronic devices (including cell phones)
  • Alcohol, tobacco, or medications not listed on the permission slip
  • Weapons, firearms, firecrackers, explosives, or
  • Any other items prohibited at school.

Cadets will be learning basic, intermediate, or advanced leadership theories and application.

If there is a family emergency during the weekend and you need to reach your cadet, please call Dr. Ryan’s cell phone at 323-217-4481. He will check messages once each morning and once each evening. Please only call in the event of a genuine emergency. He will not be able to return phone calls to parents “just checking to see if everything is OK.”

If you have any questions regarding this trip, please contact Dr. Ryan at 323-217-4481.


I hereby consent to (PRINT STUDENT NAME)______,

Grade CompanyDeltato participate in the following activity:

I agree to direct my child as named above to cooperate and conform with directions and instructions of the Supervisory personnel in charge of the activity and, in the event that disciplinary action is necessary, I will abide by the school’s decision in resolving the matter. Furthermore, should it be necessary for my child to have medical treatment while participating in this activity, I hereby give NVMI personnel permission to use their judgment in obtaining medical services for my child, and I give permission to the physician selected by NVMI personnel to render medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate by the physician.

Education Code 35330: “All persons making the trip or excursion shall be deemed to have waived all claims against the North Valley Military Institute, or the State of California for injury, accident, illness, or death occurring during or by reason of the trip or excursion.” Therefore, a parent/guardian for himself/herself and for his/her child/ren by signature herein below waives any and all claims against the North Valley Military Institute for injury, accident, illness, or death occurring during or by reason of the trip or excursion. This field trip is voluntary and attendance by your child is not mandatory.

A special note to parents/guardians: A physician’s written authorization is required for all medications. A “Request for Medication to be Taken During School Hours” must be completed and all medications (except those which must be kept on the cadet’s person for emergency use) must be kept and distributed by staff.

I further agree that in the event my child is injured or becomes ill during his/her participation during the period cited above and requires hospitalization, only emergency treatment will be provided at the expense of the Institute. Any further treatment or extended hospitalization will be held against the hospital or medical insurance plan held by my spouse or me; if no medical plan is available, I or my spouse will be responsible for any expense incurred.









7th Brigade






The information requested below is required to provide the medical examiner an accurate history of illnesses and injuries that may affect the applicant's ability to perform the strenuous physical exercise and exposure to living and working environments that are a part of the CACC training program. Also this information will be provided to medical examiners in case of injury or illness while participating in CACC activities.THE INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE MUST BE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. You are encouraged to consult your private physician regarding past illnesses. Proof of immunization for Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT) plus Diphtheria and Tetanus (DT) booster may be required. Please attach a photocopy of the cadet’s health insurance card, if available.


1a. School Name


1b. Grade


2a. Last Name / 2b. First Name / 2c. MI / 2d. Social Security Number
2e. Age / 2f. Date of Birth (DD MMM YY) / 2g. Sex
 Male  Female / 2h. Parent/Guardian Name
2i. Home Address / 2j. City / 2k. State / 2l. Zip Code + 4
2m. Home Phone / 2n. Name of Health Insurance Provider (Cadets must have health insurance to participate) / 2o. Health Insurance identification number or plan number (please attach a copy of the Health Plan ID card if available)
3. CURRENT MEDICATION (prescription and over-the-counter) / 4. ALLERGIES (including insect bites/stings, medicine, and other substances)
5. MEDICAL HISTORY (Mark each item “YES” or “NO” Every item marked yes must be fully explained in block 6)
5a. Tuberculosis /  /  / 5n. Head injury, memory loss, or amnesia /  / 
5b. Lived with someone with Tuberculosis /  /  / 5o. Seizures, convulsions, epilepsy, or fits /  / 
5c. Asthma or breathing problems related to exercise, pollen, etc. /  /  / 5p. Car, train, sea, and/or air sickness /  / 
5d. Been prescribed or use an inhaler /  /  / 5q. A period of unconsciousness /  / 
5e. Loss of vision in either eye /  /  / 5r. Heart trouble or murmur /  / 
5f. Loss of hearing or wear a hearing aid /  /  / 5s. Received counseling for emotional or behavior disorder /  / 
5g. Impaired use of arms, legs, hands, feet /  /  / 5t. Eating disorder (bulimia, anorexia) /  / 
5h. Knee problems /  /  / 5u. Sleepwalking /  / 
5i. Broken bones(s) (cracked or fractured) /  /  / 5v. Bedwetting /  / 
5j. Diabetes /  /  / 5w. Been hospitalized (if yes, why, when, where) /  / 
5k. Anemia (including sickle cell) /  /  / 5x. Any illness or injury not mentioned above (if yes, explain) /  / 
5l. Dizziness or fainting spells (including after exercise) /  /  / 5y. Advised to avoid certain physical activities (if yes, explain) /  / 
5m. Frequent or severe headaches /  /  / 5z. FEMALES ONLY: At what age did you begin menstrual cycle:
6. EXPLANATION OF “YES” ANSWER(S) (Describe answer(s), give date(s) of problems, name of doctor(s) and/or hospitals, treatment given and current medical status)
7. IMMUNIZATION RECORDS (Indicate date of last immunization and attach proof of immunization if available)
7a. Measles / 7b. Rubella / 7c. DPT/DT-Tetanus / 7d. Mumps / 7e. Polio / 7f. TB Test / 7g. Other
8. REMARKS (please include and other medical history that you or your physician deems important)
“I certify that to the best of my knowledge that the information provided is true and accurate and that I have disclosed all pertinent medical history”
9a. Parent/Guardian (Type of Print) / 9b. Signature / 9c. Date (DD MMM YY)