Wilderness Awareness Workshop
Post-Training Test
1. Name the two key components of the ‘definition’ of wilderness described in The Wilderness Act of 1964 that are used to manage wilderness.:
2. Circle the four categories which best describe the statutory elements of wilderness character?
a. Natural conditions are protected
b. The earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man
c. Outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation are provided
d. Lands are preserved in a pristine condition
e. Undeveloped federal land is maintained
f. Values of scientific ecological, geological, educational, scenic, or historic value are present
3. Complete this passage from The Wilderness Act:
Except as specifically provided for in this Act..., there shall be no commercial enterprise and no permanent road...and, except as ______to meet ______for the ______of the area for the purposes of this Act... there shall be no temporary road, no use of motor vehicles, motorized equipment or motorboats, no landing of aircraft, no other form of mechanical transport, and no structure or installation ...
4. To perform a minimum requirements analysis to determine if an exception is warranted that would allow use of motorized equipment in wilderness which two of the following steps must to be completed before seeking approval from the Line Officer?
a. Determine if any action is necessary in wilderness
b. Justify the project based on the need for prompt action
c. Identify the method or tool that will have the least adverse effect, while meeting other requirements.
d. Develop unsafe practices to accomplish the work
e. Cause unnecessary degradation of the wilderness resource.
5. Which of the following are true:
T F a. mountain bikes are not allowed in wilderness because they are a form of mechanical transportation
T F b. decisions are made to permit outfitter-guides to operate in wilderness based solely on evidence that a public demand exists for their services
T F c. Grazing may be allowed to continue in wilderness if it was established prior to designation of the area as wilderness.
T F d. Areas considered for wilderness must be large and remote from modern civilization.
T F e. Managers take action in wilderness to eliminate safety hazards that are caused by natural conditions.
T F f. State agencies have the primary responsibility for management of fish and wildlife populations and habitat in wilderness.
T F g. Owners of land surrounded by designated wilderness have a right to access their property that includes the use of motor vehicles.
T F h. Prescribed fire can be used to restore habitat that is critical for a species listed under the Endangered Species Act.
T F i. One reason to consider a trail bridge over a stream is if the crossing cannot be safely negotiated during the primary season of use.
T F j. Historic structures must be removed or destroyed in wilderness to maintain the area as undeveloped.
Wilderness Awareness Workshop
Post-Training Test
1. a. Preserve wilderness character
b._Protect natural conditions
2. a. Natural conditions are protected
b. The earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man
c. Outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation are provided
e. Undeveloped federal land is maintained
3. Except as specifically provided for in this Act..., there shall be no commercial enterprise and no permanent road...and, except as necessary to meet minumum requirementsfor the administration of the area for the purposes of this Act...
4. a. Determine if any action is necessary in wilderness
c. Identify the method or tool that will have the least adverse effect, while meeting other requirements.
T F a. mountain bikes are not allowed in wilderness because they are a form of mechanical transportation
T F b. decisions are made to permit outfitter-guides to operate in wilderness based solely on evidence that a public demand exists for their services
T F c. Grazing may be allowed to continue in wilderness if it was established prior to designation of the area as wilderness.
T F d. Areas considered for wilderness must be large and remote from modern civilization.
T F e. Managers take action in wilderness to eliminate safety hazards that are caused by natural conditions.
T F f. State agencies have the primary responsibility for management of fish and wildlife populations and habitat in wilderness.
T F g. Owners of land surrounded by designated wilderness have a right to access their property that includes the use of motor vehicles.
T F h. Prescribed fire can be used to restore habitat that is critical for a species listed under the Endangered Species Act.
T F i. One reason to consider a trail bridge over a stream is if the crossing cannot be safely negotiated during the primary season of use.
T F j. Historic structures must be removed or destroyed in wilderness to maintain the area as undeveloped.